Biden already created the best economy EVER

A total leftist lie. The US comes in 8th in deaths,
You should know better than to lie to me by now, I always have the stats to expose Wing-nut lies.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop

View attachment 467893

You were right, I was wrong. We slipped into 13th since I last looked.
Thanks to Biden.
But our mortality rate is up from 1.6% to 1.8% under Pinochijoe.
The death rate was 3% under Tramp.
Nope....deaths divided by total cases looneytunes. 1.6%

We really don't know how many total people had it, there are to ton of folks that had it, were asymptomatic and were never tested. So the actual death rate is probably much lower.

81 mil...per the yes much lower.
A made up number with no proof, only a MODEL and you global warming deniers say MODELS are worthless.
Today, Monday, the Dow was up another 175 points, setting still another record.

That is four days in row that the Dow has set a record.

The market really likes what the Biden administration is doing while GOP is left out in the cold. Little wonder as to why they want to restrict the number of people voting in states governed by Republicans.

Stock Market Data - Dow Jones, Nasdaq, S&P 500 - CNNMoney
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Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
Trump bought 100 million vaccines.
And distributed less than 50,000,000. Where did the rest go????

The vaccines where just being released you stupid, ignorant mother fucker.

That's seriously your argument? Trump broke all records with getting the vaccine out but a bunch of bureaucrats took a few weeks to get the vaccine out so he's a total loser. You're the total lying loser, fascist
Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
IF you could you would have already, you didn't so you can't.
I just find it fascinating that in a country where everyone wears masks, including everyone who voted for Biden, he came in and advocated masks, and it worked!
70 million Tramp voters refuse to wear masks.

And they suddenly started wearing them when Biden said so? They ignored Trump, but listened to Biden. Trump supporters. That's seriously your argument. My God man, do you have a pair?
Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
IF you could you would have already, you didn't so you can't.

That doesn't even make sense. So you think I can't. Fine.

That wasn't the question.

So if I can produce quotes from Democrats before 2007 blaming W for a recession, you'll tell them what pathetic liars they are? Simple question?

It's really easy for you, obviously as a lemming you'd never criticize a Democrat, "cynic." You're a cynic, that's funny as shit.

So? You set the standard. Does it apply to Democrats?
I just find it fascinating that in a country where everyone wears masks, including everyone who voted for Biden, he came in and advocated masks, and it worked!
70 million Tramp voters refuse to wear masks.

And they suddenly started wearing them when Biden said so? They ignored Trump, but listened to Biden. Trump supporters. That's seriously your argument. My God man, do you have a pair?
Not all, but Enough did to bring the daily deaths down to half what they were under Tramp.
I just find it fascinating that in a country where everyone wears masks, including everyone who voted for Biden, he came in and advocated masks, and it worked!
70 million Tramp voters refuse to wear masks.

And they suddenly started wearing them when Biden said so? They ignored Trump, but listened to Biden. Trump supporters. That's seriously your argument. My God man, do you have a pair?
Not all, but Enough did to bring the daily deaths down to half what they were under Tramp.
That could be because everybody is already dead.
The death rate falling is global.
Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
IF you could you would have already, you didn't so you can't.

That doesn't even make sense. So you think I can't. Fine.

That wasn't the question.

So if I can produce quotes from Democrats before 2007 blaming W for a recession, you'll tell them what pathetic liars they are? Simple question?

It's really easy for you, obviously as a lemming you'd never criticize a Democrat, "cynic." You're a cynic, that's funny as shit.

So? You set the standard. Does it apply to Democrats?
Gee I forgot the FIRST Bush recession, thanks for reminding me, but you STILL lied when you said it began under Clinton.
The NBER sets the dates for recessions and there were none under Clinton and 2 under BUSH, the first began March 2001 and the second began Dec 2007.
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Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.

So if I can show you quotes by Democrats from before that, you'll call them ignorant mother fuckers because you as you said believe in "truth" and that's "truth?"
IF you could you would have already, you didn't so you can't.

That doesn't even make sense. So you think I can't. Fine.

That wasn't the question.

So if I can produce quotes from Democrats before 2007 blaming W for a recession, you'll tell them what pathetic liars they are? Simple question?

It's really easy for you, obviously as a lemming you'd never criticize a Democrat, "cynic." You're a cynic, that's funny as shit.

So? You set the standard. Does it apply to Democrats?
You still have produced nothing.
The NBER sets the dates for recessions and there were none under Clinton and 2 under BUSH, the first began March 2001 and the second began Dec 2007.
The first GW recession was caused by old farts being afraid to shop online.
The 2nd GW recession was caused, in part, by GW and the other shitheads who allowed everyone to take out a Jumbo Mortgage.
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

So, Trump's economy was actually Obama's for his entire 4 years, while Biden's is Bidens after 3 months?

