bible thunping, right winging, religion crazy, gun crazy Utah is best for business

According to the radical right wing Beck :lol: Try again with a legitimate source.
Are Lightly Regulated States Really More Friendly to Small Businesses?


A new ranking of states based on “small business friendliness” was released this week by Thumbtack, in partnership with the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. Thumbtack, an online directory that helps people find local service providers, surveyed over 6,000 small business owners who list their services on its site and, based on their responses, assigned letter grades to each state.

The survey-takers were asked to rate their state across several measures of small business friendliness. Many of the questions dealt with regulations. Business owners were asked how friendly or unfriendly their state is with regard to environmental, labor, health & safety, licensing, and land use regulations.

In the final results, which you can see in this interactive map, states that have more regulations tend to rank low, while those with fewer and looser rules top the list. The five states deemed least friendly to small businesses are Rhode Island, Vermont, Hawaii, California, and New York. The five most friendly are Idaho, Texas, Oklahoma, Utah, and Louisiana.

In a press release, Thumbtack put a point on the findings by quoting the owner of a roofing business in Texas: “With comparatively few regulations or government oversight on small businesses, Texas is truly a small-business-friendly state.”

The trouble with this analysis, though, is that many of the “unfriendly” states are actually home to much larger numbers of small businesses than the “friendly” states.

Are Lightly Regulated States Really More Friendly to Small Businesses? | Institute for Local Self-Reliance
I don't think thriving small business impress liberals. Hard to introduce socialism if people are self-sufficient. Liberals never criticize California, Detroit or Chicago. Interesting that they can be okay with cities and states crumbling under the weight of failed liberal policies and still want to do the same to the rest of the country.

I see Lakota just used the old Alinsky tactic of deflection. Can't discuss why some states are doing better, so he hurled the first insult he could think of at them. We've come to expect as much. Hey, when you can't debate the issue at hand because you have nothing, change the subject and insult.
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Making a profit is evil. Taking money by force is the only ethical way to feed the masses.

trying to hijack the thread ehh, can't deal with liberal states are a bust and Utah is thriving.

It's an Alinsky tactic. When faced with facts that don't support the current regime- attack, attack, attack. I see that the subject often gets changed when they have nothing to say about the OP. So typical.
Making a profit is evil. Taking money by force is the only ethical way to feed the masses.

And for every million dollars the government takes in, probably only a few hundred of it actually go to tackle whatever problem they are robbing us to "solve." Those middle men, known as bureaucrats, are like a black hole where money vanishes.

trying to hijack the thread ehh, can't deal with liberal states are a bust and Utah is thriving.

It's an Alinsky tactic. When faced with facts that don't support the current regime- attack, attack, attack. I see that the subject often gets changed when they have nothing to say about the OP. So typical.

left, right, and center follow Saul's rules.
Maybe... but who the hell wants to move to Utah :cool:

Beautiful state, great wilderness beautiful capitol city, good universities and colleges, decent school system because of dedicated teachers and super parents despite a reactionary lege that hates kids.

Always invite the missionaries in for cookies and milk, make them feel at home.
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Maybe... but who the hell wants to move to Utah :cool:

apparently businessess do.

and who wants to live in CT.

Wouldn't want to live in Connecticut either


Have you ever lived in the nutmeg state?

My GOD it's a beautiful place!

Start on route 7 down by the Sound and travel north from there.

I'd still live there if I could have afforded to buy a home in the region.

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