Biden asks Opec to produce more oil !

Horsediddlysquat. If true it is understandable since the transition away from fossil fuel will not happen first thing in the morning. Also, fossil fuel will always be around, although not in the quantities of today.
How is it "understandable" when it exists only because Biden created, you dumb fuck.
And WHT do you think the pandemic had to do with the demand being greatly reduced. As the pandemic receded, people got out of their houses and traveled, causing gas prices to rise.
Supply and demand, yes?
We were importing no oil before Biden ascended the throne. The price of gas/gal was also $1.00 lower.
Importing 50,000 tankers of oil is a desirable situation in your opinion?

I'm discussing the situation. The funny thing is people are complaining about blocking a pipeline that would have imported oil.
Prices were down before Biden ascended the throne, moron.

Of course they were. The economy was shut down. That had nothing to do with it? You felt a need to call me a name over something I had never argued?
Of course they were. The economy was shut down. That had nothing to do with it?

Not in this case no it didn't, because the prices started to go up before the economy did anything at all. And if you challenge me on my claim I have the monthly unemployment figures to back it up. This diaper disaster has been in office for almost seven months and the unemployment rate since he took over in January still hasn't even lowered by 1% yet.
Not in this case no it didn't, because the prices started to go up before the economy did anything at all. And if you challenge me on my claim I have the monthly unemployment figures to back it up. This diaper disaster has been in office for almost seven months and the unemployment rate since he took over in January still hasn't even lowered by 1% yet.

Sheesh. So prices didn't go down because the economy shut down?
Republicans had nothing to do with it. If you are in the commodities market, they make the rules and you cant' F with them. Everybody has to play by the same rules.
Last time I checked OPEC does not dictate US law. And there is nothing in the Constitution that would prohibit Congress from requiring oil companies to sell a certain percentage of their products domestically in order to receive subsidies.

But that is really besides the point of the post I was replying to.

There were trying to claim that oil production in the US has anything to do with oil prices in the US. Since the vast majority of oil is exported and not sold in the US at all, it has very little effect on actual gas prices in the US. it could affect gas prices if they sold more of their product domestically which is why I am implying that Congress should require them to in order to receive subsidies. if they knew they were going to lose their subsidies if they didn't sell more domestically they might actually do that and it would lower prices. but us oil production has very little to stem our dependency on foreign oil since we don't actually use that oil domestically.
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Last time I checked OPEC does not dictate US law. And there is nothing in the Constitution that would prohibit Congress from requiring oil companies to sell a certain percentage of their products domestically in order to receive subsidies.

But that is really besides the point of the post I was replying to.

There were trying to claim that oil production in the US has anything to do with oil prices in the US. Since the vast majority of oil is exported and not sold in the US at all, it has very little effect on actual gas prices in the US. it could affect gas prices if they sold more of their product domestically which is why I am implying that Congress should require them to in order to receive subsidies. if they knew they were going to lose their subsidies if they didn't sell more domestically they might actually do that and it would lower prices. but us oil production has very little to stem our dependency on foreign oil since we don't actually use that oil domestically.

If we sold more oil domestically under Dementia's polices we'd be paying $5.50 a gallon now. The entire world trades energy and we were the top exporter of energy under President Trump. When that gets disrupted by bad policy, it does increase the price of energy here and abroad.

The commies are losing ground with the American people because of such a huge price increase. They are telling parents they need to mask their kids and themselves even though they've been vaccinated because they are allowing people to enter our southern border from well over 100 countries and who knows what new variant they are bringing with them. Inflation is out of control and wages have even gone down.

To try and remedy his mistakes, Dementia is now begging OPEC for help. Pathetic. This would never be happening under a Trump administration.
Partly but the economy has not nearly recovered enough to increase demand of fuel. Therefore the only reason for price increases are lower supplies.

So you don't disagree with what I said but still felt a need to disagree with me.
So you don't disagree with what I said but still felt a need to disagree with me.

If that's the song and dance you want to play, go right ahead and forget what I clearly pointed out. The economy did not grow that much to have an impact on fuel prices. Trump had the best economy in 50 years with a 3.6% unemployment rate and gasoline never hit $3.00 a gallon. Today at a 5.4% unemployment rate we are over $3.00 a gallon nationwide? Do you see how your claim doesn't compute here?
If that's the song and dance you want to play, go right ahead and forget what I clearly pointed out. The economy did not grow that much to have an impact on fuel prices. Trump had the best economy in 50 years with a 3.6% unemployment rate and gasoline never hit $3.00 a gallon. Today at a 5.4% unemployment rate we are over $3.00 a gallon nationwide? Do you see how your claim doesn't compute here?

Quit rambling. I never discussed any of the other stuff. My only claim was that the shut down of the economy caused prices to fall.
Quit rambling. I never discussed any of the other stuff. My only claim was that the shut down of the economy caused prices to fall.

That's a complete lie. You also claimed that the reason they went up so much was because of the economy under Dementia.
Apparently Joe is a climate denier worse than Trump. Why would you vote for someone worse than Trump?
Gipper please explain your thinking..

By the way there is things called short term solutions and long term solutions..

OPEC is a cartel... If they existed in US they would be all in jail for price fixing...

By the way opening federal land or not would not affect the price of oil... The Price of oil is set by OPEC... Oil is traded on a global market...

What I can't figure out is there a load of people on this forum who say let the market decide and then know fuck all about the market..
then why did he cut US oil production ?

Biden didn't cut oil production.. We were importing 8 million bpd before the 2020 covid slump and we are still importing 8 million bpd..

Trump replaced Venezuelan imports with Russian imports.
Gipper please explain your thinking..

By the way there is things called short term solutions and long term solutions..

OPEC is a cartel... If they existed in US they would be all in jail for price fixing...

By the way opening federal land or not would not affect the price of oil... The Price of oil is set by OPEC... Oil is traded on a global market...

What I can't figure out is there a load of people on this forum who say let the market decide and then know fuck all about the market..

The Texas Railroad Commission used to control how much oil the US could produce and how much could be imported. They were a cartel before OPEC.

The purpose of OPEC was to stabilize cost and supply as much as possible.. That was Zaki Yamanis reasoning.

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