Biden administration looking to pivot to reparations for black people.


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Gold Supporting Member
Aug 30, 2011

Hindsight tells us that blacks that have been years for generations have benefited from slavery. That’s really indisputable.

Now reparations is just going to create animosity and division, which I really think are the intended consequences of the idea.

Hindsight tells us that blacks that have been years for generations have benefited from slavery. That’s really indisputable.

Now reparations is just going to create animosity and division, which I really think are the intended consequences of the idea.
I don't think across the board reparations is going to fly in the SCOTUS. You are right about the division and animosity--the democrat way, they've been playing that communist card for four years.

Hindsight tells us that blacks that have been years for generations have benefited from slavery. That’s really indisputable.

Now reparations is just going to create animosity and division, which I really think are the intended consequences of the idea.
I don't think across the board reparations is going to fly in the SCOTUS. You are right about the division and animosity--the democrat way, they've been playing that communist card for four years.

Yeah. I don't care what side of the SC they're on, special recompense based on a person's race is totally unconstitutional.

Hindsight tells us that blacks that have been years for generations have benefited from slavery. That’s really indisputable.

Now reparations is just going to create animosity and division, which I really think are the intended consequences of the idea.
Maybe reparations isn't necessarily just legal mugging. I can see their argument. A policy that would undo the legacy of slavery, that would put American blacks at parity with Ivory Coast blacks and Senegal blacks and Mauritania blacks and so on--make it so it would be like their ancestors had never been captured and sold into slavery--just seems like the right thing to do.

Hindsight tells us that blacks that have been years for generations have benefited from slavery. That’s really indisputable.

Now reparations is just going to create animosity and division, which I really think are the intended consequences of the idea.
I don't think across the board reparations is going to fly in the SCOTUS. You are right about the division and animosity--the democrat way, they've been playing that communist card for four years.

Yeah. I don't care what side of the SC they're on, special recompense based on a person's race is totally unconstitutional.
And yet it still would be a 5-4 decision. As pathetic as that sounds.

Hindsight tells us that blacks that have been years for generations have benefited from slavery. That’s really indisputable.

Now reparations is just going to create animosity and division, which I really think are the intended consequences of the idea.
Maybe reparations isn't necessarily just legal mugging. I can see their argument. A policy that would undo the legacy of slavery, that would put American blacks at parity with Ivory Coast blacks and Senegal blacks and Mauritania blacks and so on--make it so it would be like their ancestors had never been captured and sold into slavery--just seems like the right thing to do.

I could see reparations starting a race war. Nothing good would come of it. You’re just an idiot.
I don't think anything resembling reparations will pass in the Senate, and it's likely IMHO that any Executive Action by Biden will not pass Constitutional muster. You just can't give money to some based on race and not others, no matter how you try to hide it.

Hindsight tells us that blacks that have been years for generations have benefited from slavery. That’s really indisputable.

Now reparations is just going to create animosity and division, which I really think are the intended consequences of the idea.
I don't think across the board reparations is going to fly in the SCOTUS. You are right about the division and animosity--the democrat way, they've been playing that communist card for four years.

Yeah. I don't care what side of the SC they're on, special recompense based on a person's race is totally unconstitutional.
Why are people stupid enough to believe this BS. The descendants of people taken into slavery 400 years ago up until 1863, may have a legal case against their home country and possibly their tribal leaders and the slave traders who bought them from African tribes, Many, many, many, of the first slaves were already slaves. Tribes didn't sell their own they sold slaves taken in armed conflict... some .. mostly women and children were kept as breeding stock and laborers. The men were sold or killed.... Selling or trading for other goods was common practice in Africa 400 years ago. What about mixed race children or blacks who arrived of their own volition after slavery ended.

Hindsight tells us that blacks that have been years for generations have benefited from slavery. That’s really indisputable.

