“America has turned Ukraine into a graveyard” - Colonel Douglas MacGregor…great breakdown and analysis of the US proxy war with Russia in Ukraine

alt-right tankies.jpg
I remember when "conservatives" stood on the side of freedom and not Russia.

You! Alt-right loser!.jpg

For those of you who do not understand what is actually going on in Ukraine, watch this video. The Colonel breaks it all down very well.

Its a shame, this war was over in March 2022…then the US stepped in an convinced Zelensky to continue the war instead of signing the peace deal in Turkey.

Now, 17 months later…hundreds of thousands people have died and Ukraine is all but destrpyed,


You in 1939

Hitler didn't attack us.JPG
Sure they do, circumcision.
They have no temple. No tabernacle. No sacrifices. No prophets that hear from God. No one with the authority to change Mosaic Law.

Yet is homosexuality condemned by Jews? Nope. They are the biggest proponents of the LGBTQ and tranny Agenda. They do not practice Mosaic Law.

The only thing they do have in common with ancient Jews is that they like to turn their back on God and Mosaic Law and practice idolatry, where they can make up whatever rules they want.

They should more accurately be called Talmidians, since their whole religion was reinvented.
They have no temple. No tabernacle. No sacrifices. No prophets that hear from God. No one with the authority to change Mosaic Law.

Yet is homosexuality condemned by Jews? Nope. They are the biggest proponents of the LGBTQ and tranny Agenda. They do not practice Mosaic Law.

The only thing they do have in common with ancient Jews is that they like to turn their back on God and Mosaic Law and practice idolatry, where they can make up whatever rules they want.

They should more accurately be called Talmidians, since their whole religion was reinvented.
They call them Rabbinic Jews because the temple was destroyed and they experienced two major diasporas after rebelling.
You gotta love assholes whose only knowledge of the political and social situation between Ukraine and Russia is through MEMES.

Ukraine need a Prigozhin, a returning military commander who will bring regime change and lasting peace with Russia; America might need the same
They call them Rabbinic Jews because the temple was destroyed and they experienced two major diasporas after rebelling.

Just as was predicted by the prophets and Jesus.

God’s presence left the temple once Jesus accomplished his task.

God has not returned to the Jews because they turned their backs on Jesus, and deny him.

Without RWNJobbery and the 'F-bomb', well, it seems half the voices on this forum would have nothing to say.

Although, the snarks out there may say....that the 'F-bomb' is really the only thing they can contribute to adult discourse on this venue.

Yeah, I know. It is sad.
about as sad as your post implying I am snark using the f-bomb

and what did you just contribute, a multiple person flame, troll, comment

fucking idiot you are, "fucking", emphasizing how stupid your post is, in light that it adds nothing to the conversation while at the same time complaining that others added nothing.

but hey, that is the tactic of those that are fucking idiots.
As opposed to just letting Putin walk in and take whatever country he wants. Think maybe this was tried before WW2 with the Germans.
How'd that work out?

If you feel that strongly about I'm sure Zelenski would love you to enlist.....oh wait no, you just want to sit there and type.
The instant you said "proxy war", you revealed yourself as a Putin-lackey. If you're going to revise history, don't suck at it so badly. Russia invaded Ukraine. You can't lie your way out of that simple fact.

How does Putin tell you commie rumpswabs to respond to that? Any new talking points, or does he want you to just keep repeating the "proxy-war" BigLie?

Anyways, given how badly the war is going for Russia, I can see why Putin sent out his fifth columnists to post here. If you want that kind of filth pushing your agenda, you've got to be really desperate.

Ukraine never had a chance. Stop believing the talking heads.

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