Biden already created the best economy EVER

Yep, up 70 cents in less than two months of him being there. We have 46 more months to go.

Let’s do the math
I use 15 gallons a week, at 70 cents that is an extra $10.50 a WEEK!
OMG :eek:

Thats a Buck fifty a day

What will I do?
What will I do?

The question is, what will poor people do, they may have to go hungry not having that $50 a month they have to spend to get to work.

Good point
Lets raise the minimum wage

Why bother, inflation will eat it all up. Higher transportation costs raise the prices of everything. If you bought it, a truck brought it.

Conservatives have never been good at math

Wow, more deflection, try addressing what I actually said. Higher energy prices have a cascading effect on the economy. It raises the costs of everything, that's why energy independence is so vital.

There are more ways of increasing energy independence than just produciing more oil. Changing the forms of energy you are currently using is one of them. The only thing you ever talk about in terms of "energy", is oil and gas.
Gas up 25% and rising, which hurts the poor more than anyone. Good job commies.
Gas at all time low adjusted for inflation due to no demand from an economy Trump’s incompetence killed is a BAD thing. Learn economics.

So you want to play word games you stupid lying commie? Gas can't possibly be at an all time low when adjusted for inflation, It might have been when it was 1.86 a few weeks ago, at 2.49, not so fucking much. Now take you commie lies and FOAD.

Don’t be a tard. You are posting insanity. The idiots on here are pointing to the rise of gas up from historical lows as some kind of measure of anything other than the economy sucked, pandemic management was incompetent, and therefore demand was low. Demand is going up. Confidence is going up. And yep, prices have moved off historic lows. I know that was too complicated for a person who chants lock her up and Mexico will pay for the wall.

I don't do chants commie. And you lied when you claimed current prices are at historic lows. Now you're walking that back. And oil prices have almost doubled, demand has little to do with it. So you can keep pushing your lies and commie propaganda, but keep in mind, it's easy to make you look like the fool you are.


I'm not going to watch that shit, that idiots opinion is no more valid than mine. What's wrong, you can't speak for yourself? Tell me oil didn't go from around $38 to $65. Russia and Iran are really happy, thanks xiden.

And yet you display NONE of these abilities in your discussions here. You don't post links or data to back up your false assertions, and generally come across as an information "techno-peasant". You made a sweeping generalized statement about construction starts which I dismantled, with data, and you've completely ignored it.
That poster is a notorious hyper-partisan hack and a fool.

That should be of no surprise to you.
A total leftist lie. The US comes in 8th in deaths,
You should know better than to lie to me by now, I always have the stats to expose Wing-nut lies.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop

View attachment 467893

You were right, I was wrong. We slipped into 13th since I last looked.
Thanks to Biden.
But our mortality rate is up from 1.6% to 1.8% under Pinochijoe.
The death rate was 3% under Tramp.
Nope....deaths divided by total cases looneytunes. 1.6%

We really don't know how many total people had it, there are to ton of folks that had it, were asymptomatic and were never tested. So the actual death rate is probably much lower.

Except that in jurisdictions where the minimum wage has been raised, none of this has happened. In fact, the opposite has happened. Wages increased, and so did jobs.

No, plenty of places closed down because of it, especially diners, restaurants and mom and pop stores.

When this $15.00 MW started to gain momentum, our city of Cleveland decided they should discuss doing the same here. Mind you like any failing and dangerous city, it's all Democrats.

They all voted against the proposal in fear of businesses leaving the city and heading to the suburbs. So they approached the County to ask them if they'd consider a county $15.00 MW so that it applied to the suburbs as well. They refused for the same reason: businesses would flee Cuyahoga county to neighboring counties. Everybody knew it would be nothing but a recipe for disaster.

If you look now, businesses and residents are leaving places like CA and NY for that reason. It's not just wages, but taxation, regulations, everything. They are moving to states like Florida and Texas.

