Biden 2020 Website!

Check this shit out while you still can!

Uncle Joe is back and ready to take a hands-on approach to America’s problems! Joe Biden has a good feel for the American people and knows exactly what they really want deep down. He’s happy to open up and reveal himself to voters and will give a pounding to anybody who gets in his way!

Joe Biden for President 2020
White supremacists like you are scared of Joe.
Wow, Biden must have you guys terrified.

Nope, not at all...

We just think that Biden isn't qualified for the job for a few reasons:

First, Biden is old. This is not ageism. Old people can perform many jobs well, including political ones, but US president is a particularly gruelling position, which wears even the fittest people down. Just look at the before and after pictures of George W Bush and Barack Obama, both much younger and much fitter when they became president. Biden is 76 years old today and would be 78 when starting his first term as president. That is eight years older than Trump was in 2016 and nine years older than Ronald Reagan in 1980. Democrats have openly worried about the negative consequences and risks associated with the age and related health issues of both these Republican presidents, and deservedly so.

Second, Biden is perhaps a symbol of the old Democratic party. He entered the US Senate in 1973, under President Richard Nixon. He took over as chair of the Senate judiciary committee from Strom Thurmond. Several of the newly elected Democratic members of Congress were not even born yet when Biden entered the Senate and will only know Thurmond from the history books. Like many of their voters, who are also increasingly non-white and female, they will look at Biden and see a Democratic party run by and for white men. Whatever else these men may have done for the advancement of minorities and women, they have been successful at clinging to power.

Third, Biden represents for many a political program and strategy that failed in 2016. While he is trying to reinvent himself to adapt to the leftward shift within the Democratic party – pushing for free college, a $15/hour minimum wage, power for workers – he will have a hard time convincing many left Democrats about his sincerity. Even if he supported some of these positions already in 2015, he then served in an administration which was much more conservative on these points.

Moreover, even his carefully crafted popular image of the champion of the middle class, ie “the boy from Scranton”, is more directed at the base of Trump. But the white working class is much more moved by racial than economic concerns and is therefore unlikely to (re)turn to an increasingly diverse Democratic party. Moreover, the strategy is a bad fit for a party that is surfing a “blue wave” caused, predominantly, by women and minorities who were mobilized by the Republican party’s embrace of Trump’s racist politics, and by the #MeToo movement and its aftermath. And, talking about #MeToo, many within the movement will not forgive Joe Biden’s role in Anita Hill’s “sexual harassment inquisition”.

Fourth, Biden is the perfect candidate for President Trump to face in his re-election bid. He is the embodiment of the stereotypical Democrat the Republican base hates. Biden is a professional politician who has been in Washington for 45 years straight, and is intimately linked to their political Antichrist, former president Barack Obama. It is Hillary Clinton 2.0, albeit without the additional benefit of sexism.

Fifth, a Biden–Trump race would likely further poison the already toxic political climate and erode the quality of political debate, leading to even more political dissatisfaction among pretty much all Americans except for the most partisan members of both camps. Before Trump entered the political stage, it was Biden who was ridiculed for his many gaffes. He is also prone to political machismo, such as the time he threatened to “beat the hell out of” Trump to defend America’s women against his sexual harassment. Biden v Trump would make the 2020 presidential debates into a sad spectacle of WWE wrestling for senior citizens – to the delight of the US media.

In short, Biden’s current lead in the polls shouldn’t be mistaken for evidence that he is the best Democrat to challenge Trump in 2020 and to lead the US as president. One of the oldest and worst candidates to appeal to an increasingly young and recently energized Democratic electorate is also the best candidate for Trump to attack while mobilizing his political base. In a time of negative partisanship, with more and more people voting against a party rather than for one, this should be a major concern to all Democrats as well as anti-Trump Independents.

So, overall Biden is wrong for the country.
You are confused.

Joe is not accused of groping.

That would be that fat assed orange piece of shit.

I mean, how fucking stupid is a Trump supporter that would wage a campaign of unwanted sexual advances against a man with no women accusing him of sexual crap while their hero is a pioven groper, adulterer with a little dick?
You are extremely stupid, and you expect people to believe you?....Typical ABNORMAL behavior!

upload_2019-5-6_10-16-29.pngYouTube › watch
Creepy Joe Biden accused of groping, kissing politician... - YouTube

Mar 30, 2019 · Joe Biden accused of groping, kissing politician. The vice president of the United States of America I just text me in an intimate way.... is this a ...

Jon Stewart's 'Daily Show' Called Out Joe Biden for 'Groping' Back in 2015

Apr 3, 2019 · Is it the stress of me groping you for 28 straight seconds? ... a Nevada politician and activist penned an essay accusing him of touching her
Check this shit out while you still can!

Uncle Joe is back and ready to take a hands-on approach to America’s problems! Joe Biden has a good feel for the American people and knows exactly what they really want deep down. He’s happy to open up and reveal himself to voters and will give a pounding to anybody who gets in his way!

Joe Biden for President 2020
The little girls in those clips just look really uncomfortable.

What a creep.
You are confused.

Joe is not accused of groping.

That would be that fat assed orange piece of shit.

I mean, how fucking stupid is a Trump supporter that would wage a campaign of unwanted sexual advances against a man with no women accusing him of sexual crap while their hero is a pioven groper, adulterer with a little dick?
Interesting you seem to think you know about the size of the president's penis. When did you see it, ass fuck Dave?
When you were ass fucked, perhaps?
Nope. Just amused as hell.

Biden couldn't beat Trump on the best day he ever had.

Trump will win in 2020.

