Biden 6 Trillion Budget Equivalent To World War 2 Budget

well it cost us 6 billion to beat fascist...

i imagine the xiden admin figured it would cost just as much for them to establish it here
Has anyone checked to see what's going on in Hawaii lately? Maybe we are at war?

No party has ever addressed the debt. Now is NOT the time.
Of course it is. When the debt is driven the highest it's precisely the right time to stop this insanity.
There’s almost NO political capital in being fiscally responsible, you don’t win elections by not increasing spending, after all supporters expect PAY BACK after helping candidates get elected. So I wouldn’t expect deficits to be substantially reduced anytime soon, in fact recent history shows that the trend is going in the exact opposite direction.

I don’t think Biden is going to get the $6 trillion he’s asking for but I also suspect that what he does end up getting is going to result in ever more mind boggling deficits as far as the eye can see.

It’s unreal how reckless we’ve allowed our politicians to become gambling with the future of the Nation, we should be ashamed of ourselves for letting it get to this point. Weimar Republic v2.0 here we come.
No party has ever addressed the debt. Now is NOT the time.
When is a good time? When the dollar gets so devalued that it will no longer be the world’s currency? How about when our bond and credit rating slip and causes more debt and higher interest payments? When America is so far in debt that the next several generations will have less than we do? You selfish bastards make me sick.
No party has ever addressed the debt. Now is NOT the time.
When is a good time? When the dollar gets so devalued that it will no longer be the world’s currency? How about when our bond and credit rating slip and causes more debt and higher interest payments? When America is so far in debt that the next several generations will have less than we do? You selfish bastards make me sick.
YES, history demonstrates those are the only sets of circumstances upon which we’re going to do ANYTHING about this insane fiscal irresponsibility, when circumstances FORCE us to and after it’s far too LATE to stop it.

In the meantime the looters are going to continue to grab everything in the national piggy-bank that isn’t nailed down so they can comfortably hit the exits when the shit finally hits the fan. This has been the mode by which great nations become HAS BEENS throughout history and it’s happening again right before our eyes, the sad part is, those that see it get nothing but mockery and derision for pointing it out.

“Those that forgot history are doomed to repeat it” — George Santayana
is a good time? When the dollar gets so devalued that it will no longer be the world’s currency? How about when our bond and credit rating slip and causes more debt and higher interest payments? When America is so far in debt that the next several generations will have less than we do? You selfish bastards make me sick.
The poster’s name you are replying to says it all:

Initforme - In It For Me

He or she does not care about the future condition of the country

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