Biden already created the best economy EVER

To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

President 'Sleepy Joe' Biden is on track to be the best President of the 21st century.

Is he? How is he doing that? What is he doing?
Nope that MORONIC calculation assumes not one person currently infected will die, :cuckoo:
Hmmmm what's moronic about either being dead or alive? Did you wackos create another state of total confusion or something? Its deaths to total cases and changes constantly, especially when a dunderhead starts making it go up again. Right moron?
Wrong as usual :asshole: Its CLOSED CASES that determines the REAL death rate. Your STUPID calculation makes the MORONIC assumption that not one open case will die! :cuckoo:

Cases which had an outcome:
96,965,054 (97%) Recovered / Discharged
2,665,246 (3%) Deaths
Oooh using cuss words again....try taking that Midol.

"Deaths to total cases" was the totally useless metric Donald Trump was using to hide the terrible toll that allowing the virus to run wild was taking on the American public. It was SOOO much better to say that less than 1% of total cases were dying, when the number of sick was never coming down. But now that Trump is gone, the total cases are starting to come down, and as that happens, both death rates will catch up to one another.


What did Biden do that caused total cases to come down?
He encouraged mask wearing, as you well know.
...which caused a higher death rate in the states that did

I just find it fascinating that in a country where everyone wears masks, including everyone who voted for Biden, he came in and advocated masks, and it worked!

Sorry, that wasn't the fascinating part. The fascinating part is that the guy who says that thinks he's a "cynic." Now that's funny
Rapist Kavenaugh lies and that makes his accuser not credible.

No. What made her not credible is she stalled the hearing making claim that because of Kavanaugh, she's afraid of small places like airplanes, and it will take her a week to drive from Cali to DC. When she finally showed up and took the oath, they asked her how she got there? She said by jet.

Furthermore her ex boyfriend came out and stated they both flew around Hawaii all the time. He never talked her into it, she wanted to go flying.

Speaking of Hawaii, she said she was scared of homes with only one door because it reminded her of that bedroom where she was attacked. Then they found her house in Hawaii. It only had one door.

The people she named at that fictional party were asked about it, and these were her friends. All said not only were they not at the party, but no party existed.

Her claim was that she ran out of the house, and got a ride back home. She didn't remember who she called or who gave her that ride home. Really? She created that lie using more modern times. She's only a few years younger than me, and I can tell you nobody had cell phones at the time. In other words, how could she not remember who she called? Back then, you had to have an address book or memorize phone numbers. You just didn't hit a name on your cell phone. That means she would have had to first find a phone, perhaps one of the neighbors, or payphone at a gas station or convenience store. Then she would have had to give this fictional driver the location where she was at, and perhaps even an address. How could anybody forget all of that?

She lost credibility when she scrubbed her Facebook and the entire internet of anything about her. She missed one picture though. It was her in a pussy hat protesting. Then one of her students came forward. He said he never heard her talk like she did at the hearing. Never.
Democrats have an amazing ability to make up any statistic on the spot, LOL.

Like Trump won by a landslide?

No one said that, porky. I like you pulling that out of your ass in response to my saying you're making your shit up need to keep up
Afraid they did

Take out the hyperbole and yes, they said Trump won. He did.

But you insist on doing it with hyperbole because you're a liar
Sure....And I am sure a 1.9 trillion stimulus bill won't higher our taxes either. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Not if you earn under 400,000 a year. Mark Levin, Hannity, Ingraham, Carlson and most of Fox news anchors are mad at it, they wont get anything, but new taxes.

Don’t be so naive. Capital gains taxes affect many people not making 400k. All those kids investing with Robin Hood will soon see their profits diminish by quite a bit. Single filers starting at 75k and ending around 80k didn’t get any stimulus check. What does that tell you? Removing the step up basis for inherited property will affect everyone that inherets anything. This is in the works. There is more, but you should get the point.

You are falling for a sham. Those making less than 400k will get the shake down as well. Your only hope is that you are on the very low end of the economic spectrum.

