Biden already created the best economy EVER

Tramp' operation snails pace had nothing to do with the development of the Pfizer vaccine other than trying to steal credit for it.

Trump purchased 100 million doses of it. He also funded Moderna and Johnson & Johnson as well.
Purchasing is NOT developing, and half of those doses suddenly disappeared before Tramp left office, sold to Ghina maybe.
Purchasing is NOT developing, and half of those doses suddenly disappeared before Tramp left office, sold to Ghina maybe.

How would Trump do that? Do you think they shipped them to the White House? Pfizer was offered money for development but they refused it. Every other producer accepted it. So Trump bought the first 100 doses off of Pfizer as well as the others.
A total leftist lie. The US comes in 8th in deaths,
You should know better than to lie to me by now, I always have the stats to expose Wing-nut lies.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop

View attachment 467893

You were right, I was wrong. We slipped into 13th since I last looked.
Thanks to Biden.
But our mortality rate is up from 1.6% to 1.8% under Pinochijoe.
The death rate was 3% under Tramp.
Nope....deaths divided by total cases looneytunes. 1.6%
Nope that MORONIC calculation assumes not one person currently infected will die, :cuckoo:
Hmmmm what's moronic about either being dead or alive? Did you wackos create another state of total confusion or something? Its deaths to total cases and changes constantly, especially when a dunderhead starts making it go up again. Right moron?
Wrong as usual :asshole: Its CLOSED CASES that determines the REAL death rate. Your STUPID calculation makes the MORONIC assumption that not one open case will die! :cuckoo:

Cases which had an outcome:
96,965,054 (97%) Recovered / Discharged
2,665,246 (3%) Deaths
Closed cases takes weeks and even months to catch up.....too easy for the Dims to manipulate like the election. Deaths to cases changes everytime a new case or new death hits and is a pure metric.....which is why you Dims hate it. Anyway, it is going up now with Pinochijoe at the helm.
Again it is incredibly MORONIC to assume not one open case will result in death. therefore your death rate is WORTHLESS!
This word you are using, "cynic." I do not think it means what you think it means
The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.
George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)
Purchasing is NOT developing, and half of those doses suddenly disappeared before Tramp left office, sold to Ghina maybe.

How would Trump do that? Do you think they shipped them to the White House? Pfizer was offered money for development but they refused it. Every other producer accepted it. So Trump bought the first 100 doses off of Pfizer as well as the others.
Through his son-in-law.
Tramp refused to buy 100,000,000 to 500,000,000 additional doses from Pfizer when they offered them to Tramp to spite Pfizer for not announcing their vaccine before the election.
What a scum bag!
That is why the cupboard was bare when Biden took office.
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This word you are using, "cynic." I do not think it means what you think it means
The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.
George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)

And you think that accurate observation is believing every gastral emanation from the Democrat party. Of course you do
Cynic, n. A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be.
Ambrose Bierce (1842 - 1914), The Devil's Dictionary
Purchasing is NOT developing, and half of those doses suddenly disappeared before Tramp left office, sold to Ghina maybe.

How would Trump do that? Do you think they shipped them to the White House? Pfizer was offered money for development but they refused it. Every other producer accepted it. So Trump bought the first 100 doses off of Pfizer as well as the others.
Through his son-in-law.
Tramp refused to buy 100,000 additional doses from Pfizer when they offered them to Tramp to spite Pfizer for not announcing their vaccine before the election.
What a scum bag!
That is why the cupboard was bare when Biden took office.

You so totally made that whole thing up. Trump bought 100 million vaccines.

Note you have no links to the shit you're making up
This word you are using, "cynic." I do not think it means what you think it means
The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.
George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)

And you think that accurate observation is believing every gastral emanation from the Democrat party. Of course you do
Cynic, n. A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be.
Ambrose Bierce (1842 - 1914), The Devil's Dictionary

edthecynic - a lemming who believes anything that Democrats blow out of their anus
Of course it's not. Democrats blamed W for every day of his eight year term, six months before he went into office, even before he was elected when the recession started under Clinton,
The Great BUSH recession began Dec 2007, Clinton was NOT president then.
Purchasing is NOT developing, and half of those doses suddenly disappeared before Tramp left office, sold to Ghina maybe.

