Biden Approved Iran's Attack on Israel, So Long As the Attack Was "Within Certain Limits"

No, they won't you're just delusional. Israel is a counterfeit, secular Jewish apartheid state, that is going to collapse. You support evil.

No, that's their land. There never was a "Palestine". There was a Philistine though.
Conspiracy theories? This thread gets pushed to fucking 'Conspiracy Theories?


Fuck this place
You know that was a response to the Iranian arming of Hezbollah, right?

You're an ignoramus and an idiot to boot. Khomeini overthrew the government of Iran.
Britain the colonizer of Iran, with help from the CIA, ousted Mohamed Mosadeq the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran, in 1953 through Operation Ajax, to maintain its control over Iranian oil and natural resources. They re-installed the sha, a brutal, secularist dictator, who tried to Westernize Iran, turning it into a puppet of the West and Israel. The Iranians had enough and got rid of your "Op-Ajax"installed-coup government.

Hezbollah defends Lebanon against Israeli aggression and everyone knows Iran supports them. That doesn't give Israel the right to bomb another nation's embassy. Iran has never directly attacked Israel, while Israel continues to attack Iran within its borders, by assassinating nuclear scientists and whoever else they don't like. The Iranians have every right as a sovereign nation, to generate their electricity from nuclear plants and benefit from that technology. Israel has a nuclear plant and nuclear bombs. Iran has agreed to subject itself to whatever inspections are required by internationally recognized, UN regulatory bodies, for them to be able to develop nuclear electric plants.

Israel continues to murder Iranian scientists and the West does everything to stop Iran from developing its nuclear technology. Iran is a sovereign nation, with every right to benefit from nuclear technology.

I hope this conflict plunges the West into WW3 with Russia and China. That's what American imperialists like you need and deserve, a World War.
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No, that's their land. There never was a "Palestine". There was a Philistine though.
Jews from Poland aren't from that land, but those Palestinians are whether they're Muslims or Christians. Their families have been there for thousands of years and are descendants of the Israelites, the Jews who converted to Christianity and Islam.
Britain the colonizer of Iran, with help from the CIA, ousted Mohamed Mosadeq the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran, in 1953 through Operation Ajax, to maintain its control over Iranian oil and natural resources. They re-installed the sha, a brutal, secularist dictator, who tried to Westernize Iran, turning it into a puppet of the West and Israel. The Iranians had enough and got rid of your "Op-Ajax"installed-coup government.

Hezbollah defends Lebanon against Israeli aggression and everyone knows Iran supports them. That doesn't give Israel the right to bomb another nation's embassy. Iran has never directly attacked Israel, while Israel continues to attack Iran within its borders, by assassinating nuclear scientists and whoever else they don't like. The Iranians have every right as a sovereign nation, to generate their electricity from nuclear plants and benefit from that technology. Israel has a nuclear plant and nuclear bombs. Iran has agreed to subject itself to whatever inspections are required by internationally recognized, UN regulatory bodies, for them to be able to develop nuclear electric plants.

Israel continues to murder Iranian scientists and the West does everything to stop Iran from developing its nuclear technology. Iran is a sovereign nation, with every right to benefit from nuclear technology.

I hope this conflict plunges the West into WW3 with Russia and China. That's what American imperialists like you need and deserve, a World War.

It probably will. Russia and a consortium of middle east countries will eventually try to invade Israel but will be destroyed. I'd imagine the US will be irrelevant at that point. It won't be good times.
actually, Israel attacked an annex, not the embassy, and it was a building being used for military purposes thus invalidating its claim as untouchable.
It was in the embassy complex/property. The living quarters of the embassy staff were also targeted. Bombing embassy grounds is illegal. According to international law, Israel doesn't have the right to do what it did. You're the enemies of humanity.
It probably will. Russia and a consortium of middle east countries will eventually try to invade Israel but will be destroyed. I'd imagine the US will be irrelevant at that point. It won't be good times.
You're watching too many Hal Lindsay re-runs on TBN. Those so-called "Biblical prophecies" are ripped out of context and misinterpreted. You live in Lalaland.
Hey guys Trump committed treason by demanding Ukraine give up information about Hunter Biden and Burisma.

But the Democrat Party continues to conspire with an America-hating, radical Islamic terror state, and that's okay, because Michiganistan.

Meanwhile, in Chicago, leftwing "anti-war" activists cheered an act of war... by Iran.

It's a good day to be a dem, huh guys?

In deference to the 'Clean Start' Rule, I won't say what I think of dems. ALL of them. Down to the last misinformed voter. Every last one of them.
Mass murdering Democrats demand wars and pandemics in election years.
Hey guys Trump committed treason by demanding Ukraine give up information about Hunter Biden and Burisma.

But the Democrat Party continues to conspire with an America-hating, radical Islamic terror state, and that's okay, because Michiganistan.

Meanwhile, in Chicago, leftwing "anti-war" activists cheered an act of war... by Iran.

It's a good day to be a dem, huh guys?

In deference to the 'Clean Start' Rule, I won't say what I think of dems. ALL of them. Down to the last misinformed voter. Every last one of them.
Biden gave permission??? What an asinine lie.
You're watching too many Hal Lindsay re-runs on TBN. Those so-called "Biblical prophecies" are ripped out of context and misinterpreted. You live in Lalaland.
I've never heard of hal lindsay or tbn but if you're referring to biblical prophecy then yes not one prophecy has failed.
Biden gave permission??? What an asinine lie.
it is an asinine lie – but this is who and what conservatives are.

The dishonest right will use disinformation and lies to cause conflict and chaos, undermine political discourse, and divide the American people.
Leftist reasoning is always so spot-on, isn't it? :auiqs.jpg:

Yes, Muzzies are as leftist as it gets. Totes top-down culture. No individualism, no creativity, no work ethic. Perfect leftists

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No stupid, Muslims are very conservative.
You're the God hater, not me. See how easy that was? You are the God hater and poopie head, for thinking those Hal Lindsay "prophecies" are real. You're a big dummy.

Jacob Shiff and Bernard Baruch two very powerful Zionist oligarchs were not only some of the ones who funded the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 they also funded C I Scofield's Reference 'bible'. This was the twenty year timeline with some very significant events.

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