Biden 306……Trump 232

So what you're claiming is that Hillary Clinton...a woman so cheap she donated old underwear to charity for a tax write off...gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to Fusion GPS but didn't didn't bother to ask what Glenn Simpson was doing with that money? Really, Faun? You actually think anyone believes that horseshit at this point?


Your words mean nothing as you have no proof to back them up. Backing them up with feelz is no different than has I said, C'mon, with the way Trump talks about sex and his daughter, there's no way he didn't have sex with Ivanka. Really, Oldstyle? You actually think anyone believes that horseshit at this point?

Hillary and the DNC paid for a smear job and they wanted it sprung on Trump right before the election. That's quite obvious because they used a law firm (Perkins Coie) as a cut out between themselves and Fusion GPS to hide where the money came from. That isn't something you do's what you do when you're doing things you don't want the public to find out about!

Again, the way it came out was Simpson showed a report to Mother Jones. You have no evidence whatsoever that Hillary or the DNC had anything to do with that. No one cares about your feelz.

As for how Simpson pushed the lies? He contacted numerous reporters at liberally biased media outlets like The New York Times, The Washington Post and The New Yorker in September of that year trying to get them to run stories on the "dossiers"!

Nope, you're bullshitting about that too. The truth is, Mother Jones reached out to Simpson, not the other way around.

Amazingly, those reporters balked at running a story on something so salacious without verifying it. Simpson then tried a different tack...he provided information to sympathetic contacts he had in the FBI and then had them leak to those same press members that the Justice Department was investigating Trump for "collusion" with Russia and that the source was a trusted asset that had been used before! Simpson managed to get David Corn at Mother Jones to bite on the bullshit story and write the first article about the dossiers 8 days before the election which then allowed the other liberal news outlets to report on Mother Jones' report and the story went viral!

More bullshit. No, Simpson did not give the dossier to the FBI. It was Christopher Steele who shared it with the FBI.

This is what your post would look like if you didn't lie...

JOey buydem is a cute old senile man. who doesnt love the videos of him falling down or going to sleep while talking to some visiting official.... go have a queer beer and relax democrats

Your words mean nothing as you have no proof to back them up. Backing them up with feelz is no different than has I said, C'mon, with the way Trump talks about sex and his daughter, there's no way he didn't have sex with Ivanka. Really, Oldstyle? You actually think anyone believes that horseshit at this point?

Again, the way it came out was Simpson showed a report to Mother Jones. You have no evidence whatsoever that Hillary or the DNC had anything to do with that. No one cares about your feelz.

Nope, you're bullshitting about that too. The truth is, Mother Jones reached out to Simpson, not the other way around.

More bullshit. No, Simpson did not give the dossier to the FBI. It was Christopher Steele who shared it with the FBI.

This is what your post would look like if you didn't lie...

"Simpson contacted several top national security reporters beginning in summer 2016 to arrange meetings with Steele. He also reportedly tipped ABC News reporter Brian Ross off to a Belarus-born businessman who is believed to be a major source for the dossier.

Simpson also set up meetings in mid-September 2016 between Steele and several other reporters, including Yahoo’s Isikoff, The New Yorker’s Jane Mayer, The Washington Post’s Tom Hamburger and Rosalind Helderman, and Steven Lee Meyer and Eric Lichtblau at The New York Times.

Steele spoke in October 2016 with David Corn, a reporter at Mother Jones who published a dossier-based story on Oct. 31, 2016. Corn provided a copy of the dossier to James Baker who then served as FBI’s general counsel. Corn hoped that Baker would reveal whether the FBI was investigating the dossier’s claims, but Baker told Congress he did not provide any information to the reporter.

Baker would also meet with Michael Sussmann, an attorney at Perkins Coie, the firm that hired Fusion GPS on behalf of the Democratic National Committee. Sussmann provided Baker with information relevant to the Trump-Russia probe but not from the dossier.

He provided similar information to Slate’s Franklin Foer and reporters at The New York Times. Both outlets reported stories about possible links between the servers of the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, a Russian bank that is identified in the dossier. The allegation of communication between the two servers remains unverified and has been heavily disputed.

Dossier used as ‘hook’ for multiple news articles

In the case of the Isikoff piece, the news hook was that the U.S. government was looking into the allegations from the Steele dossier about Page. From there, Isikoff was able to lay out what the dossier claimed about the former Trump campaign aide, regardless of whether the allegations were true.

The FBI cited Isikoff’s article in its applications for surveillance warrants against Page, a former Trump campaign adviser who is accused in the dossier of being the Trump team’s conduit to the Kremlin."
"Simpson contacted several top national security reporters beginning in summer 2016 to arrange meetings with Steele. He also reportedly tipped ABC News reporter Brian Ross off to a Belarus-born businessman who is believed to be a major source for the dossier.

Simpson also set up meetings in mid-September 2016 between Steele and several other reporters, including Yahoo’s Isikoff, The New Yorker’s Jane Mayer, The Washington Post’s Tom Hamburger and Rosalind Helderman, and Steven Lee Meyer and Eric Lichtblau at The New York Times.

