Biden already created the best economy EVER

Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
Kazzer, there was no recession under Clinton...

Do you ever stop kazzing?

Ever??? :ack-1:

Who knows how demented you have to be to think that means there was a recession under Clinton when there wasn't?

When did I say there was? I simply showed you that he blames himself. You may go back to getting schooled by Kaz now. Adios.

Yeah, ShortBus, how silly of me to think you would join the conversation and talk about what's being discussed.
I gave you a point of reference, OCD. Maybe you should read it and educate yourself so that you can stop making a fucking fool of yourself consistently on this site. You OCD ridden fat fuck.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Gas up 25% and rising, which hurts the poor more than anyone. Good job commies.
Gas at all time low adjusted for inflation due to no demand from an economy Trump’s incompetence killed is a BAD thing. Learn economics.

So you want to play word games you stupid lying commie? Gas can't possibly be at an all time low when adjusted for inflation, It might have been when it was 1.86 a few weeks ago, at 2.49, not so fucking much. Now take you commie lies and FOAD.

Don’t be a tard. You are posting insanity. The idiots on here are pointing to the rise of gas up from historical lows as some kind of measure of anything other than the economy sucked, pandemic management was incompetent, and therefore demand was low. Demand is going up. Confidence is going up. And yep, prices have moved off historic lows. I know that was too complicated for a person who chants lock her up and Mexico will pay for the wall.

I don't do chants commie. And you lied when you claimed current prices are at historic lows. Now you're walking that back. And oil prices have almost doubled, demand has little to do with it. So you can keep pushing your lies and commie propaganda, but keep in mind, it's easy to make you look like the fool you are.


I'm not going to watch that shit, that idiots opinion is no more valid than mine. What's wrong, you can't speak for yourself? Tell me oil didn't go from around $38 to $65. Russia and Iran are really happy, thanks xiden.


Dumbass. Prices went negative under Trump. How’s that for great work? He’s a master of 7th level chess. Kill Americans with covid, lock them down, and see oil prices plummet so you can’t give it away. How dumb are you???
View attachment 468064

Mar 15 2021 price 64.81. This thread is about quid pro joe, RIGHT? Run along commie, play your games elsewhere.


This thread is about Biden having the strongest economy in history
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

So, Trump's economy was actually Obama's for his entire 4 years, while Biden's is Bidens after 3 months?

Got it.
I just am playing by the rules you guys set. Trump claimed the stock market results from his Nov election forward. ;)
I can't help but notice they don't like when we play by their rules.
That is the difference between the two parties.

When a Democrat is accused, Democrats rally to demand he resign

When a Republican is accused, the Republicans just attack the accuser and ignore the charges
What happened with Biden and Tara Reade or the squad of accusers of Slick Willie?
Tara Reades story kind of fell apart
You mean like Kavanaugh's accusers? Like Trump's accusers?

Funny how that works, especially since Tara Reade was a Biden supporter.

Republicans ignored Kavanaughs accuser even though they said she was credible

Trumps accusers are still waiting their day in court
Kavanaugh's accuser was very easy to ignore as such sleaze usually is.

So Trump boinked lotsa poontang. So what, it's not against the law. You as a "beta" male and snowflake cannot understand.
^^^ the party of family values.

You must have mistaken me for Dan Quayle. The GOP pf yesteryear is not the GOP of today. It is Trump's.
Oh? So the GOP has surrendered their values for their new lord?

Dumbfuck, some of your brethren are even agreeing that the GOP no longer champions family values. Nor can you given the leader of your party is a serial adulterer who pays his former mistresses to stay silent as he runs for public office and cheats on every wife he ever had, spawning 5 kids from three whores.

YOu are a partisan hack spewing shit from his face anus.

The Religious RIght is a strong faction in the GOP. They are not teh whole of hte gop. THey don't always get their way. Trump is not of them, but was happy to work with them, constructively towards shared goals.

None of that supports any of the stupid shit you said in your previous post, you drooling retarded fuck.

Dumbfuck, some of your religious right are among the biggest sinners and biggest hypocrites. Trump portrays the antithesis of family values. No person can vote for him AND champion family values.

Trump was willing to work with the religious right on their agenda.

Hillary, Biden, people like you, are actively hostile to them, and seem to oppose them for ideological, partisan and personal reasons, with a fiery passion that looks a lot like hate.

