Bibi fooled them


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2020
When Bibi announced plans to annex 30% of west bank the Arab world was outraged. He certainly had their attention. Then he cancelled those plans to close the deal with Bahrain and UAE. Did he ever intend to implement annexation? I dont believe so. He used that as a bargaining tool and it worked.
When Bibi announced plans to annex 30% of west bank the Arab world was outraged. He certainly had their attention. Then he cancelled those plans to close the deal with Bahrain and UAE. Did he ever intend to implement annexation? I dont believe so. He used that as a bargaining tool and it worked.
I agree. And now nearly all of the Arab countries have had it with the Palestinians & are working for peace with Israel.
When Bibi announced plans to annex 30% of west bank

Bibi lied
Israeli settlements are civilian communities inhabited by Israeli citizens
, almost exclusively of Jewish ethnicity, built on lands occupied by Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War. Israeli settlements currently exist in the Palestinian territory of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and in the Syrian territory of the Golan Heights, and had previously existed within the Egyptian territory of the Sinai Peninsula, and within the Palestinian territory of the Gaza Strip;
Israeli settlement - Wikipedia

Israel’s settlement policy in the occupied Palestinian territories is illegal under international law, particularly international humanitarian law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention, and contravenes Security Council resolutions. Colonization also helps to heighten tensions on the ground and undermine the possibility of a two-State solution. It erodes the prospects for lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians, as was recalled in resolution 2334 (2016). With almost 650,000 settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, we are near the point of no return.
Israel’s settlement policy is illegal under international law

They need to gooooooooo.,.,.move out.,.,.,.,.,.,.,
or perish where they stand if peace is to return !!!
When Bibi announced plans to annex 30% of west bank

Bibi lied
Israeli settlements are civilian communities inhabited by Israeli citizens
, almost exclusively of Jewish ethnicity, built on lands occupied by Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War. Israeli settlements currently exist in the Palestinian territory of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and in the Syrian territory of the Golan Heights, and had previously existed within the Egyptian territory of the Sinai Peninsula, and within the Palestinian territory of the Gaza Strip;
Israeli settlement - Wikipedia

Israel’s settlement policy in the occupied Palestinian territories is illegal under international law, particularly international humanitarian law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention, and contravenes Security Council resolutions. Colonization also helps to heighten tensions on the ground and undermine the possibility of a two-State solution. It erodes the prospects for lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians, as was recalled in resolution 2334 (2016). With almost 650,000 settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, we are near the point of no return.
Israel’s settlement policy is illegal under international law

They need to gooooooooo.,.,.move out.,.,.,.,.,.,.,
or perish where they stand if peace is to return !!!
So let me get this straight. The Palestinians didn't just steal the land, they had titles or deeds to it, right? Heh heh. And lets see now, which came first, Solomon's Temple or the Al Aqsa Mosque?
When Bibi announced plans to annex 30% of west bank

Bibi lied
Israeli settlements are civilian communities inhabited by Israeli citizens
, almost exclusively of Jewish ethnicity, built on lands occupied by Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War. Israeli settlements currently exist in the Palestinian territory of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and in the Syrian territory of the Golan Heights, and had previously existed within the Egyptian territory of the Sinai Peninsula, and within the Palestinian territory of the Gaza Strip;
Israeli settlement - Wikipedia

Israel’s settlement policy in the occupied Palestinian territories is illegal under international law, particularly international humanitarian law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention, and contravenes Security Council resolutions. Colonization also helps to heighten tensions on the ground and undermine the possibility of a two-State solution. It erodes the prospects for lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians, as was recalled in resolution 2334 (2016). With almost 650,000 settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, we are near the point of no return.
Israel’s settlement policy is illegal under international law

They need to go.,.,.move out.,.,.,.,.,.,.,or perish where they stand if peace is to return !!!

I believed in the two state solution. But it won't happen under current palestinian leadership. Remember Arafar rejected the offer of 97% of the territories. Hamas doesn't believe in two state solution and Abbas has rejected every deal and now even the Arab states are making deals on their own they won't wait for the Palestinians anymore. The Saudis have openly condemned the PA leaders as failures. Soon the PA will have to make a deal or be left behind.
Jerusalem undivided is our capital. America and an increasing number of nations accept that.
So let me get this straight. The Palestinians didn't just steal the land, they had titles or deeds to it, right?

One thing is for sure, the Jews had no claim to the land they now illegally occupy--

“Moses went up Mount Nebo to the top of Pisgah, looked over the promised land of Israel spread out before him, and died, at the age of one hundred and twenty, according to Talmudic legend on 7 Adar, his 120th birthday exactly.

Moab is the historical name for a mountainous strip of land in modern-day
Jordan running along the eastern shore of the Dead Sea. In ancient times, it was home to the kingdom of the Moabites, a people often in conflict with their Israelite neighbors to the west.

The Moabites were a historical people, whose existence is attested to by numerous archeological findings, most notably the
Mesha Stele, which describes the Moabite victory over an unnamed son of King Omri of Israel. Their capital was Dibon, located next to the modern Jordanian town of Dhiban.