Steele spoke in October 2016 with David Corn, a reporter at Mother Jones who published a dossier-based story on Oct. 31, 2016. Corn provided a copy of the dossier to James Baker who then served as FBI’s general counsel. Corn hoped that Baker would reveal whether the FBI was investigating the dossier’s claims, but Baker told Congress he did not provide any information to the reporter.

Baker would also meet with Michael Sussmann, an attorney at Perkins Coie, the firm that hired Fusion GPS on behalf of the Democratic National Committee. Sussmann provided Baker with information relevant to the Trump-Russia probe but not from the dossier.

He provided similar information to Slate’s Franklin Foer and reporters at The New York Times. Both outlets reported stories about possible links between the servers of the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, a Russian bank that is identified in the dossier. The allegation of communication between the two servers remains unverified and has been heavily disputed.

Dossier used as ‘hook’ for multiple news articles

In the case of the Isikoff piece, the news hook was that the U.S. government was looking into the allegations from the Steele dossier about Page. From there, Isikoff was able to lay out what the dossier claimed about the former Trump campaign aide, regardless of whether the allegations were true.

The FBI cited Isikoff’s article in its applications for surveillance warrants against Page, a former Trump campaign adviser who is accused in the dossier of being the Trump team’s conduit to the Kremlin."

That doesn't negate the fact that it was Mother Jones who contacted Simpson. Nor does it negate the fact you have no evidence to show Hillary was involved the Mother Jones article or even anything you posted.
That doesn't negate the fact that it was Mother Jones who contacted Simpson. Nor does it negate the fact you have no evidence to show Hillary was involved the Mother Jones article or even anything you posted.
The evidence that Killary was involved is in. Do not worry, she is above the law and has plenty of company.
Liar. That's why you couldn't post the evidence you claim exists.
Again. I do not need to. Is she ever going to be held accountable? You know damn well that is not going to happen. Anything else troll?
You mean CNN, The New York Times and MSNBC? Anybody with even a dollop of common sense and 401K knows that Joe Biden has been a disaster for the US economy! It should have come roaring back after the Covid shut downs were lifted but it didn't because Joe Biden and you idiotic progressives paid people to stay home instead of going back to work! Duh?

And yet our economy is doing better than all the other G-7 countries, go figure!
Trump will be a wounded candidate in 2024 facing multiple indictments and possibly convictions in multiple jurisdictions.

While he may be able to whine how he is being picked on and Red States will support him, I doubt states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin will have much sympathy
Trump may also be facing charges in Georgia
The documents case is now scheduled for May of that year which is well after the determination of the republican nominee. Even then, Trump’s lawyers could delay the start even more. It’s too close for comfort for him to he the nominee. The best alternative is that the hypothetical Jan 6th electors-rigging trial will happen during the primaries instead and we get a different Biden challenger as a result of that bad Trump press.
The documents case is now scheduled for May of that year which is well after the determination of the republican nominee. Even then, Trump’s lawyers could delay the start even more. It’s too close for comfort for him to he the nominee. The best alternative is that the hypothetical Jan 6th electors-rigging trial will happen during the primaries instead and we get a different Biden challenger as a result of that bad Trump press.
Republicans don’t care
That whole shoot someone on 5th Ave stuff

But Trump will spend his next year and a half in and out of court. He will spend the time complaining about how everyone picks on him

Again, Republicans won’t care, but moderates and independents will use it as another example of constant Trump drama.
Republicans don’t care
That whole shoot someone on 5th Ave stuff

But Trump will spend his next year and a half in and out of court. He will spend the time complaining about how everyone picks on him

Again, Republicans won’t care, but moderates and independents will use it as another example of constant Trump drama.
You’re probably right that they don’t care. I guess I just think that the right political messaging might work to a degree. Chris Christie has no chance whatsoever to be the nominee, but his political attacks about all this might at least cause Trump’s popularity to drop and DeSantis could become the front runner. His polices are at least pretty close to Trump’s so that might be enough for voters to turn to him.
If it was a crime to withhold such money, Trump would have been convicted of that. So no, not a crime. Nor is a crime to get a president of a foreign nation to oust a civil servant. Want proof ... ? ... post the statute numbers you claim were violated...
It becomes a crime when someone in your family receives money from that foreign nation right after you strong arm that President into firing him. Joe Biden and his whole family have been cashing in on his political positions for decades now and you know it! You don't care you, Faun? You'll let the Biden's piss all over you as long as some of it splashes on Trump!
After a summer or two of getting their brains baked, most people in the South are gonna realize that their Number one concern is global warming - and their gonna realize that Conservatives have BS'd them and screwed them on that issue.

Simple survival instinct is gonna turn them Democrat by the millions.

It's long overdue. Most Southerners brains were never quite fully cooked in the first place.
Sure, Richard! (Eye Roll) Like people in the South don't know that you far left liberals on the coasts have ZERO respect for them and could care less about their wants and needs! They look at what you idiots have done to your cities and shake their heads in disbelief. You think they're going to sign up for the same thing where THEY live? LOL Talk about delusional!

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