Biden 306……Trump 232

You skipped right over all the Biden disasters.

And what I said was correct. They didn’t let Republicans observe as they cured the ballots, they had unfolded mail-ins, they didn’t require matching signatures, and they kept trucking in harvested ballots days after the election until they came up with enough.

More myths
BOTH parties are allowed to have trained observers watch the counting process

The rest is just nonsense Election deniers tell each other
More myths
BOTH parties are allowed to have trained observers watch the counting process

The rest is just nonsense Election deniers tell each other
They’re supposed to. Republican observers gave testimony under penalty of perjury that they were blocked from viewing them, and kept at such a distance that they couldn’t see what the Democrat observers were doing.
They’re supposed to. Republican observers gave testimony under penalty of perjury that they were blocked from viewing them, and kept at such a distance that they couldn’t see what the Democrat observers were doing.

Not all Republican observers were blocked. Just the ones who were being disruptive. The other Republicans were welcomed to stay and observe. As far as the distance, that applied to Democratic observers as well. A lawsuit was filed and prevailed, ruling that observers could be as close as 6 feet away.
They’re supposed to. Republican observers gave testimony under penalty of perjury that they were blocked from viewing them, and kept at such a distance that they couldn’t see what the Democrat observers were doing.

Morons off the street who demanded access to “stop the steal” were denied access.

By law, each party is allowed to post trained observers to monitor the counting process
So…..what is Trumps path to victory in 2024?
The better question is: why would anyone in his right mind want the likes of Trump to be ‘president’ again.

The American people don’t want to return to the chaos, insanity, and reckless, irresponsible incompetence that were the disastrous Trump years.

Trump was the worst president in US history.
Quote it.
God this is getting tedious.
Here we go.....for the third time.

The Special Counsel investigation uncovered extensive criminal activity

  • The investigation produced 37 indictments; seven guilty pleas or convictions; and compelling evidence that the president obstructed justice on multiple occasions. Mueller also uncovered and referred 14 criminal matters to other components of the Department of Justice.
  • Trump associates repeatedly lied to investigators about their contacts with Russians, and President Trump refused to answer questions about his efforts to impede federal proceedings and influence the testimony of witnesses.
  • A statement signed by over 1,000 former federal prosecutors concluded that if any other American engaged in the same efforts to impede federal proceedings the way Trump did, they would likely be indicted for multiple charges of obstruction of justice.
  • ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
  • Key Findings of the Mueller Report​

    ACS > Projects > The Presidential Investigation Education Project > Project Resources > Key Findings of the Mueller Report

    Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony before Congress represents a critical opportunity for the legal community to help the American people understand what is in his March 2019 Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election. The following summary presents key findings from the Mueller Report and is intended to help lawyers and other concerned citizens speak and write about the Special Counsel’s findings in an informed manner. The summary was prepared by the Presidential Investigation Education Project, a partnership between the American Constitution Society (ACS) and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) to promote an informed public evaluation of the investigations of Special Counsel Mueller and others into Russian interference in our elections.​

    Click here for a downloadable fact sheet.
    This resource is a part of ACS's Mueller Investigation resources. Click here to see all resources.

    The Special Counsel investigation uncovered extensive criminal activity

    • The investigation produced 37 indictments; seven guilty pleas or convictions; and compelling evidence that the president obstructed justice on multiple occasions. Mueller also uncovered and referred 14 criminal matters to other components of the Department of Justice.
    • Trump associates repeatedly lied to investigators about their contacts with Russians, and President Trump refused to answer questions about his efforts to impede federal proceedings and influence the testimony of witnesses.
    • A statement signed by over 1,000 former federal prosecutors concluded that if any other American engaged in the same efforts to impede federal proceedings the way Trump did, they would likely be indicted for multiple charges of obstruction of justice.