Another fact that is ignored is where the Jews buried their great leaders & it was not in the land now illegally occupied by the Jews---
Genesis 25:9 His sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah near Mamre, in the field of Ephron son of Zohar the Hittite,

Genesis 47:30 but when I rest with my fathers, carry me out of Egypt and bury me [ Israel ] where they are buried." "I will do as you say," he said. ;

Genesis 49:31
There Abraham and his wife Sarah were buried, there Isaac and his wife Rebekah were buried, and there I buried Leah.

Genesis 50:10 And they came to the threshingfloor of Atad, which is beyond Jordan, and there they mourned with a great and very sore lamentation:

Genesis 50:13 For his sons carried him [ Israel ] into the land of Canaan, and buried him in the cave of the field of Machpelah, which Abraham bought with the field for a possession of a buryingplace of Ephron the Hittite, before Mamre.

Genesis 50:14 After burying his father, Joseph returned to Egypt, together with his brothers and all the others who had gone with him to bury his father.

The Israeli's claim the land they now occupy is not where their great leaders where buried elsewhere; Israel, Isaac, Rebekah, Abraham, Leah and Sarah were not buried in the land we now call "Israel" but in a land called Canaan which was beyond the Jordan river.
King David ruled from Jerusalem. So did king Solomon. The old city will not be under Muslim control again. Only undivided Jerusalem can be our capital. As America and a growing number of nations including Bahrain and UAE recognize.
King David ruled from Jerusalem. So did king Solomon.
David is a myth, a piece of folklore, a story you tell your children at bedtime.

David; the person.,.,.,., never existed

End of the Story out of fairy tale land

The old city will not be under Muslim control again.
wishfully thinking the thoughts of a dreaming child

Only undivided Jerusalem can be our capital.
Yes; undivided, Jews, Muslims, Christians and all the rest of mankind living together in harmony and loving peace
As America and a growing number of nations including Bahrain and UAE recognize.

so said the spider to the fly

David was real. the House of David is mentioned on Aramaic pottery found in archeological digs. The wall of David was discovered by british archeologists in the 1920s. I was like you Watching. i believed in the two state solution. Now my eyes are open and i know its a dream. That is why Arab states are making their own deals now. They will not wait for the Palestinians anymore. The PA will soon have to make a deal as the Arab world moves on and leaves them behind.
King David ruled from Jerusalem. So did king Solomon.
David is a myth, a piece of folklore, a story you tell your children at bedtime.

David; the person.,.,.,., never existed

End of the Story out of fairy tale land

The old city will not be under Muslim control again.
wishfully thinking the thoughts of a dreaming child

Only undivided Jerusalem can be our capital.
Yes; undivided, Jews, Muslims, Christians and all the rest of mankind living together in harmony and loving peace
As America and a growing number of nations including Bahrain and UAE recognize.

so said the spider to the fly
View attachment 416064
"Jews, Muslims, Christians and all the rest of mankind living together in harmony and loving peace." Dream On. Not with the PA & Hamas to represent & lead the Palestinians. Over & over again the Pali's had their chance to join in for peace & blew it. Now Israel & the Arab countries are working around the Palestinians for a Middle East peace.
David was real. the House of David is mentioned on Aramaic pottery found in archeological digs. The wall of David was discovered by british archeologists in the 1920s.

asoshi, with no disrespect intended or implied, you are a stranger, once we get to know each other I can then just accept what you say, but until then please provide some evidence (links) to prove what you say.
Thanks in advance

I was like you Watching. i believed in the two state solution.
Unlike you; I believe in a one state solution where all within the border are one with each other; Jews, Muslims, Christians and the rest living together in harmony as one.

Now my eyes are open and i know its a dream.
OH WISE ONE, this is sad that you feel this way. Hopefully you will come around before you pass the no return sign, (line)

That is why Arab states are making their own deals now.
The only deal that I am aware of is the military deal between Israel and the USA that is going to come to an end.

The USA is now going to stop the US’s unquestioned military support to Israel.
Israel has no money, no exports while Israel owes us $billions, maybe trillions$.
Bank wise Israel does not have a dime of their own.

They will not wait for the Palestinians anymore.
"They" are not puppets on a string

The PA will soon have to make a deal as the Arab world moves on and leaves them behind.
If these are the thoughts that help you sleep at night, then by all means may you sleep in peace
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RE: Bibi fooled them
⁜→ watchingfromafar, shoshi, et al,

BLUF: I was actually amazed that there has been so little archeological evidence documenting the "House of David" or the reign of "King David."

David was real. the House of David is mentioned on Aramaic pottery found in archeological digs. The wall of David was discovered by British archeologists in the 1920s.

please provide some evidence (links) to prove what you say.
(COMMENT) (Links Annotated)

There was an article published just last month (October 2020 • First Historical Evidence of King David from the BibleBiblical Archaeology Society Staff) on a discovery. The Tel-Dan Stela was originally discovered in 1993 by Gila Cook (Avraham Biran - Archeological Team). Since then, there was a newer finding by the Blakely Archeological Expedition in the vicinity of Khirbet Summeily (Northern Negev Desert). Dr Blakely's Team (Mississippi State University) unearthed six official clay seals for the court of Kings Solomon and David.