As for the states that have the $15.00 MW, all that does is cause inflation which drives up the cost of living up. That's why you need to spend 800K for a small home by NYC or Chicago, but that same 800K can just about buy you a mansion in my state.
A total leftist lie. The US comes in 8th in deaths,
You should know better than to lie to me by now, I always have the stats to expose Wing-nut lies.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop

View attachment 467893

You were right, I was wrong. We slipped into 13th since I last looked.
Thanks to Biden.
But our mortality rate is up from 1.6% to 1.8% under Pinochijoe.
The death rate was 3% under Tramp.
Nope....deaths divided by total cases looneytunes. 1.6%
Nope that MORONIC calculation assumes not one person currently infected will die, :cuckoo:
Hmmmm what's moronic about either being dead or alive? Did you wackos create another state of total confusion or something? Its deaths to total cases and changes constantly, especially when a dunderhead starts making it go up again. Right moron?
Wrong as usual :asshole: Its CLOSED CASES that determines the REAL death rate. Your STUPID calculation makes the MORONIC assumption that not one open case will die! :cuckoo:

Cases which had an outcome:
96,965,054 (97%) Recovered / Discharged
2,665,246 (3%) Deaths

Now tell the class how many people had it, recovered and were never tested.

A total leftist lie. The US comes in 8th in deaths,
You should know better than to lie to me by now, I always have the stats to expose Wing-nut lies.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop

View attachment 467893

You were right, I was wrong. We slipped into 13th since I last looked.
Thanks to Biden.
But our mortality rate is up from 1.6% to 1.8% under Pinochijoe.
The death rate was 3% under Tramp.
Nope....deaths divided by total cases looneytunes. 1.6%

We really don't know how many total people had it, there are to ton of folks that had it, were asymptomatic and were never tested. So the actual death rate is probably much lower.

81 mil...per the yes much lower.
And yet you display NONE of these abilities in your discussions here. You don't post links or data to back up your false assertions, and generally come across as an information "techno-peasant". You made a sweeping generalized statement about construction starts which I dismantled, with data, and you've completely ignored it.
That poster is a notorious hyper-partisan hack and a fool.

That should be of no surprise to you.
LOL --- were you looking in the mirror when you said that?
A total leftist lie. The US comes in 8th in deaths,
You should know better than to lie to me by now, I always have the stats to expose Wing-nut lies.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop

View attachment 467893

You were right, I was wrong. We slipped into 13th since I last looked.
Thanks to Biden.
But our mortality rate is up from 1.6% to 1.8% under Pinochijoe.
The death rate was 3% under Tramp.
Nope....deaths divided by total cases looneytunes. 1.6%

We really don't know how many total people had it, there are to ton of folks that had it, were asymptomatic and were never tested. So the actual death rate is probably much lower.

Of course, but in dealing with the brainless minions you have to deal in looneytune facts.
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

There have been about 90 business days since Biden's election and the Dow has broken record highs 47 times.
The debt has broken records all 90 days.
Not record highs, ya dumbfuck.
Every day is a new record, Idiot.
Not a record high, dumbfuck.
When has our debt been higher than today, Halfwit.
Dates it was higher than today, dumbfuck...

  • 2/16/21
  • 2/17/21
  • 2/18/21
  • 2/19/21
  • 2/20/21
  • 2/21/21
  • 2/22/21
  • 2/24/21
  • 2/26/21
  • 2/27/21
  • 2/28/21
  • 3/01/21
  • 3/02/21
  • 3/03/21
  • 3/04/21
  • 3/05/21
  • 3/06/21
  • 3/07/21
  • 3/08/21
  • 3/09/21
  • 3/10/21

Do you ever stop lying, dumbfuck?

Link us up to your data showing our debt was higher in those days than it is today.


Dumbfuck, that website isn't the official debt.

This is...

You lose again.

Veggie Joe is the ALL TIME record holder for debt.
President Biden administered more vaccines in six weeks than Trump did in FOUR YEARS

And I guess you think xiden waved his magic wand and those vaccines magically appeared. You commies are fucking nuts.


Wasn’t Biden who snuck off to get he and his mail order bride inoculated


Yep, up 70 cents in less than two months of him being there. We have 46 more months to go.

Let’s do the math
I use 15 gallons a week, at 70 cents that is an extra $10.50 a WEEK!
OMG :eek:

Thats a Buck fifty a day

What will I do?
What will I do?

The question is, what will poor people do, they may have to go hungry not having that $50 a month they have to spend to get to work.

Good point
Lets raise the minimum wage

Why bother, inflation will eat it all up. Higher transportation costs raise the prices of everything. If you bought it, a truck brought it.

Conservatives have never been good at math

Wow, more deflection, try addressing what I actually said. Higher energy prices have a cascading effect on the economy. It raises the costs of everything, that's why energy independence is so vital.

There are more ways of increasing energy independence than just produciing more oil. Changing the forms of energy you are currently using is one of them. The only thing you ever talk about in terms of "energy", is oil and gas.

When you can keep a 747 in the air using unicorn farts, get back to me.