It is completely possible for a person to champion family values, and see that Trump was someone they could reasonable work with while you people are their bitter enemies.

Your claim otherwise, is silly.
The only religious people who thought they could work with Trump were idiots who were duped by him.

And of course, everything Trump does is self-serving. Even when it's pelting peaceful protestor's with chemicals so Trump could have a photo op in front of a church.

Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
Kazzer, there was no recession under Clinton...

Do you ever stop kazzing?

Ever??? :ack-1:

Who knows how demented you have to be to think that means there was a recession under Clinton when there wasn't?

When did I say there was? I simply showed you that he blames himself. You may go back to getting schooled by Kaz now. Adios.

Yeah, ShortBus, how silly of me to think you would join the conversation and talk about what's being discussed.
I gave you a point of reference, OCD. Maybe you should read it and educate yourself so that you can stop making a fucking fool of yourself consistently on this site. You OCD ridden fat fuck.

You're deranged, ShortBus. What you "gave" me had nothing to do with what I was talking about.
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

So, Trump's economy was actually Obama's for his entire 4 years, while Biden's is Bidens after 3 months?

Got it.
I just am playing by the rules you guys set. Trump claimed the stock market results from his Nov election forward. ;)
I can't help but notice they don't like when we play by their rules.
That is the difference between the two parties.

When a Democrat is accused, Democrats rally to demand he resign

When a Republican is accused, the Republicans just attack the accuser and ignore the charges
What happened with Biden and Tara Reade or the squad of accusers of Slick Willie?
Tara Reades story kind of fell apart
You mean like Kavanaugh's accusers? Like Trump's accusers?

Funny how that works, especially since Tara Reade was a Biden supporter.

Republicans ignored Kavanaughs accuser even though they said she was credible

Trumps accusers are still waiting their day in court
Kavanaugh's accuser was very easy to ignore as such sleaze usually is.

So Trump boinked lotsa poontang. So what, it's not against the law. You as a "beta" male and snowflake cannot understand.
^^^ the party of family values.

You must have mistaken me for Dan Quayle. The GOP pf yesteryear is not the GOP of today. It is Trump's.
Oh? So the GOP has surrendered their values for their new lord?

Dumbfuck, some of your brethren are even agreeing that the GOP no longer champions family values. Nor can you given the leader of your party is a serial adulterer who pays his former mistresses to stay silent as he runs for public office and cheats on every wife he ever had, spawning 5 kids from three whores.

YOu are a partisan hack spewing shit from his face anus.

The Religious RIght is a strong faction in the GOP. They are not teh whole of hte gop. THey don't always get their way. Trump is not of them, but was happy to work with them, constructively towards shared goals.

None of that supports any of the stupid shit you said in your previous post, you drooling retarded fuck.

Dumbfuck, some of your religious right are among the biggest sinners and biggest hypocrites. Trump portrays the antithesis of family values. No person can vote for him AND champion family values.

Trump was willing to work with the religious right on their agenda.

Hillary, Biden, people like you, are actively hostile to them, and seem to oppose them for ideological, partisan and personal reasons, with a fiery passion that looks a lot like hate.

It is completely possible for a person to champion family values, and see that Trump was someone they could reasonable work with while you people are their bitter enemies.

Your claim otherwise, is silly.
The only religious people who thought they could work with Trump were idiots who were duped by him.


Your refusal to seriously address my point is noted and accepted as an admission that I am right.
Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
Kazzer, there was no recession under Clinton...

Do you ever stop kazzing?

Ever??? :ack-1:

Who knows how demented you have to be to think that means there was a recession under Clinton when there wasn't?

When did I say there was? I simply showed you that he blames himself. You may go back to getting schooled by Kaz now. Adios.

Yeah, ShortBus, how silly of me to think you would join the conversation and talk about what's being discussed.
I gave you a point of reference, OCD. Maybe you should read it and educate yourself so that you can stop making a fucking fool of yourself consistently on this site. You OCD ridden fat fuck.

You're deranged, ShortBus. What you "gave" me had nothing to do with what I was talking about.
I ll Explain since you’re a stupid OCD ridden fat fuck.
Your argument is that under Clinton we did not have a recession and his is that Clinton’s policies led to one later. Clinton himself agrees with that. So if under a certain CEO a company never posted a loss but he made a bad decision and then resigned and the next year under a new CEO that company took a loss due to a prior CEOs decision then the prior CEO is responsible even though under his leadership that company technically never posted a loss.

