Poll: Should they drug test Biden and Trump prior to the debates?

Should Biden and Trump be drug tested before the debates?

  • Yes.

  • No.

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Not an snow drift's chance in Hades.
Just remember who your guy is. Before he ever imagined he'd have to take the stand, he said people who plead the 5th are guilty. Then he plead the 5th.

Then doesn't show to the debates against Ron and Christie

Then says he's going to testify but now isn't. Huh.

Trump is deranged and remember, Biden wiped the floor with him the last time they debated. Trump couldn't rattle him. Perhaps Biden was on drugs. LOL.

Whatever you have to tell yourself.
I voted no. Freeze-dried urine will get you through those stupid drug tests. They even sell a plastic dick dispenser for those on parole where they watch you pee.
Because lie detectors work off yes/no questions, and politicians NEVER answer questions with a simple yes or no.
Yeah, it was a bullshit deflection by him. Completely unworkable, but I had to call him out for saying it should be for Trump and not Biden.
Given how Biden at certain times (SOTU) seems to have been hopped up on who knows what, shouldn't the American people know they are clean during a debate?

The left here always claim Trump is on drugs, so they should be a unanimous YES vote.
Never mind that, I want a genetics test proving it is really Biden.
Of course it's true. Here's why. Everyone was sent an absentee ballot because we were in a pandemic.

Trump also got a record number of votes. Just not as many as Biden.

Trump won those swing states barely and he lost them barely. With abortion, he's going to lose them all badly.
The blue district ballot centers waited until all the Trump votes were counted and they added ballots to Biden... no address verification or signature verification they sent the poll watchers home and started cheating....
Reminds me of when Trump was on FIRE

What border problem? Trump shut the solution down till after the election

Inflation? Trump has no solution. All he said he would do is drill baby drill. We're already doing that.

Trump's going to fix food, homelessness, the poor? WOW!
you telling me it was not a great 4 years?? you didn't enjoy peace. low gas prices, great food prices, low inflation, lower taxes, safer border? great employment numbers? oh that's right. Democrats couldn't stop their bellyaching cause they couldn't have Hitlery in the white house.
Seriously you do NOT believe that a man who never left his basement garnered 81million votes. If there was no election theft, the left would lay all the evidence for that out there...but they won't. HELL YES. it was stolen from the rightful winner. THE WHOLE WORLD knows this!!!
That is just insanely stupid. You can't prove a negative. Prove to me you don't beat your wife.
The Federal government's own expert on election fraud believes it was. He said of the 7 strong indicators of election fraud, only 3 of which strongly supports fraud, he observed all 7 in 2020. :oops:
You got a link there big mouth? Or are you just pulling shit out of your ass?
And why you're at it have Spanky's toadies who keep showing their mugs in N.Y.C. wearing red ties join him in a good shrink's office.

I'll bet they'll never get the stink of Trump's ass off their breath.
The blue district ballot centers waited until all the Trump votes were counted and they added ballots to Biden... no address verification or signature verification they sent the poll watchers home and started cheating....
This is pure delusional conspiracy.
Given how Biden at certain times (SOTU) seems to have been hopped up on who knows what, shouldn't the American people know they are clean during a debate?

The left here always claim Trump is on drugs, so they should be a unanimous YES vote.

No. But they should drug test you before you're allowed to post!

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