Biden and the Party of War has approved clusterbombs in Ukraine, banned by 120 countries.

They are not banned. You seem to completely fail to understand what the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions is.

It is not a "ban", they are not "illegal", they are not "prohibited". Using them is not against the Laws of Land Warfare.

All the convention is is essentially countries that have stated that they themselves will not make, stockpile, or use them.

It is yet another of those worthless feel- good things that the UN is infamous for. Pass some meaningless resolution that actually achieves absolutely nothing.

And as common in these threads, I am seeing a hell of a lot of people now screaming when this administration has decided to send such weapons to Ukraine. However, I also notice that those same individuals have been remarkably silent over the fact that Russia has been using them since the war started and they seem to have no outrage aimed at them for using them in the first place.

TO be honest, this is just another of the self-masturbation threads this place is full of. People screaming and yelling that actually has nothing to do with the topic itself. It is just a way for them to vent their spleens politically in a way that appears to be about the topic.

Oh, and I do not expect many of the nations that signed that non-binding and unenforceable convention to actually uphold it if some other nations starts to use those weapons against them. For 99% of them it is absolutely meaningless to be honest. It is not like Togo, Niue, Fiji, Belize, and the Holy See are any kind of major weapons manufacturers or been at war with anybody in generations.
So you are okay that some time in the future, some kid finds an unexploded bomblet and get his arm blown off?
Shut the fuck up, dude. Everybody is just about sick of your accusing everybody of siding with Russians. What kind of jingoistic bullshit is that, anyway? Just because someone disagrees that we should be involved in another stupid war, doesn't mean they're taking one side or the other. I give as few fucks about Russia as I do Ukraine, and the "Russian" bullshit is just so 2016. Who the fuck are you, Hillary Clinton? A little Joe McCarthy wannabe? If you're such a Yankee Fucking Doodle Dandy, why don't you get off your ass and go over there to protect some other country's borders?
Also hilarious that these childish idiots who are supposedly about the rights of sexual deviants use sexual deviancy as an insult.

Little preteens babbling on about sucking Putins cock, but have zero substance to their posts. Except the fact they are openly admitting that sucking a cock is wrong.
Gotta love the DemoFascists, now they've approved clusterbombs in Ukraine. It is a weapon that is guaranteed to litter the landscape of Ukraine and Russia with little bomblets a.k.a landmines that will be blowing the limbs off of kids for decades to come. What's next Agent Orange? Hey whatever makes money for the US war machine.

"More than 120 countries have joined a convention banning their use as inhumane and indiscriminate, in large part because of high failure rates that litter the landscape with unexploded submunitions that endanger both friendly troops and civilians, often for decades after the end of a conflict."
/——-/ Biden speaks on this:
So you are okay that some time in the future, some kid finds an unexploded bomblet and get his arm blown off?
That's what is so terrible about cluster bombs. Russia has been using cluster bombs since the beginning of the war. The entire area will be unsafe, especially for children, until it is completely de-mined. That has to be done, even if nobody drops any more clusterbombs. The addition of American supplied bombs won't increase the need to demine the area a bit. It will, however, help end the war sooner.
So you are okay that some time in the future, some kid finds an unexploded bomblet and get his arm blown off?

Have you been screaming at Russia for the past 18 months? They are the ones that started using them, and have been since the start of the confilict.

You see, this is what I find particularly fascinating when things like this come up. People that are silent for a year and a half suddenly crawl out from under the rug and act like it is the most important thing in the world. Where have you been for 16 months? I don't seem to remember any posts in here condemning Russia for using them on civilians or inside major cities. But now that the US has decided to send them to be used in retaliation against actual military targets, suddenly it is like the sky is falling.

And there are already tens of thousands of them there already, put there by Russia. Ukraine has not actually used any as of yet, it will likely be weeks before any are even in the theater.

So how about screaming and ranting and raving at Russia, Hmmm?
Reagan is rolling in his grave at the thought that his party would be siding with the godless Russians. Shame!!!

Reagan did nothing but appease terrorists and sold them guns whenever they said 'Boo'. Like most establishment Republicans they make big noises about 'tyrany n stuff' and 'Freedums' but then they channel Jane Fonda and stampede over women, children, and the Elderly to get to the govt. trough first and make sure nothing is left for anybody else. It's why they run neck and neck in elections with lunatics like Democrats. Only wealthy swindlers deserve welfare and freedom from taxes.
That's what is so terrible about cluster bombs. Russia has been using cluster bombs since the beginning of the war. The entire area will be unsafe, especially for children, until it is completely de-mined. That has to be done, even if nobody drops any more clusterbombs. The addition of American supplied bombs won't increase the need to demine the area a bit. It will, however, help end the war sooner.
this is what happens when they take the coke from the white house
That's what is so terrible about cluster bombs. Russia has been using cluster bombs since the beginning of the war. The entire area will be unsafe, especially for children, until it is completely de-mined. That has to be done, even if nobody drops any more clusterbombs. The addition of American supplied bombs won't increase the need to demine the area a bit. It will, however, help end the war sooner.
A bomb designed to randomly scatter bomblets all over hell and gone is going to be guaranteed to be within a very specific area? Yeah, we all know how orderly and precise war is. :oops:
A bomb designed to randomly scatter bomblets all over hell and gone is going to be guaranteed to be within a very specific area? Yeah, we all know how orderly and precise war is. :oops:
That's why they don't de-mine just a narrow strip. They do the presumed area of contamination, and then a wide buffer around that.
Gotta love the DemoFascists, now they've approved clusterbombs in Ukraine. It is a weapon that is guaranteed to litter the landscape of Ukraine and Russia with little bomblets a.k.a landmines that will be blowing the limbs off of kids for decades to come. What's next Agent Orange? Hey whatever makes money for the US war machine.