So what you're saying is that even though 40% of the American workers who saw no financial benefits from the Trump Economy, or the Trump Tax Cuts, and who were worse off than they were when Trump took office, those poor workers will be WORSE off if Biden now taxes the rich, and forces employers to raise their wages???

Boy, you've really drunk that Republican Kool-Aid, haven't you? From"trickle down" to "private profits, public losses", you're convinced that the Democratic economic policies, which gave you the "New Deal", and have three times saved the nation's economy from the catastophic results of Republic fiscal mismanagement, are going to destroy the nation.

The US Republican response to covid has crashed the economy, yet again, and this time the American public have had enough of right wing economic incompetence. The people are done with this bullshit. Finished.
So what you're saying is that even though 40% of the American workers who saw no financial benefits from the Trump Economy

Are you insane?
95% of the construction boom in the US happened since after the Trump Tax Cuts.
You ProgBots are insane.

No it did not. Scroll down to the Chart on construction numbers for past years, and you will see that the Construction Boom started in 2011 - 2013, and steadily increased throughout the Obama Administration. It levelled off under Trump in 2018 and 2019, even though public sector spending in construction increased markedly under Trump. All those useless walls and detention camps. Nothing that help improve the quality of life for its citizens.
I hate to inform you of this, but I have actually been living in the NYC/LI area for 61 years.
There's was massive construction, not infrastructure, taking place in NYC for the benefit of every billionaire who wanted an apartment in Manhattan; the construction was driven by private investors, not by tax payers.
I also know some ProgBot multi-millionaires who bought apartments on the upper West and East Sides of NYC; of course not one of them gives a penny to charity.

I am referring to businesses moving in and letting the Tax Man know that if the infrastructure is being updated they will sign contracts to buy, gut out and build new commercial properties.

The devil, as always, is in the details.
Sure....And I am sure a 1.9 trillion stimulus bill won't higher our taxes either. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Not if you earn under 400,000 a year. Mark Levin, Hannity, Ingraham, Carlson and most of Fox news anchors are mad at it, they wont get anything, but new taxes.

Don’t be so naive. Capital gains taxes affect many people not making 400k. All those kids investing with Robin Hood will soon see their profits diminish by quite a bit. Single filers starting at 75k and ending around 80k didn’t get any stimulus check. What does that tell you? Removing the step up basis for inherited property will affect everyone that inherets anything. This is in the works. There is more, but you should get the point.

You are falling for a sham. Those making less than 400k will get the shake down as well. Your only hope is that you are on the very low end of the economic spectrum.

So what you're saying is that even though 40% of the American workers who saw no financial benefits from the Trump Economy, or the Trump Tax Cuts, and who were worse off than they were when Trump took office, those poor workers will be WORSE off if Biden now taxes the rich, and forces employers to raise their wages???

Boy, you've really drunk that Republican Kool-Aid, haven't you? From"trickle down" to "private profits, public losses", you're convinced that the Democratic economic policies, which gave you the "New Deal", and have three times saved the nation's economy from the catastophic results of Republic fiscal mismanagement, are going to destroy the nation.

The US Republican response to covid has crashed the economy, yet again, and this time the American public have had enough of right wing economic incompetence. The people are done with this bullshit. Finished.
So what you're saying is that even though 40% of the American workers who saw no financial benefits from the Trump Economy

Are you insane?
95% of the construction boom in the US happened since after the Trump Tax Cuts.
You ProgBots are insane.

They have no idea what they are talking about. They have been told what and how to think. In general, they are parrots but with smaller brains.
They are given rolled-up information and never taught to analyze discreet pieces of data.
I have always worked in environments where the details could make or break a project.
So what you're saying is that even though 40% of the American workers who saw no financial benefits from the Trump Economy, or the Trump Tax Cuts, and who were worse off than they were when Trump took office, those poor workers will be WORSE off if Biden now taxes the rich, and forces employers to raise their wages???

What happens when wages increase by too much? Besides the layoffs, companies will deal with more outsourcing, more investments in automation to replace humans, moving out of the country.

How does that benefit any worker?

