Biden adviser Cedric Richmond says "it's Republicans who defunded the police"

that's it? you've had a year and "it's the GOP, not us" is the best you can come up with? i couldn't find a single Republican who defunded the police, and believe me, i looked!

he also once compared Trump voters to David Duke voters.

Yep......this is the creation of a Big Lie in real time......they spent an entire year screaming to not only defund the police, but some of these assholes want to disband all police.....

Now they say, no, really, it was the republicans....

As part of observing the Big Lie being created, when you watch the main stream media, democrat party reporters and news networks, the late night democrat party comedians, and hollywood will now see the hive mind at work as they all start repeating the lie.... The republicans wanted to defund the police, not the democrats...

The signal went out to the democrat party Borg, they will now all be droning that response
Synthaholic But Synth..the cops were funded until the dem leaderships sought to defund them. Why are federal taxpayers on the hook for the dem jurisdictions taking money away from cops and giving it to dirty politicians and terrorists in black race hustler groups? Hmmm...
I wish I could yank that ignorant groid through my screen and beat the shit out of him.
What a fucken Joke!!!
that's it? you've had a year and "it's the GOP, not us" is the best you can come up with? i couldn't find a single Republican who defunded the police, and believe me, i looked!

he also once compared Trump voters to David Duke voters.

Yep......this is the creation of a Big Lie in real time......they spent an entire year screaming to not only defund the police, but some of these assholes want to disband all police.....

Now they say, no, really, it was the republicans....

As part of observing the Big Lie being created, when you watch the main stream media, democrat party reporters and news networks, the late night democrat party comedians, and hollywood will now see the hive mind at work as they all start repeating the lie.... The republicans wanted to defund the police, not the democrats...

The signal went out to the democrat party Borg, they will now all be droning that response

You are the ones who are spouting the Big Lie. Neither Biden nor a majority of Democrats ever supported defunding the police. Biden's idea of shifting some federal tax money to community policing is a good idea. Republicans managed to con voters into believing them. Chris Wallace caught the Republicans in their Big Lie. As further evidence of Republicans attacking police officers is happening right now in regards to Jan 6. 140 officers were injured and one died. Yet Republicans voted against investigating Jan 6.
Democrats should remind voters of that in 2022.

And just in give an example of one of the democrat party Borg Drones, chris wallace, repeating the Big Lie...........his implants are working just fine...

He actually is one of the few honest journalists at Fake News. You are the Big Liar. You have to wait to get your talking points from Trump.

C'mon, just a simple search at google and you will find he is lying. He was so bad that MSM could not have him in the networks even though his father built the "news hour".
Democrat Party talking points coordinator Chris Wallace is also making the crazy claim that the Republicans are defunding the police.
that's it? you've had a year and "it's the GOP, not us" is the best you can come up with? i couldn't find a single Republican who defunded the police, and believe me, i looked!

he also once compared Trump voters to David Duke voters.

Yep......this is the creation of a Big Lie in real time......they spent an entire year screaming to not only defund the police, but some of these assholes want to disband all police.....

Now they say, no, really, it was the republicans....

As part of observing the Big Lie being created, when you watch the main stream media, democrat party reporters and news networks, the late night democrat party comedians, and hollywood will now see the hive mind at work as they all start repeating the lie.... The republicans wanted to defund the police, not the democrats...

The signal went out to the democrat party Borg, they will now all be droning that response

This might sound like a sarcastic comment but it’s an honest assessment: the more the Democrats and LSM spin their falsehoods, the greater the odds that significant numbers of independents and libertarians will vote Republican in 2022 and 2024. Now, there’s a silver lining out of this mess of leftist agendas via intentionally bogus dialogue. As a former Republican, I am sure there are many more in the middle thinking the same thing.

I was just on another thread and it was almost sickening to see how a couple of these leftist posters play the game. I don’t know what they think they’re doing, but they’re not catching any fish. As a matter fact, their words are working against their own agenda. To borrow another poster’s phrase: hoo ah!
1) that NEW funds...not defunding
2) it’s not for police, as the video shows, but “could be” -
3) money that wouldn’t be needed for police, had dems not DEfunded...took funds, from police departments

try again

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