    Russia engaged in extensive attacks on the U.S. election system in 2016

    • Russian interference in the 2016 election was “sweeping and systemic.”[1]
    • Major attack avenues included a social media “information warfare” campaign that “favored” candidate Trump[2] and the hacking of Clinton campaign-related databases and release of stolen materials through Russian-created entities and Wikileaks.[3]
    • Russia also targeted databases in many states related to administering elections gaining access to information for millions of registered voters.[4]

    The investigation “identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign” and established that the Trump Campaign “showed interest in WikiLeaks's releases of documents and welcomed their potential to damage candidate Clinton”

    • In 2015 and 2016, Michael Cohen pursued a hotel/residence project in Moscow on behalf of Trump while he was campaigning for President.[5] Then-candidate Trump personally signed a letter of intent.
    • Senior members of the Trump campaign, including Paul Manafort, Donald Trump, Jr., and Jared Kushner took a June 9, 2016, meeting with Russian nationals at Trump Tower, New York, after outreach from an intermediary informed Trump, Jr., that the Russians had derogatory information on Clinton that was “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”[6]
    • Beginning in June 2016, a Trump associate “forecast to senior [Trump] Campaign officials that WikiLeaks would release information damaging to candidate Clinton.”[7] A section of the Report that remains heavily redacted suggests that Roger Stone was this associate and that he had significant contacts with the campaign about Wikileaks.[8]
    • The Report described multiple occasions where Trump associates lied to investigators about Trump associate contacts with Russia. Trump associates George Papadopoulos, Rick Gates, Michael Flynn, and Michael Cohen all admitted that they made false statements to federal investigators or to Congress about their contacts. In addition, Roger Stone faces trial this fall for obstruction of justice, five counts of making false statements, and one count of witness tampering.
    • The Report contains no evidence that any Trump campaign official reported their contacts with Russia or WikiLeaks to U.S. law enforcement authorities during the campaign or presidential transition, despite public reports on Russian hacking starting in June 2016 and candidate Trump’s August 2016 intelligence briefing warning him that Russia was seeking to interfere in the election.
    • The Report raised questions about why Trump associates and then-candidate Trump repeatedly asserted Trump had no connections to Russia.
God this is getting tedious.
Here we go.....for the third time.

The Special Counsel investigation uncovered extensive criminal activity

  • The investigation produced 37 indictments; seven guilty pleas or convictions; and compelling evidence that the president obstructed justice on multiple occasions. Mueller also uncovered and referred 14 criminal matters to other components of the Department of Justice.
  • Trump associates repeatedly lied to investigators about their contacts with Russians, and President Trump refused to answer questions about his efforts to impede federal proceedings and influence the testimony of witnesses.
  • A statement signed by over 1,000 former federal prosecutors concluded that if any other American engaged in the same efforts to impede federal proceedings the way Trump did, they would likely be indicted for multiple charges of obstruction of justice.
  • ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

  • ACS > Projects > The Presidential Investigation Education Project > Project Resources > Key Findings of the Mueller Report

    Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony before Congress represents a critical opportunity for the legal community to help the American people understand what is in his March 2019 Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election. The following summary presents key findings from the Mueller Report and is intended to help lawyers and other concerned citizens speak and write about the Special Counsel’s findings in an informed manner. The summary was prepared by the Presidential Investigation Education Project, a partnership between the American Constitution Society (ACS) and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) to promote an informed public evaluation of the investigations of Special Counsel Mueller and others into Russian interference in our elections.​

    Click here for a downloadable fact sheet.
    This resource is a part of ACS's Mueller Investigation resources. Click here to see all resources.

    The Special Counsel investigation uncovered extensive criminal activity

    • The investigation produced 37 indictments; seven guilty pleas or convictions; and compelling evidence that the president obstructed justice on multiple occasions. Mueller also uncovered and referred 14 criminal matters to other components of the Department of Justice.
    • Trump associates repeatedly lied to investigators about their contacts with Russians, and President Trump refused to answer questions about his efforts to impede federal proceedings and influence the testimony of witnesses.
    • A statement signed by over 1,000 former federal prosecutors concluded that if any other American engaged in the same efforts to impede federal proceedings the way Trump did, they would likely be indicted for multiple charges of obstruction of justice.