Got it.
I just am playing by the rules you guys set. Trump claimed the stock market results from his Nov election forward. ;)
I can't help but notice they don't like when we play by their rules.
That is the difference between the two parties.

When a Democrat is accused, Democrats rally to demand he resign

When a Republican is accused, the Republicans just attack the accuser and ignore the charges
What happened with Biden and Tara Reade or the squad of accusers of Slick Willie?
Tara Reades story kind of fell apart
You mean like Kavanaugh's accusers? Like Trump's accusers?

Funny how that works, especially since Tara Reade was a Biden supporter.

Republicans ignored Kavanaughs accuser even though they said she was credible

Trumps accusers are still waiting their day in court
Kavanaugh's accuser was very easy to ignore as such sleaze usually is.

So Trump boinked lotsa poontang. So what, it's not against the law. You as a "beta" male and snowflake cannot understand.
^^^ the party of family values.

You must have mistaken me for Dan Quayle. The GOP pf yesteryear is not the GOP of today. It is Trump's.
Oh? So the GOP has surrendered their values for their new lord?

Dumbfuck, some of your brethren are even agreeing that the GOP no longer champions family values. Nor can you given the leader of your party is a serial adulterer who pays his former mistresses to stay silent as he runs for public office and cheats on every wife he ever had, spawning 5 kids from three whores.
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Biden has a higher Stock Market than Trump managed in FOUR YEARS of trying
Trump had a much higher stock market than Obama after EIGHT YEARS of trying.

Dumb ass
We are talking about TODAY

And the RECORD Biden Economy
You are a deeply disturbed idiot. Trump doubled Obama's DOW and halved his unemployment. It's one thing to be a mindless hack and another to be a disingenuous prick (not that they're mutually exclusive).

No Stupid! Obama TRIPLED the DOW. He DOUBLED it in his first term. Trump only raised the DOW by 50%. He did half as well as Obama in his first term - and that was BEFORE the pandemic.

As for unemployment, job creation was substantially lower under Trump before the pandemic, and Trump LEFT office with the worst unemployement in a decade.
Link to your DOW numbers cuz I'm interested in where you are getting fed these lies Dragonlady
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

So, Trump's economy was actually Obama's for his entire 4 years, while Biden's is Bidens after 3 months?

Got it.
I just am playing by the rules you guys set. Trump claimed the stock market results from his Nov election forward. ;)
I can't help but notice they don't like when we play by their rules.
That is the difference between the two parties.

When a Democrat is accused, Democrats rally to demand he resign

When a Republican is accused, the Republicans just attack the accuser and ignore the charges
What happened with Biden and Tara Reade or the squad of accusers of Slick Willie?
Tara Reades story kind of fell apart
You mean like Kavanaugh's accusers? Like Trump's accusers?

Funny how that works, especially since Tara Reade was a Biden supporter.

Republicans ignored Kavanaughs accuser even though they said she was credible

Trumps accusers are still waiting their day in court
Kavanaugh's accuser was very easy to ignore as such sleaze usually is.

So Trump boinked lotsa poontang. So what, it's not against the law. You as a "beta" male and snowflake cannot understand.
^^^ the party of family values.

You must have mistaken me for Dan Quayle. The GOP pf yesteryear is not the GOP of today. It is Trump's.
Oh? So the GOP has surrendered their values for their new lord?

Dumbfuck, some of your brethren are even agreeing that the GOP no longer champions family values. Nor can you given the leader of your party is a serial adulterer who pays his former mistresses to stay silent as he runs for public office and cheats on every wife he ever had, spawning 5 kids from three whores.

YOu are a partisan hack spewing shit from his face anus.

The Religious RIght is a strong faction in the GOP. They are not teh whole of hte gop. THey don't always get their way. Trump is not of them, but was happy to work with them, constructively towards shared goals.

None of that supports any of the stupid shit you said in your previous post, you drooling retarded fuck.

No, all you have to do is look at our history, in particular, the 80's. When these unions and Democrat taxes increased the price of our American made products, consumers began buying cheaper foreign products. Most of the products we buy today are made partially or entirely in other countries. Some of them were once American companies until they were forced to move out of the US to produce elsewhere and ship it back here.

Increase the minimum wage, and it creates a domino effect. Everybody will want more money. That will cause more inflation, higher cost of living, more outsourcing, more automation investments, and yes, more companies leaving the United States.

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