A total leftist lie. The US comes in 8th in deaths,
You should know better than to lie to me by now, I always have the stats to expose Wing-nut lies.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop

View attachment 467893

You were right, I was wrong. We slipped into 13th since I last looked.
Thanks to Biden.
But our mortality rate is up from 1.6% to 1.8% under Pinochijoe.
The death rate was 3% under Tramp.
Nope....deaths divided by total cases looneytunes. 1.6%

We really don't know how many total people had it, there are to ton of folks that had it, were asymptomatic and were never tested. So the actual death rate is probably much lower.

81 mil...per the yes much lower.

And that's just an estimate, probably on the low side.

Sure....And I am sure a 1.9 trillion stimulus bill won't higher our taxes either. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Not if you earn under 400,000 a year. Mark Levin, Hannity, Ingraham, Carlson and most of Fox news anchors are mad at it, they wont get anything, but new taxes.

Don’t be so naive. Capital gains taxes affect many people not making 400k. All those kids investing with Robin Hood will soon see their profits diminish by quite a bit. Single filers starting at 75k and ending around 80k didn’t get any stimulus check. What does that tell you? Removing the step up basis for inherited property will affect everyone that inherets anything. This is in the works. There is more, but you should get the point.

You are falling for a sham. Those making less than 400k will get the shake down as well. Your only hope is that you are on the very low end of the economic spectrum.

So what you're saying is that even though 40% of the American workers who saw no financial benefits from the Trump Economy, or the Trump Tax Cuts, and who were worse off than they were when Trump took office, those poor workers will be WORSE off if Biden now taxes the rich, and forces employers to raise their wages???

Boy, you've really drunk that Republican Kool-Aid, haven't you? From"trickle down" to "private profits, public losses", you're convinced that the Democratic economic policies, which gave you the "New Deal", and have three times saved the nation's economy from the catastophic results of Republic fiscal mismanagement, are going to destroy the nation.

The US Republican response to covid has crashed the economy, yet again, and this time the American public have had enough of right wing economic incompetence. The people are done with this bullshit. Finished.
So what you're saying is that even though 40% of the American workers who saw no financial benefits from the Trump Economy

Are you insane?
95% of the construction boom in the US happened since after the Trump Tax Cuts.
You ProgBots are insane.

They have no idea what they are talking about. They have been told what and how to think. In general, they are parrots but with smaller brains.
They are given rolled-up information and never taught to analyze discreet pieces of data.
I have always worked in environments where the details could make or break a project.

And yet you display NONE of these abilities in your discussions here. You don't post links or data to back up your false assertions, and generally come across as an information "techno-peasant". You made a sweeping generalized statement about construction starts which I dismantled, with data, and you've completely ignored it.
You are funny!
Infrastructure has zero to do with Private Investment.
Infrastructure has everything to do with how our taxes are spent.
Gas up 25% and rising, which hurts the poor more than anyone. Good job commies.
Gas at all time low adjusted for inflation due to no demand from an economy Trump’s incompetence killed is a BAD thing. Learn economics.

So you want to play word games you stupid lying commie? Gas can't possibly be at an all time low when adjusted for inflation, It might have been when it was 1.86 a few weeks ago, at 2.49, not so fucking much. Now take you commie lies and FOAD.
Don’t be a tard. You are posting insanity. The idiots on here are pointing to the rise of gas up from historical lows as some kind of measure of anything other than the economy sucked, pandemic management was incompetent, and therefore demand was low. Demand is going up. Confidence is going up. And yep, prices have moved off historic lows. I know that was too complicated for a person who chants lock her up and Mexico will pay for the wall.

I don't do chants commie. And you lied when you claimed current prices are at historic lows. Now you're walking that back. And oil prices have almost doubled, demand has little to do with it. So you can keep pushing your lies and commie propaganda, but keep in mind, it's easy to make you look like the fool you are.


I'm not going to watch that shit, that idiots opinion is no more valid than mine. What's wrong, you can't speak for yourself? Tell me oil didn't go from around $38 to $65. Russia and Iran are really happy, thanks xiden.

Just the fact that you blame Biden for this price change shows the depth of your ignorance. OPEC cut production earlier this year and this is somehow Biden's fault. You're completely ignorant as to what causes the price of gasoline to go up or down, so you simply blame it on Biden.
Got a link on that...

Does he have any proof of this happening...