You are very uneducated. All jokes and insults aside I mean that. You have zero finance or economics acumen. Pretty sad for a 67 yr old man. Tsk tsk tsk. I feel Sorry for you.
Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
Kazzer, there was no recession under Clinton...

Do you ever stop kazzing?

Ever??? :ack-1:

Who knows how demented you have to be to think that means there was a recession under Clinton when there wasn't?

When did I say there was? I simply showed you that he blames himself. You may go back to getting schooled by Kaz now. Adios.

Yeah, ShortBus, how silly of me to think you would join the conversation and talk about what's being discussed.
I gave you a point of reference, OCD. Maybe you should read it and educate yourself so that you can stop making a fucking fool of yourself consistently on this site. You OCD ridden fat fuck.

You're deranged, ShortBus. What you "gave" me had nothing to do with what I was talking about.
I ll Explain since you’re a stupid OCD ridden fat fuck.
Your argument is that under Clinton we did not have a recession and his is that Clinton’s policies led to one later. Clinton himself agrees with that. So if under a certain CEO a company never posted a loss but he made a bad decision and then resigned and the next year under a new CEO that company took a loss due to a prior CEOs decision then the prior CEO is responsible even though under his leadership that company technically never posted a loss.

You are very uneducated. All jokes and insults aside I mean that. You have zero finance or economics acumen. Pretty sad for a 67 yr old man. Tsk tsk tsk. I feel Sorry for you.
"Your argument is that under Clinton we did not have a recession and his is that Clinton’s policies led to one later. Clinton himself agrees with that."


ShortBus, you're referencing the wrong recession, ya dumbfuck. We were talking about the 2001 recession.

Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).

No Stupid! Obama TRIPLED the DOW. He DOUBLED it in his first term. Trump only raised the DOW by 50%. He did half as well as Obama in his first term - and that was BEFORE the pandemic.

As for unemployment, job creation was substantially lower under Trump before the pandemic, and Trump LEFT office with the worst unemployement in a decade.
Dow the day Barry took office : 7949

The day Barry started his second term: 13,649

7949 x 2 = 15,898

Your first claim is a lie.

As far as Barry ”tripling“ the debt, the DOW would have to have been at 23,847 when Barry left office.

It was: 19,827.

Just proved your second claim to be a lie Dragonlady

you are a KKKanadian lying sack of shit.
It's also true the Dow, which had fallen from 14165 to 7949 by inauguration day, continued to fall until it bottomed out at 6627 in March, 2009. So yeah, under Obama, the Dow tripled under Obama from 6627 to 19827.
Just because Barry tanked the DOW in his first few months doesn't mean he wasn't handed the DOW at 7949, Stupid.

Nice try.
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

Biden’s and the Democrats are barely 60 Days in those are some impressive economic indicators under their short watch. I sincerely congratulate and support them.

This also means that Democrats clearly own the economy. With these strong indicators in place, there is no blaming Trump for any challenges or economic failures they may have. Unlike 2008, there is no hiding behind the predecessor as an excuse for a delayed recovery.

Democrats are accountable for the ‘21 Economy and beyond. No excuses.

Biden has taken steps in the roll out in the Vaccine which has created an optimism for the economy.

He got the his stimulus package so that is definitely a plus for Biden and especially when we consider the folly of the Trump tax cut.

The economy will still fragile after Trump's mistakes... China actually has to be handled properly, that is huge mess at the moment.

Better stance with Yeman this week...

The one thing the rest of the world saw was... LAst year Trump was bumbling over the COVID response and the US had the worst numbers in the 1st world. It looked awful, for the first time in memory, people(outside US) were there to offer sympathy to US. US was way down as a country other countries would aspire to be.

Since this year started the leadership has been impressive. No rants, just getting the job done. Biden comes out the last day and said vaccines for everyone by May the 1st... Suddenly the world's people are turning to their leaders and saying why can't we be more like the US... Welcome back...

When it comes to Making America Great Again, looks like Biden will have to do that too..