Except that in jurisdictions where the minimum wage has been raised, none of this has happened. In fact, the opposite has happened. Wages increased, and so did jobs.
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

There have been about 90 business days since Biden's election and the Dow has broken record highs 47 times.
The debt has broken records all 90 days.
Not record highs, ya dumbfuck.
Every day is a new record, Idiot.
Not a record high, dumbfuck.
When has our debt been higher than today, Halfwit.
Dates it was higher than today, dumbfuck...

  • 2/16/21
  • 2/17/21
  • 2/18/21
  • 2/19/21
  • 2/20/21
  • 2/21/21
  • 2/22/21
  • 2/24/21
  • 2/26/21
  • 2/27/21
  • 2/28/21
  • 3/01/21
  • 3/02/21
  • 3/03/21
  • 3/04/21
  • 3/05/21
  • 3/06/21
  • 3/07/21
  • 3/08/21
  • 3/09/21
  • 3/10/21

Do you ever stop lying, dumbfuck?

Link us up to your data showing our debt was higher in those days than it is today.


Dumbfuck, that website isn't the official debt.

This is...

You lose again.

Veggie Joe is the ALL TIME record holder for debt.
President Biden administered more vaccines in six weeks than Trump did in FOUR YEARS

And I guess you think xiden waved his magic wand and those vaccines magically appeared. You commies are fucking nuts.

To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

There have been about 90 business days since Biden's election and the Dow has broken record highs 47 times.
The debt has broken records all 90 days.
Not record highs, ya dumbfuck.
Every day is a new record, Idiot.
Not a record high, dumbfuck.
When has our debt been higher than today, Halfwit.
Dates it was higher than today, dumbfuck...

  • 2/16/21
  • 2/17/21
  • 2/18/21
  • 2/19/21
  • 2/20/21
  • 2/21/21
  • 2/22/21
  • 2/24/21
  • 2/26/21
  • 2/27/21
  • 2/28/21
  • 3/01/21
  • 3/02/21
  • 3/03/21
  • 3/04/21
  • 3/05/21
  • 3/06/21
  • 3/07/21
  • 3/08/21
  • 3/09/21
  • 3/10/21

Do you ever stop lying, dumbfuck?

Link us up to your data showing our debt was higher in those days than it is today.


Dumbfuck, that website isn't the official debt.

This is...

You lose again.

Veggie Joe is the ALL TIME record holder for debt.
President Biden administered more vaccines in six weeks than Trump did in FOUR YEARS

And I guess you think xiden waved his magic wand and those vaccines magically appeared. You commies are fucking nuts.


Wasn’t Biden who snuck off to get he and his mail order bride inoculated
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

There have been about 90 business days since Biden's election and the Dow has broken record highs 47 times.
The debt has broken records all 90 days.
Not record highs, ya dumbfuck.
Every day is a new record, Idiot.
Not a record high, dumbfuck.
When has our debt been higher than today, Halfwit.
Dates it was higher than today, dumbfuck...

  • 2/16/21
  • 2/17/21
  • 2/18/21
  • 2/19/21
  • 2/20/21
  • 2/21/21
  • 2/22/21
  • 2/24/21
  • 2/26/21
  • 2/27/21
  • 2/28/21
  • 3/01/21
  • 3/02/21
  • 3/03/21
  • 3/04/21
  • 3/05/21
  • 3/06/21
  • 3/07/21
  • 3/08/21
  • 3/09/21
  • 3/10/21

Do you ever stop lying, dumbfuck?

Link us up to your data showing our debt was higher in those days than it is today.


Dumbfuck, that website isn't the official debt.

This is...

You lose again.

Veggie Joe is the ALL TIME record holder for debt.
President Biden administered more vaccines in six weeks than Trump did in FOUR YEARS

And I guess you think xiden waved his magic wand and those vaccines magically appeared. You commies are fucking nuts.


Wasn’t Biden who snuck off to get he and his mail order bride inoculated
He was getting his diaper changed and couldnt go.
Yep, up 70 cents in less than two months of him being there. We have 46 more months to go.

Let’s do the math
I use 15 gallons a week, at 70 cents that is an extra $10.50 a WEEK!
OMG :eek:

Thats a Buck fifty a day

What will I do?
What will I do?

