Biden Addresses 'Forces That Divide' - Democrats - Calls For Unity...While Dems Push 2nd Admitted Partisan Impeachment of EX-President

WATCH: 46th President Joe Biden addresses 'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address
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WATCH: 46th President Joe Biden addresses 'forces that divide,' calls for 'unity' during inaugural address

Nothing like starting off your new Presidency in the 1st 5 minutes by engaging in deceit, dishonesty, & division....

Biden once again, this time as president, for Unity while Pelosi and Democrats continue to push admitted 2nd political partisan Impeachment.

F*, this is going to be a long 4 years...(or however long it is before Harris and the radicals remove his dementia-suffering ass..).

Now you sound like BLM...Congrats
Elections have consequences.
Sorry that unity is so frightening to you.


Thank you for the biggest demonstration of mentally unstable hypocrisy we may ever see in out life times!

Trump had every chance to foster that unity. But he wasn't interested. Not in the job. Not in understanding the responsibility that came with the job. Not in understanding how government worked or was supposed to work. Not in learning how policy is brokered and put into law. He was only interested in adoration and attention that came from the job. The Russia investigation, the Ukraine phone call, Charlottesville, the blown response to the pandemic...were all of his own making. Trump was and always will be his own worst enemy. He's corrupt, he's incompetent, and he's a moron. And tonight, he's no longer President. Good riddance to bad garbage.

Well Biden's first day wasn't unifying anything. All he did was screw every tax payer in America.
Now you sound like BLM...Congrats

Hardly.... Left Wing Insurrection (aka - by snowflakes, Democrats, and fake news media - 'Mostly Peaceful Protests') have broken out in 'celebration' of Biden becoming President.

The Democrats should have militarized Portland and the other Democrat-run cities that have facilitated foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorism that has caused BILLIONS of dollars in damage...and is in the process of causing even more damage.

Unrest explodes across West as Biden sworn-in; clashes with police, attack on Dem Party officessmoke a sign
Let me tell you what is going on here, Dems are begging Republicans for political cover.

Dems need some Republicans to vote for their far left agenda so they can claim it was bipartisan when the American people get pissed off. If only Dems vote for this crap then Dems are likely to get obliterated again like they did in 2010 when they took all the blame and suffered the biggest Dem loss in nearly 100 years.

Sounds about right. I thought his message was to unify the country. Yet on his first day.

He handcuffed border patrol telling them who they can arrest and who they can't.

Stopped construction on the wall so more illegals can come in and we can pay for them. They cost us billions each year and most American want all of them out of America

He will allow those DACA kids to stay. I'd bet we have already spent billions on kids who aren't American and shouldn't have been here at all.

He want 6 years instead of 8 to become a US citizen. He's a jack ass who doesn't know the illegals are loyal to Mexico. They don't want to be US citizens, they just want to come here illegally, work and send money back home and have us spend billions on them.

He want a $15 an hour minimum wage for Fed workers, who we pay.

He's stopping the Keystone pipeline and drilling for Oil in America. Stand by for $5 a gallon gas.

Unify the country my ass. He's supposed to be a moderate. Look like he's a hard lefty like the whore VP.

Every tax paying American is going to get screwed big time. Hope the idiots that voted for this jack ass enjoy, cause no one else will

Correct on all points. Each time Biden and Dems open their mouths they LIE!
Think about it.
Biden and the Cult relentlessly accuse Republicans of being bigots, racist, nazis, klan, white supremacist, nativist, insurrectionist, anti democracy.......but they want to "unite" with them.
Yea, they are Total Psychos.
Biden is not using those words Bubba. He has been extremely civil throughout the campaign, the transition and during the inauguration. He is trying to lower the temperature. He has a long history of reaching across the isle . Maybe you guys could meet him halfway and stop being b bigots, racist, Nazis, Klan, white supremacist, nativist, insurrectionist, and anti democracy...

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