Biden adviser Cedric Richmond says "it's Republicans who defunded the police"

Since when do unelected and relatively unknown and unchallenged presidential "advisers" get to hold a media event where they blame the other party? Where the hell is whispering Joe?
that's it? you've had a year and "it's the GOP, not us" is the best you can come up with? i couldn't find a single Republican who defunded the police, and believe me, i looked!

he also once compared Trump voters to David Duke voters.

Here's the relevant exchange.

Let me push back on that a little bit,” Wallace said. “Because [this week] the president said that the central part in his anti-crime package is the $350bn in the American Rescue Plan, the Covid relief plan that was passed.”

Covid relief passed through Congress in March, under rules that meant it did not require Republican votes. It did not get a single one.

Asked if that meant it was “you and the Republicans who are defunding the police”, Banks dodged the question.

Wallace said: “No, no, sir, respectfully – wait, sir, respectfully … I’m asking you, there’s $350bn in this package the president says can be used for policing …

“Congressman Banks, let me finish, and I promise I will give you a chance to answer. The president is saying cities and states can use this money to hire more police officers, invest in new technologies and develop summer job training and recreation programs for young people. Respectfully, I’ve heard your point about the last year, but you and every other Republican voted against this $350bn.”

The republicans attempted to defund the police.
It's pathetic. A bunch of childish idiot liars and their media enablers and their obsequious advertisers taken seriously by a large and moronic part of this country.
How come I only saw democrats saying to defund the police?
How come only democrat run cities cut police budgets?
How come democrats are always lying coxuckers?
that's it? you've had a year and "it's the GOP, not us" is the best you can come up with? i couldn't find a single Republican who defunded the police, and believe me, i looked!

he also once compared Trump voters to David Duke voters.

Yep......this is the creation of a Big Lie in real time......they spent an entire year screaming to not only defund the police, but some of these assholes want to disband all police.....

Now they say, no, really, it was the republicans....

As part of observing the Big Lie being created, when you watch the main stream media, democrat party reporters and news networks, the late night democrat party comedians, and hollywood will now see the hive mind at work as they all start repeating the lie.... The republicans wanted to defund the police, not the democrats...

The signal went out to the democrat party Borg, they will now all be droning that response

You are the ones who are spouting the Big Lie. Neither Biden nor a majority of Democrats ever supported defunding the police. Biden's idea of shifting some federal tax money to community policing is a good idea. Republicans managed to con voters into believing them. Chris Wallace caught the Republicans in their Big Lie. As further evidence of Republicans attacking police officers is happening right now in regards to Jan 6. 140 officers were injured and one died. Yet Republicans voted against investigating Jan 6.
Democrats should remind voters of that in 2022.

Biden did say he wanted to redirect funds from the police which is the same as defunding the police

Now show where in the legislation funding the police was mentioned? Why don't dems just own up on wanting to defund the police along with pushing CRT indoctrination?

here's an even better question which cities actually did defund the police?

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