    Russia engaged in extensive attacks on the U.S. election system in 2016

    • Russian interference in the 2016 election was “sweeping and systemic.”[1]
    • Major attack avenues included a social media “information warfare” campaign that “favored” candidate Trump[2] and the hacking of Clinton campaign-related databases and release of stolen materials through Russian-created entities and Wikileaks.[3]
    • Russia also targeted databases in many states related to administering elections gaining access to information for millions of registered voters.[4]

    The investigation “identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign” and established that the Trump Campaign “showed interest in WikiLeaks's releases of documents and welcomed their potential to damage candidate Clinton”

    • In 2015 and 2016, Michael Cohen pursued a hotel/residence project in Moscow on behalf of Trump while he was campaigning for President.[5] Then-candidate Trump personally signed a letter of intent.
    • Senior members of the Trump campaign, including Paul Manafort, Donald Trump, Jr., and Jared Kushner took a June 9, 2016, meeting with Russian nationals at Trump Tower, New York, after outreach from an intermediary informed Trump, Jr., that the Russians had derogatory information on Clinton that was “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”[6]
    • Beginning in June 2016, a Trump associate “forecast to senior [Trump] Campaign officials that WikiLeaks would release information damaging to candidate Clinton.”[7] A section of the Report that remains heavily redacted suggests that Roger Stone was this associate and that he had significant contacts with the campaign about Wikileaks.[8]
    • The Report described multiple occasions where Trump associates lied to investigators about Trump associate contacts with Russia. Trump associates George Papadopoulos, Rick Gates, Michael Flynn, and Michael Cohen all admitted that they made false statements to federal investigators or to Congress about their contacts. In addition, Roger Stone faces trial this fall for obstruction of justice, five counts of making false statements, and one count of witness tampering.
    • The Report contains no evidence that any Trump campaign official reported their contacts with Russia or WikiLeaks to U.S. law enforcement authorities during the campaign or presidential transition, despite public reports on Russian hacking starting in June 2016 and candidate Trump’s August 2016 intelligence briefing warning him that Russia was seeking to interfere in the election.
    • The Report raised questions about why Trump associates and then-candidate Trump repeatedly asserted Trump had no connections to Russia.
You do know, it has been proven that Russian collusion was a lie?
Those of us who have actually read the report know better.
Only you who never bothered to read it yourself give yourselves away by repeating this untruth.
No charges, no evidence, no obstruction. Mueller would have been laughed out of court again if he tried to bring charges with his no evidence. Indictments that had nothing to do with the election. Epic fail.
Those of us who have actually read the report know better.
Only you who never bothered to read it yourself give yourselves away by repeating this untruth.
Hillary already paid a fine for starting that lie, but cnn won't tell you that. Russian collusion was a lie, and you being a dumbass still thinks it's true. Bless your heart! Lol
Hillary already paid a fine for starting that lie, but cnn won't tell you that. Russian collusion was a lie, and you being a dumbass still thinks it's true. Bless your heart! Lol

Idiot, she paid an $8000 fine for not reporting her Fusion GPS payments to the FEC. The fine was not for hiring Fusion GPS.
Biden keeps chugging along
His economy is on stable footing
His key legislation is starting to take hold with Billions of dollars of new infrastructure being built.

Another year of Trump fighting criminal charges will not help him
Chugging along? Stable footing? Starting to take hold? The Biden economy created rampant inflation which cost the average American family upwards of five thousand dollars! Your pathetic attempts to put lipstick on a pig aren't going to convince those people that they're better off with progressive policies! They know better.
Keep on saying that - maybe someday someone will believe you. But I doubt it!
You keep on watching CNN, Richard and you'll keep right on wearing those blinders! Right now there are two categories of liberals...those too stupid to realize they've been lied to and those too embarrassed to admit that they've been lied to. Which are you?

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