Biden inherited a vaccine expedited by Trump. For all of the nit picking about Trump response to COVID and the rollout, Trump accelerated the vaccine availability by the end of 2020. It was Democrats who scoffed at the notion that a vaccine could be ready and it was Democrats who criticized Trump for cutting through red tape and focused on Industry over Government to get it done.

Regarding the stimulus package vs. the Trump tax cut, time will tell. The stimulus package came at a substantial markup to include largely areas and initiatives that have little or nothing to do with COVID.

Biden inherited a number of vaccines from around the world, which were expedited by the WHO and by various first world governments throughout the first world, including the American government.

As for the "nitpicking" around the worst covid response in the first world, which has collapsed your economy and killed more than a half a million citizens, expecting your government to manage the nation's response in an effective and efficient manner is what the rest of us call - "the most basic and necessary function of government": Managing the country through a crisis with the minimum loss of life and/or property damage.

Trump killed more than half a million people, and more than 400,000 small businesses. Just the costs of testing and treating all of the people he encouraged to get sick, defies the imagination.

The Covid Relief package came in at the same cost to the US economy as Trump's tax cuts for billionaires, and less than Trump pissed away on his border fiascos, and failure to address out of control policing.
The Trump Vaccines are saving millions of lives, and YOUR shithole country's death rate is higher than the US death rate, Stupid.
Gas up 25% and rising, which hurts the poor more than anyone. Good job commies.
Gas at all time low adjusted for inflation due to no demand from an economy Trump’s incompetence killed is a BAD thing. Learn economics.

So you want to play word games you stupid lying commie? Gas can't possibly be at an all time low when adjusted for inflation, It might have been when it was 1.86 a few weeks ago, at 2.49, not so fucking much. Now take you commie lies and FOAD.

Don’t be a tard. You are posting insanity. The idiots on here are pointing to the rise of gas up from historical lows as some kind of measure of anything other than the economy sucked, pandemic management was incompetent, and therefore demand was low. Demand is going up. Confidence is going up. And yep, prices have moved off historic lows. I know that was too complicated for a person who chants lock her up and Mexico will pay for the wall.

I don't do chants commie. And you lied when you claimed current prices are at historic lows. Now you're walking that back. And oil prices have almost doubled, demand has little to do with it. So you can keep pushing your lies and commie propaganda, but keep in mind, it's easy to make you look like the fool you are.


I'm not going to watch that shit, that idiots opinion is no more valid than mine. What's wrong, you can't speak for yourself? Tell me oil didn't go from around $38 to $65. Russia and Iran are really happy, thanks xiden.


Dumbass. Prices went negative under Trump. How’s that for great work? He’s a master of 7th level chess. Kill Americans with covid, lock them down, and see oil prices plummet so you can’t give it away. How dumb are you???
View attachment 468064

Mar 15 2021 price 64.81. This thread is about quid pro joe, RIGHT? Run along commie, play your games elsewhere.


This thread is about Biden having the strongest economy in history

I thought it was about Veggie Joe having the highest debt in history.
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

  • Unemployment spikes while xiden mishandles the pandemic.

at least a half million new jobless claims on a weekly basis...awesome job...not
Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
Kazzer, there was no recession under Clinton...

Do you ever stop kazzing?

Ever??? :ack-1:

Who knows how demented you have to be to think that means there was a recession under Clinton when there wasn't?

When did I say there was? I simply showed you that he blames himself. You may go back to getting schooled by Kaz now. Adios.

Yeah, ShortBus, how silly of me to think you would join the conversation and talk about what's being discussed.
I gave you a point of reference, OCD. Maybe you should read it and educate yourself so that you can stop making a fucking fool of yourself consistently on this site. You OCD ridden fat fuck.

You're deranged, ShortBus. What you "gave" me had nothing to do with what I was talking about.
I ll Explain since you’re a stupid OCD ridden fat fuck.
Your argument is that under Clinton we did not have a recession and his is that Clinton’s policies led to one later. Clinton himself agrees with that. So if under a certain CEO a company never posted a loss but he made a bad decision and then resigned and the next year under a new CEO that company took a loss due to a prior CEOs decision then the prior CEO is responsible even though under his leadership that company technically never posted a loss.

You are very uneducated. All jokes and insults aside I mean that. You have zero finance or economics acumen. Pretty sad for a 67 yr old man. Tsk tsk tsk. I feel Sorry for you.
"Your argument is that under Clinton we did not have a recession and his is that Clinton’s policies led to one later. Clinton himself agrees with that."