Now reparations is just going to create animosity and division, which I really think are the intended consequences of the idea.
Maybe reparations isn't necessarily just legal mugging. I can see their argument. A policy that would undo the legacy of slavery, that would put American blacks at parity with Ivory Coast blacks and Senegal blacks and Mauritania blacks and so on--make it so it would be like their ancestors had never been captured and sold into slavery--just seems like the right thing to do.

One of the necessary requirements to make it as if their ancestors hadn't been captured and sold, would have to include extracting reparations from the ancestors of those Moors and Islamics who kidnapped them, as well as the ancestors of those British and Portuguese ship captains who brought them here. As well as those Africans who sold their own people into slavery. They must be made to pay.

We might as well go full-retard here, and not half-assed retarded.

Hindsight tells us that blacks that have been years for generations have benefited from slavery. That’s really indisputable.

Now reparations is just going to create animosity and division, which I really think are the intended consequences of the idea.
Maybe reparations isn't necessarily just legal mugging. I can see their argument. A policy that would undo the legacy of slavery, that would put American blacks at parity with Ivory Coast blacks and Senegal blacks and Mauritania blacks and so on--make it so it would be like their ancestors had never been captured and sold into slavery--just seems like the right thing to do.

One of the necessary requirements to make it as if their ancestors hadn't been captured and sold, would have to include extracting reparations from the ancestors of those Moors and Islamics who kidnapped them, as well as the ancestors of those British and Portuguese ship captains who brought them here. As well as those Africans who sold their own people into slavery. They must be made to pay.

We might as well go full-retard here, and not half-assed retarded.
So let's go a step further... The people screaming about racism in this country should really go abroad and experience real racism first hand. Maybe return to their country of origin and see how the cast system works, Classes of people are given levels of importance to society lower cast populations struggle and the higher in the system your family is the better your opportunity and you never rise above the level you were born too. Opportunity in America abounds for anyone with the Drive and a Dream regardless of ethnicity. calling someone a white supremacist is actually a racist remark. BLM is a " Black Supremacist" organization as I see it. This won't be up long!
I bet he renigs on that too, like he has on a bunch of other promises he made.
The problem is he isn't the one making these statements! The Presidents Mind is like "Elvis". And Elvis has left the building! Biden gone 6 mos. to a year. 25th Amendment... Dementia! Unable to fulfill the duties of the Office of the Presidency

Hindsight tells us that blacks that have been years for generations have benefited from slavery. That’s really indisputable.

Now reparations is just going to create animosity and division, which I really think are the intended consequences of the idea.
Reparations for fucking what??? Without slavery most of us wouldn't be here for CS. Everything would be different

Hindsight tells us that blacks that have been years for generations have benefited from slavery. That’s really indisputable.

Now reparations is just going to create animosity and division, which I really think are the intended consequences of the idea.
Maybe reparations isn't necessarily just legal mugging. I can see their argument. A policy that would undo the legacy of slavery, that would put American blacks at parity with Ivory Coast blacks and Senegal blacks and Mauritania blacks and so on--make it so it would be like their ancestors had never been captured and sold into slavery--just seems like the right thing to do.

I could see reparations starting a race war. Nothing good would come of it. You’re just an idiot.
No, you are the idiot. Go back and read what I wrote. Then think about it.
Hindsight tells us that blacks that have been years for generations have benefited from slavery. That’s really indisputable.
lmao wow this topic is truly garbage.

Where are blacks now because their ancestors were bought over as slaves? That’s right in America, where the quality of life for blacks is better than anywhere else in world.

If they stayed in Africa maybe if this happened or if that happened they would be better off. But you know what, we’re not talking about ifs, we’re talking about history and what actually happened.Fact off the matter is slavery was terrible, but because of slavery black are now in America
I do believe in reparations for descendants of slaves. But I believed that the descendants of slave masters should pay. Which the majority are the elites who owned slaves.

Give every Black in America 50K. In three months they won't have a fucking dime left.
"If only the WHITE government had given us 100K each then we would have done something intelligent with the money".

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