How would Trump do that? Do you think they shipped them to the White House? Pfizer was offered money for development but they refused it. Every other producer accepted it. So Trump bought the first 100 doses off of Pfizer as well as the others.
Through his son-in-law.
Tramp refused to buy 100,000 additional doses from Pfizer when they offered them to Tramp to spite Pfizer for not announcing their vaccine before the election.
What a scum bag!
That is why the cupboard was bare when Biden took office.

You so totally made that whole thing up. Trump bought 100 million vaccines.

Note you have no links to the shit you're making up
Notice when caught lying about the Pfizer vaccine you switch to Moderna!!!!!

According to the report, Pfizer and BioNTech approached the U.S. government over the summer with the option of 100 million to 500 million additional doses, but the government turned down the offer.
I just find it fascinating that in a country where everyone wears masks, including everyone who voted for Biden, he came in and advocated masks, and it worked!
70 million Tramp voters refuse to wear masks.
Rapist Kavenaugh lies and that makes his accuser not credible.

No. What made her not credible is she stalled the hearing making claim that because of Kavanaugh, she's afraid of small places like airplanes, and it will take her a week to drive from Cali to DC. When she finally showed up and took the oath, they asked her how she got there? She said by jet.

Furthermore her ex boyfriend came out and stated they both flew around Hawaii all the time. He never talked her into it, she wanted to go flying.

Speaking of Hawaii, she said she was scared of homes with only one door because it reminded her of that bedroom where she was attacked. Then they found her house in Hawaii. It only had one door.

The people she named at that fictional party were asked about it, and these were her friends. All said not only were they not at the party, but no party existed.

Her claim was that she ran out of the house, and got a ride back home. She didn't remember who she called or who gave her that ride home. Really? She created that lie using more modern times. She's only a few years younger than me, and I can tell you nobody had cell phones at the time. In other words, how could she not remember who she called? Back then, you had to have an address book or memorize phone numbers. You just didn't hit a name on your cell phone. That means she would have had to first find a phone, perhaps one of the neighbors, or payphone at a gas station or convenience store. Then she would have had to give this fictional driver the location where she was at, and perhaps even an address. How could anybody forget all of that?

She lost credibility when she scrubbed her Facebook and the entire internet of anything about her. She missed one picture though. It was her in a pussy hat protesting. Then one of her students came forward. He said he never heard her talk like she did at the hearing. Never.
Trump already created the best economy EVER
An economy that LOST over 2 million jobs over his 4 years. The worst job creation since Hover.

Oh, no, this is Trump's economy. You guys said so. I'm using your standard.
BULLSHIT, and you know it.

Nope! Trump economy. YOUR standard, not mine.
A total leftist lie. The US comes in 8th in deaths,
You should know better than to lie to me by now, I always have the stats to expose Wing-nut lies.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop

View attachment 467893

You were right, I was wrong. We slipped into 13th since I last looked.
Thanks to Biden.
But our mortality rate is up from 1.6% to 1.8% under Pinochijoe.
The death rate was 3% under Tramp.
Nope....deaths divided by total cases looneytunes. 1.6%
Nope that MORONIC calculation assumes not one person currently infected will die, :cuckoo:
Hmmmm what's moronic about either being dead or alive? Did you wackos create another state of total confusion or something? Its deaths to total cases and changes constantly, especially when a dunderhead starts making it go up again. Right moron?
Wrong as usual :asshole: Its CLOSED CASES that determines the REAL death rate. Your STUPID calculation makes the MORONIC assumption that not one open case will die! :cuckoo:

Cases which had an outcome:
96,965,054 (97%) Recovered / Discharged
2,665,246 (3%) Deaths

Now tell the class how many people had it, recovered and were never tested.

ZERO proven.

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