ShortBus, you're referencing the wrong recession, ya dumbfuck. We were talking about the 2001 recession.

I am as well, dumbfuck. What other recession would he influence you waste of life OCD ridden fat fuck?
Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).

No Stupid! Obama TRIPLED the DOW. He DOUBLED it in his first term. Trump only raised the DOW by 50%. He did half as well as Obama in his first term - and that was BEFORE the pandemic.

As for unemployment, job creation was substantially lower under Trump before the pandemic, and Trump LEFT office with the worst unemployement in a decade.
Dow the day Barry took office : 7949

The day Barry started his second term: 13,649

7949 x 2 = 15,898

Your first claim is a lie.

As far as Barry ”tripling“ the debt, the DOW would have to have been at 23,847 when Barry left office.

It was: 19,827.

Just proved your second claim to be a lie Dragonlady

you are a KKKanadian lying sack of shit.
It's also true the Dow, which had fallen from 14165 to 7949 by inauguration day, continued to fall until it bottomed out at 6627 in March, 2009. So yeah, under Obama, the Dow tripled under Obama from 6627 to 19827.
Just because Barry tanked the DOW in his first few months doesn't mean he wasn't handed the DOW at 7949, Stupid.

Nice try.
First few months??

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con?
Gas up 25% and rising, which hurts the poor more than anyone. Good job commies.
Gas at all time low adjusted for inflation due to no demand from an economy Trump’s incompetence killed is a BAD thing. Learn economics.

So you want to play word games you stupid lying commie? Gas can't possibly be at an all time low when adjusted for inflation, It might have been when it was 1.86 a few weeks ago, at 2.49, not so fucking much. Now take you commie lies and FOAD.

Don’t be a tard. You are posting insanity. The idiots on here are pointing to the rise of gas up from historical lows as some kind of measure of anything other than the economy sucked, pandemic management was incompetent, and therefore demand was low. Demand is going up. Confidence is going up. And yep, prices have moved off historic lows. I know that was too complicated for a person who chants lock her up and Mexico will pay for the wall.

I don't do chants commie. And you lied when you claimed current prices are at historic lows. Now you're walking that back. And oil prices have almost doubled, demand has little to do with it. So you can keep pushing your lies and commie propaganda, but keep in mind, it's easy to make you look like the fool you are.


I'm not going to watch that shit, that idiots opinion is no more valid than mine. What's wrong, you can't speak for yourself? Tell me oil didn't go from around $38 to $65. Russia and Iran are really happy, thanks xiden.


Dumbass. Prices went negative under Trump. How’s that for great work? He’s a master of 7th level chess. Kill Americans with covid, lock them down, and see oil prices plummet so you can’t give it away. How dumb are you???
View attachment 468064

Mar 15 2021 price 64.81. This thread is about quid pro joe, RIGHT? Run along commie, play your games elsewhere.


This thread is about Biden having the strongest economy in history

I thought it was about Veggie Joe having the highest debt in history.

Deficits don’t matter ....Reagan proved that

Biden has the greatest economy in history. After only two months

Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
Kazzer, there was no recession under Clinton...

Do you ever stop kazzing?

Ever??? :ack-1:

Who knows how demented you have to be to think that means there was a recession under Clinton when there wasn't?

When did I say there was? I simply showed you that he blames himself. You may go back to getting schooled by Kaz now. Adios.

Yeah, ShortBus, how silly of me to think you would join the conversation and talk about what's being discussed.
I gave you a point of reference, OCD. Maybe you should read it and educate yourself so that you can stop making a fucking fool of yourself consistently on this site. You OCD ridden fat fuck.

You're deranged, ShortBus. What you "gave" me had nothing to do with what I was talking about.
I ll Explain since you’re a stupid OCD ridden fat fuck.
Your argument is that under Clinton we did not have a recession and his is that Clinton’s policies led to one later. Clinton himself agrees with that. So if under a certain CEO a company never posted a loss but he made a bad decision and then resigned and the next year under a new CEO that company took a loss due to a prior CEOs decision then the prior CEO is responsible even though under his leadership that company technically never posted a loss.

You are very uneducated. All jokes and insults aside I mean that. You have zero finance or economics acumen. Pretty sad for a 67 yr old man. Tsk tsk tsk. I feel Sorry for you.
"Your argument is that under Clinton we did not have a recession and his is that Clinton’s policies led to one later. Clinton himself agrees with that."


