biden admits voter fraud.

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Yeah, this has been done and I think it's always been more a case of Joe's muddled brain than any explicit confession by him. He's not that dumb!

Joe doesn't need to confess anyway. The criminal stealing of the presidential election is absolutely
apparent to anyone with eyeballs.
Another "admits" thread!!! Don't you realize it only takes a few seconds to see through that bullsh*t? :rolleyes-41:

So what did he really mean by that? And if that's not what he really meant, why the Freudian Slip?

Even you'd have to admit that this was the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in American history. The results speak for themselves.

Congratulations. I am in awe.
I refuse to believe there is a party that believes in total bull shit that can win election without voter fraud. Socialism, a person looks at these nations that are ran by Socialist is not going to vote for it if even allowed too, If they did they would be bat shit crazy as pelosi the leader of the bat shit crazy party. No morals, no justice, just bat shit crazy.

No personal content in OP, video has been posted several times.


In reference to you signature, I was saying that 4 years ago.
And from what's happening, others were saying that 4 years ago, too.
Sorry about your impeached man-baby, back to bankrupting casinos and cheating contractors and fucking porn stars, I guess.

No personal content in OP, video has been posted several times.


In reference to you signature, I was saying that 4 years ago.
And from what's happening, others were saying that 4 years ago, too.
Sorry about your impeached man-baby, back to bankrupting casinos and cheating contractors and fucking porn stars, I guess.

Sorry about your impeached man-baby,

My impeached man-baby?

How long does it take for morons like you to get it thru your thick heads, I didn't vote for him in 2016. I didn't vote for him in 2020, and I MIGHT have voted democrat this year, if you'd had a competent candidate?

Vote for senile Joe, or the DNCs vp pick Kamala?

I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I ain't THAT stupid.
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