"More than 120 countries have joined a convention banning their use as inhumane and indiscriminate, in large part because of high failure rates that litter the landscape with unexploded submunitions that endanger both friendly troops and civilians, often for decades after the end of a conflict."
When did you get a yellow streak?
Have you been screaming at Russia for the past 18 months? They are the ones that started using them, and have been since the start of the confilict.

You see, this is what I find particularly fascinating when things like this come up. People that are silent for a year and a half suddenly crawl out from under the rug and act like it is the most important thing in the world. Where have you been for 16 months? I don't seem to remember any posts in here condemning Russia for using them on civilians or inside major cities. But now that the US has decided to send them to be used in retaliation against actual military targets, suddenly it is like the sky is falling.

And there are already tens of thousands of them there already, put there by Russia. Ukraine has not actually used any as of yet, it will likely be weeks before any are even in the theater.

So how about screaming and ranting and raving at Russia, Hmmm?
Are you okay with a kid having his head blown off when he accidently finds an unexploded munitions? I will answer you if you answer my question first?
Are you okay with a kid having his head blown off when he accidently finds an unexploded munitions? I will answer you if you answer my question first?

And all I see is a strawman evasion.

Do you care about the thousands of kids and others that have been killed by Russia by their use of these weapons in civilian population zones for the last 18 months?

I might be concerned of that of any such weapons used by Ukraine, if there are any kids left in the occupied areas that Russia holds. Because the vast majority of people that had been living there have actually been forcibly "evacuated" into Russia. Yet another war crime that they are eventually going to have to answer for.

Sorry, I do not answer coprolite strawman charges. But the more you push like this, the more obvious it is how extremely biased you are. ANd your refusal to discuss anything other than hysterical rants is painfully obvious.

Have a nice day.
And all I see is a strawman evasion.

Do you care about the thousands of kids and others that have been killed by Russia by their use of these weapons in civilian population zones for the last 18 months?

I might be concerned of that of any such weapons used by Ukraine, if there are any kids left in the occupied areas that Russia holds. Because the vast majority of people that had been living there have actually been forcibly "evacuated" into Russia. Yet another war crime that they are eventually going to have to answer for.

Sorry, I do not answer coprolite strawman charges. But the more you push like this, the more obvious it is how extremely biased you are. ANd your refusal to discuss anything other than hysterical rants is painfully obvious.

Have a nice day.
And again, you just wont answer a simple YES or NO question. This is why no one likes dickheads like you.

Studies of cluster bomblets used in Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, and Afghanistan have found that between one-quarter and two-thirds of the victims of the bombs were children, who were usually killed while playing.

The Enduring Danger of Russia’s Cluster Bombs in Ukraine - WIRED
Gotta love the DemoFascists, now they've approved clusterbombs in Ukraine. It is a weapon that is guaranteed to litter the landscape of Ukraine and Russia with little bomblets a.k.a landmines that will be blowing the limbs off of kids for decades to come. What's next Agent Orange? Hey whatever makes money for the US war machine.

"More than 120 countries have joined a convention banning their use as inhumane and indiscriminate, in large part because of high failure rates that litter the landscape with unexploded submunitions that endanger both friendly troops and civilians, often for decades after the end of a conflict."

What's Bidens cut, still 10%?
That's what is so terrible about cluster bombs. Russia has been using cluster bombs since the beginning of the war.
Even Psaki said last year that they had no confirmation of Russia using cluster bombs. But the use of these bombs by Ukrainian Nazis is well documented. There was a video on youtube last spring of a strike on the center of Donetsk with civilian casualties.
Even Psaki said last year that they had no confirmation of Russia using cluster bombs. But the use of these bombs by Ukrainian Nazis is well documented. There was a video on youtube last spring of a strike on the center of Donetsk with civilian casualties.
Psaki is an idiot and so is anyone who cites her as an authority on anything.

Of course Russia has been using cluster munitions in Ukraine, and that is well documented.
Reagan did nothing but appease terrorists and sold them guns whenever they said 'Boo'. Like most establishment Republicans they make big noises about 'tyrany n stuff' and 'Freedums' but then they channel Jane Fonda and stampede over women, children, and the Elderly to get to the govt. trough first and make sure nothing is left for anybody else. It's why they run neck and neck in elections with lunatics like Democrats. Only wealthy swindlers deserve welfare and freedom from taxes.
There are times that previous policies come to bite us in the ass. And we are in between a rock and a hard place. We can avoid these things in the first place. So, in that case, the Reagan administration in an earlier time did something wrong or it was from other administrations. We could have avoided this war in Ukraine.

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