Biden again repeats the lie that his son died in Iraq to a mother who just lost her son in Afghanistan

Joe Bidumb is a pile of shit.

His kid dint die in action and was nowhere near any action. He was a pencil pusher.

His wife and girl were not killed by a drunk driver. The accident was his wife’s fault.

Anything he says other than that is bullshit.
Joe has been LYING since the 70's about his wife and child in the car crash. Joe says it was the truckers fault and it was proven it was NOT the truckers fault all those years ago. (Trying to ruin that man's life and lose his CDL) so Joe needs to STOP lying that was the truckers fault his wife died. Joe did this for sympathy. Another notch in his belt for attention.
How did he get injured in the US?

He was a fucking lawyer you moron. Not tending burn pits in Iraq, not in any troop movements. He was a lawyer sitting in the US who made one trip to Kosovo.

Where’s the casualty?
No one can say that his brain cancer was not a result of his military service. I prefer to give anyone who served our country in a war zone the benefit of the doubt.
No one can say that his brain cancer was not a result of his military service. I prefer to give anyone who served our country in a war zone the benefit of the doubt.
You’re fucking retarded.

He was never in a war zone you stupid fuck. And just being enlisted, and doing a job in fucking Delaware doesn’t cause brain cancer.
This is disgraceful.

Lying to and disrespecting a mother who lost her son because of Joe Biden's stupidity is totally on-brand for Joe Biden.

When [President Biden] approached me, his words to me were, "My wife Jill and I know how you feel. We lost our son as well and brought him home in a flag draped coffin."

My heart starting beating faster and I started shaking, knowing that their son died from cancer and they were able to be by his side. Also wondering how someone could honestly be so heartless to say he knew how I felt a little over 24 hours of learning of my son's death.

After this encounter, I have never had any personal correspondence, nor has my son been honored or his name spoken by this commander-in-chief or his administration.

Hmm, Hunter stories running thin and Trump's indictments and trials are not going away...I know! lets re-run Afghanistan best hits.

And while we are on this topic - any thanks from families of soldiers that DIDN'T die in Iraq because Biden had the balls to finally get them out of there?
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Hmm, Hunter stories running thin and Trump's indictments and trials are not going away...I know! lets re-run Afghanistan best hits.

And while we are on this topic - any thanks from families of soldiers that DIDN'T die in Iraq because Biden had the balls to finally get them out of there?
Biden got us out of Iraq? :laughing0301:

Gotta link?
No one can say that his brain cancer was not a result of his military service. I prefer to give anyone who served our country in a war zone the benefit of the doubt.

You prefer to continuously lie to yourself.
No one can say that his brain cancer was not a result of his military service. I prefer to give anyone who served our country in a war zone the benefit of the doubt.
If you ever wonder, why nations turn despotic you don't have too anymore. Joe is a habitual liar. A professional politician who really was not that good and uses the printing press to pat himself on the back as some great one. He is destroying the nation and making us subservient to outside special interests.
There's a lot of Iraq burn pit injuries. It's a fairly important veteran's issue. Who are you to say any of them are full of shit?
His son was not delivered from Iraq in a flag draped coffin. No amount of weak spin is going to change that.
So it's fine for you to disrespect our nation's fallen solders?
Joe Biden received 5 college deferments from serving in the military during Vietnam, just wondering how you feel about that?

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