Biden 306……Trump 232

And Joe has done less.

Running against this schmuck:

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Look at it this way Skippy

Dementia ridden Biden hid in his basement in 2020 while Trump held rallies attended by tens of thousand of loyal followers. He also flooded the country with hats and MAGA signs and banners.

Biden 306
Trump 232
That is what the 2024 election comes down to.
Trump must somehow flip those numbers to reach 270.

The key to those numbers are the states of Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. States which Trump won in 2016 but lost in 2020.
Add in Nevada and N Carolina as possible states that could possibly flip.

All the remaining States are set as being for Biden or for Trump and are not in play.

Trump has done little to try to flip those key states and if anything, is doing worse than in 2020.

So…..what is Trumps path to victory in 2024?
Piss poor performance from Biden-Harris; declining confidence in Biden-Harris. It is that extreme arrogance from Democrats that believe they can win with Biden- Harris in ‘24.

Democrats can get those ‘20 margins in ‘24 or even better if they cut their losses now with Biden-Harris and get a new ticket in there.
Look at it this way Skippy
Only if you look at it this way, Peter Pan--

Dementia ridden Biden hid in his basement in 2020 while Trump held rallies attended by tens of thousand of loyal followers. He also flooded the country with hats and MAGA signs and banners. Result? Biden 306 Trump 232
I hope that wasn't any attempt at trying to make the case that the 2020 election wasn't crooked!
That is what the 2024 election comes down to.
Trump must somehow flip those numbers to reach 270.

The key to those numbers are the states of Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. States which Trump won in 2016 but lost in 2020.
Add in Nevada and N Carolina as possible states that could possibly flip.

All the remaining States are set as being for Biden or for Trump and are not in play.

Trump has done little to try to flip those key states and if anything, is doing worse than in 2020.

So…..what is Trumps path to victory in 2024?
no one with a retirement account would vote for Biden unless they are batshit crazy. Between retirement accounts and disposable income, one would clearly have to a fucking tard to vote for Biden
Never underestimate Joe. Democrats were stupid enough to pick him once, they will pick him again.
Yeah, because the DOJ is blocking it. Just like they gave Biden a 2-week notice that they were going to search his houses, and advance notice to Hunter that they were going to search his storage locker.

The weaponization of the government against political opposition, along with protecting criminals on their side, will be a big reason the Dems will be wiped out of office in 2024 - as long as we adopt the Dems’ techniques for winning elections.
Well as long as your narrative remains "anytime we lose it MUST mean somebody cheated" then I suppose ya can't lose right?
Seems like pretty childish logic though.

Wrong again, dud. Trump is a fierce patriot in this for no benefit of his own who was willing to put his political career and perhaps even his life on the line because he truly believes that our elections had been co-opted by a deep state that we've all known about for ages, to advance the interests of the super rich over us!

Whereas Joe Biden is a no-account 3-time loser career politician who beyond his senility, foolishness and family perversions, has been trading favors with our enemies selling out our country for his entire political life getting filthy rich.
You keep on watching CNN, Richard and you'll keep right on wearing those blinders! Right now there are two categories of liberals...those too stupid to realize they've been lied to and those too embarrassed to admit that they've been lied to. Which are you?

That's really funny...coming from a Trump supporter. Nobody has proven themselves as stupid and gullible as Trump supporters.

But go ahead and send your 'billionaire' orange god more money for his legal fees. Keep doubling down on stupid.
Well as long as your narrative remains "anytime we lose it MUST mean somebody cheated" then I suppose ya can't lose right?
Seems like pretty childish logic though.
I didn’t say it MUST be because someone cheated. But in this case, they did.
I haven't seen them have you? Or is this what you have been told by enemy psyops?

There is no such thing as current battle plans. New battle plans are being drawn up over and over again. I would much rather see Trump in possession of war plans than Major Rachel Jones.
You haven't seen Trump bragging about having these in his possession? I mean, he's done it more than once. The evidence against Trump, is his own big mouth!
You haven't seen Trump bragging about having these in his possession? I mean, he's done it more than once. The evidence against Trump, is his own big mouth!
No. I haven't. What I have seen are old WA PO articles that enemy democrats called nuclear secrets.
That makes no sense at all.
Its way too late for that.
Trump already saw and understood the US battle plans for Iran when he was president.
What are you going to do, try to hypnotize him and try to make him forget?
All presidents keep copies of all the classified docs created during their term.
That is what their presidential libraries are for.
The fact they created NARA to help, does not really make any sense, because NARA is way to large to be trust worthy.
When they showed the Arc of the Covenant being warehoused at the end of "Indiana Jones", that was NARA they were making fun of.
Trump took documents that were not his. He had nuclear secrets that would never be part of a library. That SOB will be found guilty of Espionage and he will spend the rest of his lying, wretched, narcissistic life in prison!

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