The Ethical Boundaries of the Gay Agenda: A New Millenium of Free Speech

No, no it is not obvious at all.

Then....just how do YOU explain the continued attempt to place round pegs into square holes? There is NOTHING mentally normal about ATTEMPTING to make things work...that are not intended to work. The greatest sexual organ in the body human is the MIND. With that said....I believe that all homosexuals should be treated with the same respect, empathy and sympathy that ALL mentally or physically challenged people are. I would have nothing against allowing them to have their own marriages....with the simple declaration that declares, "THIS COUPLE IS HOMOSEXUALLY MARRIED" them their own handi-capped parking spaces...etc. Its the American Way...and would be most POLITICALLY CORRECT. IF NOT....WHY NOT? Its all about demanding special rights in the first place...based solely upon sexual preference. As All homosexuals have the EXACT same rights that I now relation to humanitarian concern.

Well, get used to it. Our children are already being brainwashed.

Homosexuality in Public Education National Report - The Legal Liability Associated with Homosexuality Education in Public Schools - Updated with current cases that will directly impact this ...
Homosexuality in Public Education - Cached - Similar

Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools Part 1: "Gay & Lesbian Pride" Day in Elementary Schools - Actual footage of teachers indoctrinating children that homosexuality is "healthy education. ...
Homosexuals brainwashing our children in elementary schools - Cached - Similar

Teaching Homosexuality in Public Schools Homosexuality in Public Schools. ... adults and their allies [to] mount a major education campaign through letters back to their former schools... to change ...
Error - Cached - Similar

Anne Marie

Maybe YOUR children are being brainwashed. There are a lot of good reasons why my children are homeschooled. The desire of every agenda-peddler in the nation to foist their issues off onto them is just one.
While I think sexuality in one form or another should not be taught until at least puberty, why are you against educating children about homosexuality?

Telling a child about homosexuality isn't going to instill a sudden urge to try anal sex...have you had some traumatic experience with homosexuals in the past?

What, precisely, do you think children need to be "educated" about concerning homosexuality? You think they're not going to figure out that they're out there if we don't have it on the school curriculum? It's going to escape their notice, is it?

And don't even try on that disingenuous "we're just telling them it exists" nonsense with us. That's not what it's about, and we both know it. This is very much about getting access to children in order to convince them that homosexuality is completely normal and just the same as heterosexuality. If you believe that, fine. Go ahead and teach it to YOUR kids. But I see no reason whatsoever that YOU need to teach it to MY children. How's about you let ME decide what to teach them about it? After all, I DID give birth to them, so I sort of earned the privilege.
While I think sexuality in one form or another should not be taught until at least puberty, why are you against educating children about homosexuality?

Telling a child about homosexuality isn't going to instill a sudden urge to try anal sex...have you had some traumatic experience with homosexuals in the past?

What, precisely, do you think children need to be "educated" about concerning homosexuality? You think they're not going to figure out that they're out there if we don't have it on the school curriculum? It's going to escape their notice, is it?

And don't even try on that disingenuous "we're just telling them it exists" nonsense with us. That's not what it's about, and we both know it. This is very much about getting access to children in order to convince them that homosexuality is completely normal and just the same as heterosexuality. If you believe that, fine. Go ahead and teach it to YOUR kids. But I see no reason whatsoever that YOU need to teach it to MY children. How's about you let ME decide what to teach them about it? After all, I DID give birth to them, so I sort of earned the privilege.

No, my kids are not being brainwashed, Cecilie. And me thinks that you have totally stonedcast a scripture in child bearing.

Well done. So well done!

Anne Marie
What, precisely, do you think children need to be "educated" about concerning homosexuality? You think they're not going to figure out that they're out there if we don't have it on the school curriculum? It's going to escape their notice, is it?

And don't even try on that disingenuous "we're just telling them it exists" nonsense with us. That's not what it's about, and we both know it. This is very much about getting access to children in order to convince them that homosexuality is completely normal and just the same as heterosexuality. If you believe that, fine. Go ahead and teach it to YOUR kids. But I see no reason whatsoever that YOU need to teach it to MY children. How's about you let ME decide what to teach them about it? After all, I DID give birth to them, so I sort of earned the privilege.

No, my kids are not being brainwashed, Cecilie. And me thinks that you have totally stonedcast a scripture in child bearing.

Well done. So well done!

Anne Marie

If you don't want your children to be taught that its okay to be homosexual, send them to private school where they can get a better general education than at a public school and learn creationism which will serve them well when they go off to college.
If you don't want your children to be taught that its okay to be homosexual, send them to private school...

Why? I pay for public schools too and I have just as much right to influence the curriculum being taught to my children as anyone else.
If you don't want your children to be taught that its okay to be homosexual, send them to private school...

Why? I pay for public schools too and I have just as much right to influence the curriculum being taught to my children as anyone else.

And you do, but if the schools are gonna teach it and you can't influence them not to...what're you gonna do?
If you don't want your children to be taught that its okay to be homosexual, send them to private school...

Why? I pay for public schools too and I have just as much right to influence the curriculum being taught to my children as anyone else.

And you do, but if the schools are gonna teach it and you can't influence them not to...what're you gonna do?

If I care enough, try harder. And put to a vote, I'm pretty sure it would be kept out of most grade school curriculums across the country. And that's my central bone of contention. People are not being given the opportunity to vote on it. And IMO, since it's not a civil rights issue, it should be a majority rules matter. Right now it clearly isn't.
While I think sexuality in one form or another should not be taught until at least puberty, why are you against educating children about homosexuality?

Telling a child about homosexuality isn't going to instill a sudden urge to try anal sex...have you had some traumatic experience with homosexuals in the past?

What, precisely, do you think children need to be "educated" about concerning homosexuality? You think they're not going to figure out that they're out there if we don't have it on the school curriculum? It's going to escape their notice, is it?

And don't even try on that disingenuous "we're just telling them it exists" nonsense with us. That's not what it's about, and we both know it. This is very much about getting access to children in order to convince them that homosexuality is completely normal and just the same as heterosexuality. If you believe that, fine. Go ahead and teach it to YOUR kids. But I see no reason whatsoever that YOU need to teach it to MY children. How's about you let ME decide what to teach them about it? After all, I DID give birth to them, so I sort of earned the privilege.

No, my kids are not being brainwashed, Cecilie.

You said it, I didn't, sweetie pie. Don't backpedal now.

And me thinks that you have totally stonedcast a scripture in child bearing.

Well done. So well done!

Anne Marie

And thank you. I think so myself, since I didn't raise them to please you.

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