Buckles up buttercup. You will have four more years to moan, bitch and complain while you grasp at every straw to try to hang Trump.

Good luck. You surely will need it. LMAO

again, works on a bunch of assumptions..

First, most people really don't like Trump or his conduct.

second, most people kind of like Joe Biden, outside of hardcore Republicans.

After four years of "What Crazy thing is he going to tweet today?" even Republicans will welcome a return to normalcy.
Check this shit out while you still can!

Uncle Joe is back and ready to take a hands-on approach to America’s problems! Joe Biden has a good feel for the American people and knows exactly what they really want deep down. He’s happy to open up and reveal himself to voters and will give a pounding to anybody who gets in his way!

Joe Biden for President 2020
White supremacists like you are scared of Joe.
View attachment 259633

You think Candace "Aunt Jemima" Owens is really concerned about the Brothers who've been locked up?

The hilarious thing was back in 1994, the Republicans bashed the 1994 crime bill for being to soft on Criminals and promoting "Midnight Basketball".

Now they are concerned about all the brothers who've been locked up? Really.

To Quote the late Richard Pryor. "I've been to the prisons. I've visited the brothers. I'm glad we have prisons!"

Nope, not at all...

We just think that Biden isn't qualified for the job for a few reasons:

again, says the guy who supports the crazy game show host.

First, Biden is old

So is Trump. The difference is, Trump is already showing signs of senile dementia.

Second, Biden is perhaps a symbol of the old Democratic party.

You mean the one white people used to vote for? This is a good thing.

Third, Biden represents for many a political program and strategy that failed in 2016. While he is trying to reinvent himself to adapt to the leftward shift within the Democratic party – pushing for free college, a $15/hour minimum wage, power for workers – he will have a hard time convincing many left Democrats about his sincerity.

Or not. They'll still get most of those things...

Fourth, Biden is the perfect candidate for President Trump to face in his re-election bid. He is the embodiment of the stereotypical Democrat the Republican base hates.

Again, if all Trump has is the Republican Base, he'll lose. Biden doesn't have to flip ONE Trump voter. All he has to do is get all the Obama voters who stayed home or voted for third party candidates because they couldn't stand Hillary.

Fifth, a Biden–Trump race would likely further poison the already toxic political climate and erode the quality of political debate, leading to even more political dissatisfaction among pretty much all Americans except for the most partisan members of both camps.

The only thing poisoning our politics is Trump and those otherwise decent Republicans who feel some bizarre need to defend him.

The problem with the GOP is that it despises John McCain and loves Donald Trump.
Check this shit out while you still can!

Uncle Joe is back and ready to take a hands-on approach to America’s problems! Joe Biden has a good feel for the American people and knows exactly what they really want deep down. He’s happy to open up and reveal himself to voters and will give a pounding to anybody who gets in his way!

Joe Biden for President 2020
Joe Biden couldn’t get the endorsement of “Mr. Clean” Barack America.
Check this shit out while you still can!

Uncle Joe is back and ready to take a hands-on approach to America’s problems! Joe Biden has a good feel for the American people and knows exactly what they really want deep down. He’s happy to open up and reveal himself to voters and will give a pounding to anybody who gets in his way!

Joe Biden for President 2020
What Biden would look like as a chief executive.
Nope. Just amused as hell.

Biden couldn't beat Trump on the best day he ever had.

Trump will win in 2020.

Buckles up buttercup. You will have four more years to moan, bitch and complain while you grasp at every straw to try to hang Trump.

Good luck. You surely will need it. LMAO

again, works on a bunch of assumptions..

First, most people really don't like Trump or his conduct.

second, most people kind of like Joe Biden, outside of hardcore Republicans.

After four years of "What Crazy thing is he going to tweet today?" even Republicans will welcome a return to normalcy.

I doubt that. Trump has a great economy and people know it. He's not perfect but he's POTUS and will win in 2020.

His Tweets get his message out without having to use the LSM which has been against him from the get go.

The Mueller report cleared Trump and the Dem held House can't accept it. They will hold investigation after investigation and hearing after hearing paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.

You might not like Trump but I do and thousands of others do as well as his rally's draw thousands.
Nope. Just amused as hell.

Biden couldn't beat Trump on the best day he ever had.

Trump will win in 2020.

Buckles up buttercup. You will have four more years to moan, bitch and complain while you grasp at every straw to try to hang Trump.

Good luck. You surely will need it. LMAO

again, works on a bunch of assumptions..

First, most people really don't like Trump or his conduct.

second, most people kind of like Joe Biden, outside of hardcore Republicans.

After four years of "What Crazy thing is he going to tweet today?" even Republicans will welcome a return to normalcy.
You can barely speak for yourself....Just leave it at that and quit trying to speak for "most people".
Check this shit out while you still can!

Uncle Joe is back and ready to take a hands-on approach to America’s problems! Joe Biden has a good feel for the American people and knows exactly what they really want deep down. He’s happy to open up and reveal himself to voters and will give a pounding to anybody who gets in his way!

Joe Biden for President 2020
White supremacists like you are scared of Joe.
View attachment 259633

You think Candace "Aunt Jemima" Owens is really concerned about the Brothers who've been locked up?

The hilarious thing was back in 1994, the Republicans bashed the 1994 crime bill for being to soft on Criminals and promoting "Midnight Basketball".

Now they are concerned about all the brothers who've been locked up? Really.

To Quote the late Richard Pryor. "I've been to the prisons. I've visited the brothers. I'm glad we have prisons!"

Owens doesn't toe the party line, so she's "Aunt Jemima".

Fucking bigot.

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