Biden asks Opec to produce more oil !

We have been on a 15 year spending spree. We didn't spend a ton of money the last year and a half?

All those thousands sent to people and millions sent to businesses doesn't qualify as spending?
When the government shutdown businesses in the beginning, they had to give people money to live on. We now know that was a mistake, thanks Fauci. So we no longer need to give people money. Thanks Biden.
When the government shutdown businesses in the beginning, they had to give people money to live on. We now know that was a mistake, thanks Fauci. So we no longer need to give people money. Thanks Biden.

All the same it was massive spending.
I think he is much, much better than tramp. He is not a climate denier, but he knows we need oil.
Lol. Really? I doubt you’d give Trump the same treatment.

Check this out. Joe’s a denier and he doesn’t deny it. Isn’t it funny how the MSM ignores Joe’s lies, but went bat shit crazy when Don lied?

Biden Promised To End New Drilling On Federal Land, But Approvals Are Up

July 13, 20219:19 AM ET​

Pumpjacks work in April 2015 in a field near Lovington, N.M. The Biden administration has approved thousands of drilling permits since taking office despite a campaign pledge to end fracking on federal land.
Charlie Riedel/AP
BILLINGS, Mont. — Approvals for companies to drill for oil and gas on U.S. public lands are on pace this year to reach their highest level since George W. Bush was president, underscoring President Joe Biden's reluctance to more forcefully curb petroleum production in the face of industry and Republican resistance.
The Interior Department approved about 2,500 permits to drill on public and tribal lands in the first six months of the year, according to an Associated Press analysis of government data. That includes more than 2,100 drilling approvals since Biden took office January 20.
Even though the US economy is booming, US oil output remains down by about 2 million barrels per day from the record last year.
The slow recovery by frackers reflects the role of Wall Street. Investors are demanding that US shale companies finally exercise discipline after a decade of blowing through staggering sums of money. Their share prices would be penalized if they suddenly chased higher prices.

"Shale can't come to the rescue and you need OPEC to prevent runaway prices," said Croft, the RBC strategist. "In 2015, people wrote OPEC's obituary because of shale. But now OPEC is in the driver's seat."

how the hell did we do it before?
after Biden limited US oil production making the US no longer energy independent he actually asks OPEC to produce more oil ! wow ! just wow ! so much for the lefts climate change bull to limit fossil fuel use ! ‘Pathetic and embarrassing’: Biden asks OPEC to up oil output while limiting U.S. energy production
Horsediddlysquat. If true it is understandable since the transition away from fossil fuel will not happen first thing in the morning. Also, fossil fuel will always be around, although not in the quantities of today.
Did the FBI have a prosecution for climate fraud ready in 2009?

Search for

Obama climate silence 2010 2012

HomO was always a climate parrot. Then, for two years, homO went silent on the issue. Then in 2012 homO once again decided climate was the worst ever threat facing mankind....

And then to show her true fear of climate change, homO and Michael Robinson bought beachfront property on MV.....

Sessions and Bill Barr both thwarted trump's demand that be prosecuted....
Lol. Really? I doubt you’d give Trump the same treatment.

Check this out. Joe’s a denier and he doesn’t deny it. Isn’t it funny how the MSM ignores Joe’s lies, but went bat shit crazy when Don lied?

Biden Promised To End New Drilling On Federal Land, But Approvals Are Up

July 13, 20219:19 AM ET​

Pumpjacks work in April 2015 in a field near Lovington, N.M. The Biden administration has approved thousands of drilling permits since taking office despite a campaign pledge to end fracking on federal land.
Charlie Riedel/AP
BILLINGS, Mont. — Approvals for companies to drill for oil and gas on U.S. public lands are on pace this year to reach their highest level since George W. Bush was president, underscoring President Joe Biden's reluctance to more forcefully curb petroleum production in the face of industry and Republican resistance.
The Interior Department approved about 2,500 permits to drill on public and tribal lands in the first six months of the year, according to an Associated Press analysis of government data. That includes more than 2,100 drilling approvals since Biden took office January 20.

Trump wanted to depend totally on fossil fuel to please his donors. The word for Biden is pragmatist, not "liar." That term describes Trump to a tee (no pun intended).
I think he is much, much better than tramp. He is not a climate denier, but he knows we need oil.

We had oil, plenty of it. In fact we were the worlds largest exporter of fuel, and that dementia patient Fd it all up. Now we have to beg OPEC to help us out because we have way too many politically ignorant voters in this country that caused this problem. Your comment about "better than Trump" is clear evidence of that. Better than Trump in what way? Our border is a complete mess with people going to Mexico from over 100 countries to cross into here, while we're trying to get over this deadly virus, and this complete idiot is allowing these infected people with God knows what variants of covid in, and then busing or flying them all over our country from coast to coast. Trump would have never allowed such a thing. Now they want vaccinated people to once again start wearing masks. Then they bitch about some biker convention???

Inflation out of control, fuel over 30% higher, violent crime much higher in Democrat cities, and you say better than Trump? Better in what way, no more meanie Tweets????
from energy independent to dependent on others.. way to Biden voters.

That's where the money is. If you want kick back money you never do stuff in house, you outsource so the outsource can pay you for purchasing their product/service. If you do stuff in house and take money it's embezzlement and hard to cover up, but if you work with outsiders then you can directly pocket their money in exchange for a contract.
That's where the money is. If you want kick back money you never do stuff in house, you outsource so the outsource can pay you for purchasing their product/service. If you do stuff in house and take money it's embezzlement and hard to cover up, but if you work with outsiders then you can directly pocket their money in exchange for a contract.
Your analysis is irrelevant to the subject. The President does not want fracking on public land for environmental reasons. He is also a pragmatist and recognizes that oil will always be with us and that clean energy will not be in full force tomorrow morning. Your boy Trump, on the other hand, didn't give a rat's ass about the environment and took those handouts that you speak of, as donations which he
cheerfully used as a petty cash drawer for his personal use. And he got caught, yes?
And WTF do you think the market bases their prices on? That's right, supply and demand. That's why gasoline is up over 30% since Trump left.
And WHT do you think the pandemic had to do with the demand being greatly reduced. As the pandemic receded, people got out of their houses and traveled, causing gas prices to rise.
Supply and demand, yes?
And WHT do you think the pandemic had to do with the demand being greatly reduced. As the pandemic receded, people got out of their houses and traveled, causing gas prices to rise.
Supply and demand, yes?

Dementia closed down the Keystone, he stopped new oil exploration and drilling on public lands. It has nothing to do with demand because Dementia and the commies are paying people to stay home instead of work. It has to do with reduced supplies.

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