Sorry it took so long but I had to do some digging around. Here is what I found:

As of August 2020, eight companies were chosen for funding of some $11 billion to expedite development and preparation for manufacturing their respective vaccine candidates.[26][27]
The vaccine developers, different vaccine technologies, and treatments receiving government research funding were:

Just the fact that you blame Biden for this price change shows the depth of your ignorance. OPEC cut production earlier this year and this is somehow Biden's fault. You're completely ignorant as to what causes the price of gasoline to go up or down, so you simply blame it on Biden.

Well WTF do you think OPEC cut production in the first place? They would have never pulled a stunt like that with Trump.
Sure....And I am sure a 1.9 trillion stimulus bill won't higher our taxes either. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Not if you earn under 400,000 a year. Mark Levin, Hannity, Ingraham, Carlson and most of Fox news anchors are mad at it, they wont get anything, but new taxes.

Don’t be so naive. Capital gains taxes affect many people not making 400k. All those kids investing with Robin Hood will soon see their profits diminish by quite a bit. Single filers starting at 75k and ending around 80k didn’t get any stimulus check. What does that tell you? Removing the step up basis for inherited property will affect everyone that inherets anything. This is in the works. There is more, but you should get the point.

You are falling for a sham. Those making less than 400k will get the shake down as well. Your only hope is that you are on the very low end of the economic spectrum.

So what you're saying is that even though 40% of the American workers who saw no financial benefits from the Trump Economy, or the Trump Tax Cuts, and who were worse off than they were when Trump took office, those poor workers will be WORSE off if Biden now taxes the rich, and forces employers to raise their wages???

Boy, you've really drunk that Republican Kool-Aid, haven't you? From"trickle down" to "private profits, public losses", you're convinced that the Democratic economic policies, which gave you the "New Deal", and have three times saved the nation's economy from the catastophic results of Republic fiscal mismanagement, are going to destroy the nation.

The US Republican response to covid has crashed the economy, yet again, and this time the American public have had enough of right wing economic incompetence. The people are done with this bullshit. Finished.
So what you're saying is that even though 40% of the American workers who saw no financial benefits from the Trump Economy

Are you insane?
95% of the construction boom in the US happened since after the Trump Tax Cuts.
You ProgBots are insane.

They have no idea what they are talking about. They have been told what and how to think. In general, they are parrots but with smaller brains.
They are given rolled-up information and never taught to analyze discreet pieces of data.
I have always worked in environments where the details could make or break a project.

And yet you display NONE of these abilities in your discussions here. You don't post links or data to back up your false assertions, and generally come across as an information "techno-peasant". You made a sweeping generalized statement about construction starts which I dismantled, with data, and you've completely ignored it.
You are funny!
Infrastructure has zero to do with Private Investment.
Infrastructure has everything to do with how our taxes are spent.
Money well spent
Just the fact that you blame Biden for this price change shows the depth of your ignorance. OPEC cut production earlier this year and this is somehow Biden's fault. You're completely ignorant as to what causes the price of gasoline to go up or down, so you simply blame it on Biden.

Well WTF do you think OPEC cut production in the first place? They would have never pulled a stunt like that with Trump.
I guess that was payback for Trump covering up the Saudis chopping Khashogi into little pieces
Gas up 25% and rising, which hurts the poor more than anyone. Good job commies.
Gas at all time low adjusted for inflation due to no demand from an economy Trump’s incompetence killed is a BAD thing. Learn economics.

So you want to play word games you stupid lying commie? Gas can't possibly be at an all time low when adjusted for inflation, It might have been when it was 1.86 a few weeks ago, at 2.49, not so fucking much. Now take you commie lies and FOAD.

Don’t be a tard. You are posting insanity. The idiots on here are pointing to the rise of gas up from historical lows as some kind of measure of anything other than the economy sucked, pandemic management was incompetent, and therefore demand was low. Demand is going up. Confidence is going up. And yep, prices have moved off historic lows. I know that was too complicated for a person who chants lock her up and Mexico will pay for the wall.

I don't do chants commie. And you lied when you claimed current prices are at historic lows. Now you're walking that back. And oil prices have almost doubled, demand has little to do with it. So you can keep pushing your lies and commie propaganda, but keep in mind, it's easy to make you look like the fool you are.


I'm not going to watch that shit, that idiots opinion is no more valid than mine. What's wrong, you can't speak for yourself? Tell me oil didn't go from around $38 to $65. Russia and Iran are really happy, thanks xiden.


Dumbass. Prices went negative under Trump. How’s that for great work? He’s a master of 7th level chess. Kill Americans with covid, lock them down, and see oil prices plummet so you can’t give it away. How dumb are you???

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