Zone1 Bible says (recent Mass readings repeat) that it is better NOT to marry. So why so many marriages?


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
These days, people act like there is something wrong w/ you if you are not married, at least at some point in your life. I've never been married... had some relationships here and there but never married.

In the Mass readings recently we heard (I believe it was) St Paul speaking on this, how the married person is divided (btwn serving God and serving spouse) so that it is better not to marry (unless.. well, God does condone some marriages... but that's not there in those scripture psgs... There are many things not mentioned in Scripture but I won't digress further)

Anyway, I have found romantic relationships to be extremely difficult and there is pretty much no way I would ever marry anyone... unless God just stood b4 me and told me to marry so and so... and even then, I would probably think it was just the devil in disguise... He disguises himself as an angel of light, you know...

I just don't understand why virtually everyone is married... and not all of them have a great marriage, either... hardly! :oops:
Because nobody cares what that chopped up book written by dessert savages 2k years ago says.
and you are much better than they!

much more enlightened.

yeh, whatever

I understand your bible was cherry picked. I understand the translations are screwy. I understand plants cant exist without the sun. I understand many of the contradictions.
So, yes. Apparently so.
Have you stoned an adulteress lately? What about killed a bunch of infants because their dad liked to put a pecker in his mouth, or would rather worship another deity?
I understand your bible was cherry picked. I understand the translations are screwy. I understand plants cant exist without the sun. I understand many of the contradictions.
As though God cannot protect HIs Word from sinners!

not a big God there
man is always trying to bring God down to his base level..

That won't work on Judgment Day, though
He trusted man to write his word and preserve his commandments. But he should have known they would pervert it, right? So he trusted people that he knew would fail?
Weird huh.
Its perverted. Mistranslated. Missing books. Etc.
Weird how god trusted all this with humans whom he knew would bastardize it.
These days, people act like there is something wrong w/ you if you are not married, at least at some point in your life. I've never been married... had some relationships here and there but never married.

In the Mass readings recently we heard (I believe it was) St Paul speaking on this, how the married person is divided (btwn serving God and serving spouse) so that it is better not to marry (unless.. well, God does condone some marriages... but that's not there in those scripture psgs... There are many things not mentioned in Scripture but I won't digress further)

Anyway, I have found romantic relationships to be extremely difficult and there is pretty much no way I would ever marry anyone... unless God just stood b4 me and told me to marry so and so... and even then, I would probably think it was just the devil in disguise... He disguises himself as an angel of light, you know...

I just don't understand why virtually everyone is married... and not all of them have a great marriage, either... hardly! :oops:
That thinking comes from the apocalyptic Jews of Jesus' time. John the Baptist, Jesus, and Paul were adherents. No need to marry when the world is about to end.
Probably that whole " Fruitful and multiply " used a couple of times in Genesis.......
Are you a priest or a nun? The passages that you cite is what the Church relies on to keep the religious callings from marriage.
Are you a priest or a nun? The passages that you cite is what the Church relies on to keep the religious callings from marriage.

that wording is terrible. I think I know what you're saying but would like to know w/ certainty
you really like that liberal Kool Aid, don't u?

it will drag u into Hell but that's your choice... It's all about choice w/ the liberals

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