Biden asks Opec to produce more oil !

Dementia closed down the Keystone, he stopped new oil exploration and drilling on public lands. It has nothing to do with demand because Dementia and the commies are paying people to stay home instead of work. It has to do with reduced supplies.
wrong. as usual. Price of oil is set by international markets, not by anybody here, and that is a supply and demand issue. Read a book
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Trump wanted to depend totally on fossil fuel to please his donors. The word for Biden is pragmatist, not "liar." That term describes Trump to a tee (no pun intended).
There is no doubt Don’s a serial liar, but so is Joe. Wingers can’t see it though.
wrong. as usual. Price of oil is set by international markets, not by anybody here, and that is a supply and demand issue. Read a book

Shove your read a book. How many commodity contracts have you traded? Bet not one. So don't tell somebody that spent several years in the commodities market to read a book.
There's your sign leftists.

We were energy independent, and all objective numbers said our best occurred on Trump's watch. Trump didn't start any wars, he was the energizer bunny making great decisions along the way, and he was the most successful & accomplished POTUS since????

But that wasn't good enough for you PROGS right, because you fuckers bent over for left Propaganda, simply because you're lazy, fools and dependent.
And WTF do you think the market bases their prices on? That's right, supply and demand. That's why gasoline is up over 30% since Trump left.

When oil went to near $150 there were no supply issues. There were full tankers just sitting because there was no places to offload them.
after Biden limited US oil production making the US no longer energy independent he actually asks OPEC to produce more oil ! wow ! just wow ! so much for the lefts climate change bull to limit fossil fuel use ! ‘Pathetic and embarrassing’: Biden asks OPEC to up oil output while limiting U.S. energy production
Immigrants Who Supported Bin Laden Got Biden Elected

When the oil states secede, Bi-den can have all the Arab oil he wants, along with their jihadi immigrants. Alberta will join us, since that manly Canadian province has our same reasons for seceding from the True-Dough government in Ottawa.
Shove your read a book. How many commodity contracts have you traded? Bet not one. So don't tell somebody that spent several years in the commodities market to read a book.
Somebody "who spent several years" in the commodities market didn't learn how oil was priced.

Crude oil prices are determined by global supply and demand. Economic growth is one of the biggest factors affecting petroleum product—and therefore crude oil—demand. Growing economies increase demand for energy in general and especially for transporting goods and materials from producers to consumers.Feb 11, 2021

Oil prices and outlook - U.S. Energy Information Administration ...​ › oil-and-petroleum-products › prices..
Apparently Joe is a climate denier worse than Trump. Why would you vote for someone worse than Trump?
A Phony Will Sell Readers Baloney

Pretentious but nevertheless wrong grammar is a clue to the inferiority of jurinalists. Your CNN scribbler used "whomever" to sound educated, but an independently educated person knows that the intelligent and well-informed choice is that "whoever" must be used because it is the subject of "is (in the White House)." That has precedence over the fact that it is the object of "on."

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