“America has turned Ukraine into a graveyard” - Colonel Douglas MacGregor…great breakdown and analysis of the US proxy war with Russia in Ukraine

Hmmm. As I recall, those weren't "invasions". We did not supply an occupying force. Those were specifically tasked deployments..and then withdrawn.
You might have a case for Somalia, but how'd that end up again?

A "tasked deployment" even if withdrawn, is an illegal invasion.
And since the goal in these "tasked deployment" was illegal regime change, it is exactly what any illegal invader does.
That is like saying we did not invade Texas, Cuba, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc., because we eventually removed most of the troops.
Technically when we illegally takeover a country by bribing other troops, that is also an invasion, like in Chile with Pinochet and Iran in 1953 with the Shah.
The point being that the US is the single worst offender of colonial imperialism.
We are the biggest threat to democratic republics in the whole world.

For those of you who do not understand what is actually going on in Ukraine, watch this video. The Colonel breaks it all down very well.

Its a shame, this war was over in March 2022…then the US stepped in an convinced Zelensky to continue the war instead of signing the peace deal in Turkey.

Now, 17 months later…hundreds of thousands people have died and Ukraine is all but destrpyed,


Gee, maybe you can give us a count of the bombs, missiles, and heavy artillery rounds the US dropped on Ukraine. No? Be honest,that would be the Russians. But, being the America hater that you are, you will blame our country. That's fucking sick!
As I see it Ukraine is doing a pretty decent job (albeit with outside help. Given the fact that its opponent outmatched them militarily..for a while) of defending itself.
So basically, you'd like to just enable dictators and acquiesce? I'm putting together a play about the lead up to WW2. Can I interest you in the role of Neville Chamberlain? :)

The casualty ratio is at least 2 Ukrainians for every Russia.
And Russia has not lost any territory in the Ukraine that is holds.

The dictators are in Kyiv, who illegally took over in 2014 and have murdered or exiled any native ethnic Russian politician.
They are racist/fascists who are stealing billions worth of Russian oil, murder tens of thousands of ethnic Russians, and illegally trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border.
So what? Did I misremember the fall of the Soviet Union? Were these not supposed to be separate, individual countries? Are you stating that we needed to insert ourselves in Ukraine's elections? That smells like nation building.
WE started the war? Sorry, you're lost in nonsense and conspiracy theory. Again, these types of attitudes are exactly how the Germans were able spread as far and as fast as they did prior to WW2,

The fact the Ukraine is historically and ethnically always part of Russia, has nothing to do with the USSR.
The Ukraine is not a country.
Its name translates into "the disputed border lands" between Poland and Russia.
It is part Poland and part Russia.
(And by the way, it is totally grammatically ignorant to write "Ukraine" instead of "the Ukraine", since it is plural)
The FACT is that the only reason why there are any ethnic Polish in the Ukraine is they invaded around 1600.
But they are not native and actually have no legal claim to any of the Ukraine, which is always ethnically Russian.

It is obvious the US deliberately started the war.
We obviously bribed the ethnic Polish in the military of the Ukraine, into the illegal coup in 2014, the Maidan revolt.
That was illegal because it murdered or exiles the legitimately and fairly elected government of 2010.
If you look, you will find that the new government created illegally in 2014 was hand picked by the US and even illegally contained some US citizens.
And clearly when they then started trying to illegally join NATO, that was the urging of the US, so that we could put NATO nukes on Russia's border, something we always try to illegally do, like in Poland and Turkey.
Gee, maybe you can give us a count of the bombs, missiles, and heavy artillery rounds the US dropped on Ukraine. No? Be honest,that would be the Russians. But, being the America hater that you are, you will blame our country. That's fucking sick!

It is easy to give an estimate of the bombs, missiles, and heavy artillery we caused to be dropped on the Ukraine.
It is about 30,000 Stinger, Javelin, and HIMARS missiles.
Over 200,000 artillery shells.
And about 10,000 bombs and drones.
We have illegally sunk dozens of merchant freighters and tankers.

The Ukraine trying to join NATO is an illegal attack and treaty violation amounting to an act of war.
It was the US that must have urged this illegal start of the war by the criminal in Kyiv.
The fact the Ukraine is historically and ethnically always part of Russia, has nothing to do with the USSR.
The Ukraine is not a country.
Its name translates into "the disputed border lands" between Poland and Russia.
It is part Poland and part Russia.
(And by the way, it is totally grammatically ignorant to write "Ukraine" instead of "the Ukraine", since it is plural)
The FACT is that the only reason why there are any ethnic Polish in the Ukraine is they invaded around 1600.
But they are not native and actually have no legal claim to any of the Ukraine, which is always ethnically Russian.

It is obvious the US deliberately started the war.
We obviously bribed the ethnic Polish in the military of the Ukraine, into the illegal coup in 2014, the Maidan revolt.
That was illegal because it murdered or exiles the legitimately and fairly elected government of 2010.
If you look, you will find that the new government created illegally in 2014 was hand picked by the US and even illegally contained some US citizens.
And clearly when they then started trying to illegally join NATO, that was the urging of the US, so that we could put NATO nukes on Russia's border, something we always try to illegally do, like in Poland and Turkey.
They are a seperate nation and the history is irrelevant.