Tel Dan stela House of David.png
Official Seals Kings Solomon & David .png

While the Tel Dan Stela (1993) discovery is important, I was more impressed by the discovery of the six ancient anepigraphic clay seals. The seals documented, in a very meaningful way, the Kingdom's official business.


Most Respectfully,
So let me get this straight. The Palestinians didn't just steal the land, they had titles or deeds to it, right?

One thing is for sure, the Jews had no claim to the land they now illegally occupy--

“Moses went up Mount Nebo to the top of Pisgah, looked over the promised land of Israel spread out before him, and died, at the age of one hundred and twenty, according to Talmudic legend on 7 Adar, his 120th birthday exactly.

Moab is the historical name for a mountainous strip of land in modern-day
Jordan running along the eastern shore of the Dead Sea. In ancient times, it was home to the kingdom of the Moabites, a people often in conflict with their Israelite neighbors to the west.

The Moabites were a historical people, whose existence is attested to by numerous archeological findings, most notably the
Mesha Stele, which describes the Moabite victory over an unnamed son of King Omri of Israel. Their capital was Dibon, located next to the modern Jordanian town of Dhiban.

Another fact that is ignored is where the Jews buried their great leaders & it was not in the land now illegally occupied by the Jews---
Genesis 25:9 His sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah near Mamre, in the field of Ephron son of Zohar the Hittite,

Genesis 47:30 but when I rest with my fathers, carry me out of Egypt and bury me [ Israel ] where they are buried." "I will do as you say," he said. ;

Genesis 49:31
There Abraham and his wife Sarah were buried, there Isaac and his wife Rebekah were buried, and there I buried Leah.

Genesis 50:10 And they came to the threshingfloor of Atad, which is beyond Jordan, and there they mourned with a great and very sore lamentation:

Genesis 50:13 For his sons carried him [ Israel ] into the land of Canaan, and buried him in the cave of the field of Machpelah, which Abraham bought with the field for a possession of a buryingplace of Ephron the Hittite, before Mamre.

Genesis 50:14 After burying his father, Joseph returned to Egypt, together with his brothers and all the others who had gone with him to bury his father.

The Israeli's claim the land they now occupy is not where their great leaders where buried elsewhere; Israel, Isaac, Rebekah, Abraham, Leah and Sarah were not buried in the land we now call "Israel" but in a land called Canaan which was beyond the Jordan river.

Beside the point that you have already quoted the exact verses that contradict what you claim, tell me genius, 'beyond the Jordan river' has how many sides?
When Bibi announced plans to annex 30% of west bank the Arab world was outraged. He certainly had their attention. Then he cancelled those plans to close the deal with Bahrain and UAE. Did he ever intend to implement annexation? I dont believe so. He used that as a bargaining tool and it worked.

Arabs asked for a political excuse,
PM Netanyahu and Pr. Trump delivered.

Israel never annexed anything, only applied sovereignty.
PM Begin Z"L applied Israel sovereignty in the Golan,
and PM Eshkol applied Israeli law in Jerusalem.

In spite of, then, US disagreement.
Beside the point that you have already quoted the exact verses that contradict what you claim, tell me genius, 'beyond the Jordan river' has how many sides?

First we must both agree that the term "beyond" means : on the other side of the Jordan River
If we can agree on this then we have a common frame of reference, agree-?
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Arabs asked for a political excuse,
Your ears have heard, in your words; Arab’s “asked for a political excuse” and I here and now ask for proof that you are a mind reader, or you actually heard the words.

Since we all agree that mind reading is fiction, words written in a comic book I can only surmise that you had listening devices in that meeting place.

Shame on you

PM Netanyahu and Pr. Trump delivered.

Israel never annexed anything, only applied sovereignty.

Using military force to destroy, demolish, bulldoze lands you had no legal claim to is against Internationally recognized Laws.

PM Begin Z"L applied Israel sovereignty in the Golan,
and PM Eshkol applied Israeli law in Jerusalem.

With no internationally recognized right the Israeli's murder, destroy, and forcibly occupy land they have no legal right to.

The Israeli's are Pirates in the true meaning of the term.

In spite of, then, US disagreement.
When Bibi announced plans to annex 30% of west bank

Booby was saying that his IDF will/did/does occupy; i.e. bulldozer using caterpillar tractors & burning the rest & then build settlement homes for the newborn Israelite's from afar to occupy.
in my opinion

TRACTOR 2 (1).jpg

TRACTOR 2 (2).jpg

This is not what the Lord asked you to do :)-
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The Palestinians are being abandoned by their Arab brothers now who condemn the Palestinian leadership as failures. Bahrain the UAE Sudan is just the begining. More Arab states will be normalize relations with Israel without the Palestinians who will soon have to make their own deal or be left behind as the Arab world moves on without them.
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