The question is, what will poor people do, they may have to go hungry not having that $50 a month they have to spend to get to work.

Good point
Lets raise the minimum wage

Why bother, inflation will eat it all up. Higher transportation costs raise the prices of everything. If you bought it, a truck brought it.

Conservatives have never been good at math

Wow, more deflection, try addressing what I actually said. Higher energy prices have a cascading effect on the economy. It raises the costs of everything, that's why energy independence is so vital.

Oh? So the GOP has surrendered their values for their new lord?
That's ironic considering you never admired the GOP's "values".
Not true at all. I live a life of family values. I'm married with children and never cheated on my wife. And we raise our kids to be honest and faithful to family and friends.

What I laugh at is the right's hypocrisy. Like Newt Gingrich castigating Clinton for cheating on his wife while Newt was secretly doing the same.

You must also pop anger control meds like candy

Uh, no. Morons like you entertain me. Keep up the good work!

You must be a fun guy just to be around. You get very angry when you're entertained, LOL. Getting angry isn't fun to me. To each his own, LOL.

And damn, you bicker like an old woman

You're projecting your own right wing anger onto others.

Faun has consistently and dispassionately dismantled all of your ridiculous assertions and you consider such lack of passion "anger". You continue to project emotions and behaviours on members of the left that have no basis in reality. You're angry, so you assume others are angry.

If anything, the left is ebullient at the moment. Cheques are hitting bank accounts this week - $5600 for a family of 4. Despite the whining of Republicans about all of those "undeserving" of money getting funds, but they'll waste all of those funds on food and housing.

Why don't Republicans ever complain about billionaires who don't even need the money, getting tax cuts? Republicans only ever consider it a "waste" of taxpayer dollars when poor people are given money. If the children of the rich are blowing the tax cuts on hookers and blow, is that an acceptable use of taxpayers' dollars?

Some Republican Senator was on FOX this weekend saying that people in prison are getting money. Like people in prisons don't have families who need money, or fines to pay, or other needs for the cash.

Only a fucking commie would even mention if people "need" what they've earned.

Sure....And I am sure a 1.9 trillion stimulus bill won't higher our taxes either. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Not if you earn under 400,000 a year. Mark Levin, Hannity, Ingraham, Carlson and most of Fox news anchors are mad at it, they wont get anything, but new taxes.

Don’t be so naive. Capital gains taxes affect many people not making 400k. All those kids investing with Robin Hood will soon see their profits diminish by quite a bit. Single filers starting at 75k and ending around 80k didn’t get any stimulus check. What does that tell you? Removing the step up basis for inherited property will affect everyone that inherets anything. This is in the works. There is more, but you should get the point.

You are falling for a sham. Those making less than 400k will get the shake down as well. Your only hope is that you are on the very low end of the economic spectrum.

So what you're saying is that even though 40% of the American workers who saw no financial benefits from the Trump Economy, or the Trump Tax Cuts, and who were worse off than they were when Trump took office, those poor workers will be WORSE off if Biden now taxes the rich, and forces employers to raise their wages???

Boy, you've really drunk that Republican Kool-Aid, haven't you? From"trickle down" to "private profits, public losses", you're convinced that the Democratic economic policies, which gave you the "New Deal", and have three times saved the nation's economy from the catastophic results of Republic fiscal mismanagement, are going to destroy the nation.

The US Republican response to covid has crashed the economy, yet again, and this time the American public have had enough of right wing economic incompetence. The people are done with this bullshit. Finished.
So what you're saying is that even though 40% of the American workers who saw no financial benefits from the Trump Economy

Are you insane?
95% of the construction boom in the US happened since after the Trump Tax Cuts.
You ProgBots are insane.

They have no idea what they are talking about. They have been told what and how to think. In general, they are parrots but with smaller brains.
They are given rolled-up information and never taught to analyze discreet pieces of data.
I have always worked in environments where the details could make or break a project.

And yet you display NONE of these abilities in your discussions here. You don't post links or data to back up your false assertions, and generally come across as an information "techno-peasant". You made a sweeping generalized statement about construction starts which I dismantled, with data, and you've completely ignored it.

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