It is fact you asre a complete liar. Putin started it.

We bribed no one.

it is NOT illegal for Ukraien to join NATO.

No one wanted or tried to put nukes on Russias border in Ukraine you are repeatring a proven absolute LIE
We never put nukes in Poland or tried to you lying trashbag
It is easy to give an estimate of the bombs, missiles, and heavy artillery we caused to be dropped on the Ukraine.
It is about 30,000 Stinger, Javelin, and HIMARS missiles.
Over 200,000 artillery shells.
And about 10,000 bombs and drones.
We have illegally sunk dozens of merchant freighters and tankers.

The Ukraine trying to join NATO is an illegal attack and treaty violation amounting to an act of war.
It was the US that must have urged this illegal start of the war by the criminal in Kyiv.

There no law or treaty forbidding ukraine from joining NATO.

The war was started by Putin

Thhose weapons you list were used by Ukraine to fight back
That is a lie, to claim "Russia invaded the Ukraine".
The Ukraine is and always has been part of Russia.
Kyiv used to be the capital of Russia.
The US taking over the Ukraine in order to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, is an illegal act of war.

Russia is going to win this, and has to win this, so will do whatever it takes, including nuking the US if we do not butt out.

YOUR claims is the proven lie

Ukraien had every right to exist as a soveriegn nation.

Russia will lose

the US has never wanted to put nukes in ukraine you weasel
It is easy to give an estimate of the bombs, missiles, and heavy artillery we caused to be dropped on the Ukraine.
It is about 30,000 Stinger, Javelin, and HIMARS missiles.
Over 200,000 artillery shells.
And about 10,000 bombs and drones.
We have illegally sunk dozens of merchant freighters and tankers.

The Ukraine trying to join NATO is an illegal attack and treaty violation amounting to an act of war.
It was the US that must have urged this illegal start of the war by the criminal in Kyiv.
WE CAUSED.??? No, idiot. PUTIN CAUSED!!! He invaded. Not the US. I will put you down as a
Putin loving America hater. Why do you hate America?
The US can NEVER win this war.
Kyiv used to be the capital of Russia, so this is like Pennsylvania claiming to be a sovereign nation and Russia putting nukes there.
The US will get nuked if the Ukraine does not surrender soon.
There is no way Russia can or will lose this war.
You mean like how Russia won the Afghan war?
The casualty ratio is at least 2 Ukrainians for every Russia.
And Russia has not lost any territory in the Ukraine that is holds.

The dictators are in Kyiv, who illegally took over in 2014 and have murdered or exiled any native ethnic Russian politician.
They are racist/fascists who are stealing billions worth of Russian oil, murder tens of thousands of ethnic Russians, and illegally trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border.
These cult fucks don’t know any of this. Nor do they want to know. They just wave their Ukraine flags and virtue signal like the dumb fucking sheep they are.

They have no idea about the expansion I f NATO and the 2014 coup.

They just know. PUTIN BAD. UKRAINE GOOD. Derp derp derp
These cult fucks don’t know any of this. Nor do they want to know. They just wave their Ukraine flags and virtue signal like the dumb fucking sheep they are.

They have no idea about the expansion I f NATO and the 2014 coup.

They just know. PUTIN BAD. UKRAINE GOOD. Derp derp derp
So if decent, knowledgeable US Citizens think we should help Ukraine, and that makes us the "PUTIN BAD" folks, does that mean you and others that think like you are PUTIN LOVERS.
Just trying to find the logic in your support of him.
Are you going to nuke me Because I think your guy is a piece of shit?
Fire away!😅
Yes there are reasons everyone hates us. They are called war mongering pieces of shit.
And if the US did nothing and let Russia annex Ukrsine and start invading other Countriea (they have forces preparing to invade Poland), the same people attacking Biden for helping Ukraine would be calling him a coward for doing nothing

First of all, the Ukraine is historically and ethnically Russia.
Technically, Russian is not an ethnicity. Yes, you can say that the Ukraine is mostly Slavic, as is much of Russia. The Slavs did not originate in Russia and migrate west. I am not an expert but it looks like the slavs originated in eastern central Europe migrating in all directions.

Not that those facts distract or disagree with what you posted. Just kind of identify the slavic peoples.

For those of you who do not understand what is actually going on in Ukraine, watch this video. The Colonel breaks it all down very well.

Its a shame, this war was over in March 2022…then the US stepped in an convinced Zelensky to continue the war instead of signing the peace deal in Turkey.

Now, 17 months later…hundreds of thousands people have died and Ukraine is all but destrpyed,


I thought they were fighting Russia.
I agree wholeheartedly with the OP....Biden's America, NATO, and the Collective West have turned Ukraine into a graveyard....along with the comedian puppet ...the corrupt immoral Zelensky.

One of the saddest things the world has watched this century.
Pretty much the thread.

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