ShortBus, you're referencing the wrong recession, ya dumbfuck. We were talking about the 2001 recession.

I am as well, dumbfuck. What other recession would he influence you waste of life OCD ridden fat fuck?

You're such a retard, ShortBus. Clinton was talking about the 2008-2009 recession. What effect on Earth do you think repealing the Glass-Steagall Act had to do with the 2001 recession, which was because of the dot com bubble burst and 9/11?

Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
Kazzer, there was no recession under Clinton...

Do you ever stop kazzing?

Ever??? :ack-1:

Who knows how demented you have to be to think that means there was a recession under Clinton when there wasn't?

When did I say there was? I simply showed you that he blames himself. You may go back to getting schooled by Kaz now. Adios.

Yeah, ShortBus, how silly of me to think you would join the conversation and talk about what's being discussed.
I gave you a point of reference, OCD. Maybe you should read it and educate yourself so that you can stop making a fucking fool of yourself consistently on this site. You OCD ridden fat fuck.

You're deranged, ShortBus. What you "gave" me had nothing to do with what I was talking about.
I ll Explain since you’re a stupid OCD ridden fat fuck.
Your argument is that under Clinton we did not have a recession and his is that Clinton’s policies led to one later. Clinton himself agrees with that. So if under a certain CEO a company never posted a loss but he made a bad decision and then resigned and the next year under a new CEO that company took a loss due to a prior CEOs decision then the prior CEO is responsible even though under his leadership that company technically never posted a loss.

You are very uneducated. All jokes and insults aside I mean that. You have zero finance or economics acumen. Pretty sad for a 67 yr old man. Tsk tsk tsk. I feel Sorry for you.
"Your argument is that under Clinton we did not have a recession and his is that Clinton’s policies led to one later. Clinton himself agrees with that."


ShortBus, you're referencing the wrong recession, ya dumbfuck. We were talking about the 2001 recession.

I am as well, dumbfuck. What other recession would he influence you waste of life OCD ridden fat fuck?

You're such a retard, ShortBus. Clinton was talking about the 2008-2009 recession. What on Earth did you think he was talking about when he mentioned repealing the Glass-Steagall Act??


Are you ever not an OCD ridden dumb shit with zero financial acumen?
Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
Kazzer, there was no recession under Clinton...

Do you ever stop kazzing?

Ever??? :ack-1:

Who knows how demented you have to be to think that means there was a recession under Clinton when there wasn't?

When did I say there was? I simply showed you that he blames himself. You may go back to getting schooled by Kaz now. Adios.

Yeah, ShortBus, how silly of me to think you would join the conversation and talk about what's being discussed.
I gave you a point of reference, OCD. Maybe you should read it and educate yourself so that you can stop making a fucking fool of yourself consistently on this site. You OCD ridden fat fuck.

You're deranged, ShortBus. What you "gave" me had nothing to do with what I was talking about.
I ll Explain since you’re a stupid OCD ridden fat fuck.
Your argument is that under Clinton we did not have a recession and his is that Clinton’s policies led to one later. Clinton himself agrees with that. So if under a certain CEO a company never posted a loss but he made a bad decision and then resigned and the next year under a new CEO that company took a loss due to a prior CEOs decision then the prior CEO is responsible even though under his leadership that company technically never posted a loss.

You are very uneducated. All jokes and insults aside I mean that. You have zero finance or economics acumen. Pretty sad for a 67 yr old man. Tsk tsk tsk. I feel Sorry for you.
"Your argument is that under Clinton we did not have a recession and his is that Clinton’s policies led to one later. Clinton himself agrees with that."


ShortBus, you're referencing the wrong recession, ya dumbfuck. We were talking about the 2001 recession.

I am as well, dumbfuck. What other recession would he influence you waste of life OCD ridden fat fuck?

You're such a retard, ShortBus. Clinton was talking about the 2008-2009 recession. What on Earth did you think he was talking about when he mentioned repealing the Glass-Steagall Act??


Moron, you posted the link. You didn't read your own link, did ya?

Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
Kazzer, there was no recession under Clinton...

Do you ever stop kazzing?

Ever??? :ack-1:

Who knows how demented you have to be to think that means there was a recession under Clinton when there wasn't?

When did I say there was? I simply showed you that he blames himself. You may go back to getting schooled by Kaz now. Adios.

Yeah, ShortBus, how silly of me to think you would join the conversation and talk about what's being discussed.
I gave you a point of reference, OCD. Maybe you should read it and educate yourself so that you can stop making a fucking fool of yourself consistently on this site. You OCD ridden fat fuck.

You're deranged, ShortBus. What you "gave" me had nothing to do with what I was talking about.
I ll Explain since you’re a stupid OCD ridden fat fuck.
Your argument is that under Clinton we did not have a recession and his is that Clinton’s policies led to one later. Clinton himself agrees with that. So if under a certain CEO a company never posted a loss but he made a bad decision and then resigned and the next year under a new CEO that company took a loss due to a prior CEOs decision then the prior CEO is responsible even though under his leadership that company technically never posted a loss.

You are very uneducated. All jokes and insults aside I mean that. You have zero finance or economics acumen. Pretty sad for a 67 yr old man. Tsk tsk tsk. I feel Sorry for you.
"Your argument is that under Clinton we did not have a recession and his is that Clinton’s policies led to one later. Clinton himself agrees with that."


ShortBus, you're referencing the wrong recession, ya dumbfuck. We were talking about the 2001 recession.

I am as well, dumbfuck. What other recession would he influence you waste of life OCD ridden fat fuck?

You're such a retard, ShortBus. Clinton was talking about the 2008-2009 recession. What on Earth did you think he was talking about when he mentioned repealing the Glass-Steagall Act??


Are you ever not an OCD ridden dumb shit with zero financial acumen?

That's a didderent article than you posted earlier, quoting a different president about a different recession.

Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).

No Stupid! Obama TRIPLED the DOW. He DOUBLED it in his first term. Trump only raised the DOW by 50%. He did half as well as Obama in his first term - and that was BEFORE the pandemic.

As for unemployment, job creation was substantially lower under Trump before the pandemic, and Trump LEFT office with the worst unemployement in a decade.
Dow the day Barry took office : 7949

The day Barry started his second term: 13,649

7949 x 2 = 15,898

Your first claim is a lie.

As far as Barry ”tripling“ the debt, the DOW would have to have been at 23,847 when Barry left office.

It was: 19,827.

Just proved your second claim to be a lie Dragonlady

you are a KKKanadian lying sack of shit.
It's also true the Dow, which had fallen from 14165 to 7949 by inauguration day, continued to fall until it bottomed out at 6627 in March, 2009. So yeah, under Obama, the Dow tripled under Obama from 6627 to 19827.
Just because Barry tanked the DOW in his first few months doesn't mean he wasn't handed the DOW at 7949, Stupid.

Nice try.
First few months??

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con?
Yes, first few months. According to your number, Barry tanked the Dow over 1300 pts from late Jan to March.

You are a special kind of stupid.
Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).

No Stupid! Obama TRIPLED the DOW. He DOUBLED it in his first term. Trump only raised the DOW by 50%. He did half as well as Obama in his first term - and that was BEFORE the pandemic.

As for unemployment, job creation was substantially lower under Trump before the pandemic, and Trump LEFT office with the worst unemployement in a decade.
Dow the day Barry took office : 7949

The day Barry started his second term: 13,649

7949 x 2 = 15,898

Your first claim is a lie.

As far as Barry ”tripling“ the debt, the DOW would have to have been at 23,847 when Barry left office.

It was: 19,827.

Just proved your second claim to be a lie Dragonlady

you are a KKKanadian lying sack of shit.
It's also true the Dow, which had fallen from 14165 to 7949 by inauguration day, continued to fall until it bottomed out at 6627 in March, 2009. So yeah, under Obama, the Dow tripled under Obama from 6627 to 19827.
Just because Barry tanked the DOW in his first few months doesn't mean he wasn't handed the DOW at 7949, Stupid.

Nice try.
First few months??

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con?
Yes, first few months. According to your number, Barry tanked the Dow over 1300 pts from late Jan to March.

You are a special kind of stupid.
Dumbfuck, 6½ weeks is not a "few months." It's not even 2 months. Regardless of your lies, the Dow collapsed from 14K+ to about 6600 due to Bush's Great Recession. It then tripled by the time Obama left office.

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