Biden asks Opec to produce more oil !

More isn't needed. I've already addressed this also.
so - bidens policies are held accountable for why we have higher gas prices.

biden did shut down the pipeline and reduced our own production
prices go up
opec, seeing that we are now counting on them to drive the market, takes advantage of it.
prices go up
biden, in his infinite wisdom, according to you, asks opec to raise production to lower prices even though more isn't needed, yet more *is* needed to reduce said prices.

you didn't map this out before saying it all, did you?
That will ruin US producers.

No it will not. Don't worry about oil companies or producers. They will be in business no matter what. That's the idea of the markets. Most of our oil comes from private land, and when they are getting a much less than satisfactory price, they stop production on their land.
so - bidens policies are held accountable for why we have higher gas prices.

biden did shut down the pipeline and reduced our own production
prices go up
opec, seeing that we are now counting on them to drive the market, takes advantage of it.
prices go up
biden, in his infinite wisdom, according to you, asks opec to raise production to lower prices even though more isn't needed, yet more *is* needed to reduce said prices.

you didn't map this out before saying it all, did you?

No, why should I? I had one point to make and I made it.
You are not wrong, however, you are not right as well. Supply and demand are only playing a little role in oil price. The other part is the US dollar value and political stuff. Biden shuts down US own oil supply and he also kills US dollar value with all the spendings. In the end, I have no idea what is wrong with him and his advisers.
The political "stuff" is nonexistent. The environment and your health are very existent. I agree that the dollar may take a hit temporarily, but the spending is a necessity. It should hace done many years ago.
The political "stuff" is nonexistent. The environment and your health are very existent.

Okay, so when will our environment be healthy enough to silence the climate change crowd? What metrics are there, parts per billion? And if we are to hit this goal, how much will it cost us?

Don't feel bad by not directly answering. Nobody has because nobody knows in spite of how many times I've asked this question.
The political "stuff" is nonexistent. The environment and your health are very existent. I agree that the dollar may take a hit temporarily, but the spending is a necessity. It should hace done many years ago.
There is no need for this one trillion dollar pile of crap.
Gipper please explain your thinking..

By the way there is things called short term solutions and long term solutions..

OPEC is a cartel... If they existed in US they would be all in jail for price fixing...

By the way opening federal land or not would not affect the price of oil... The Price of oil is set by OPEC... Oil is traded on a global market...

What I can't figure out is there a load of people on this forum who say let the market decide and then know fuck all about the market..
You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. OPEC has never succeeded in controlling oil prices.
Prices before the shutdown were lower than they are now, so not.

Which does not matter so yeah. Prices fell because of the shut down of the economy. I didn't argue they were higher or even the same as now.
Which does not matter so yeah. Prices fell because of the shut down of the economy. I didn't argue they were higher or even the same as now.
Apparently you have a reading comprehension problem. What part of "prices before the shutdown were lower than they are now" didn't you understand?
Apparently you have a reading comprehension problem. What part of "prices before the shutdown were lower than they are now" didn't you understand?

I said it was irrelevant to what I said, and it is.
The political "stuff" is nonexistent. The environment and your health are very existent. I agree that the dollar may take a hit temporarily, but the spending is a necessity. It should hace done many years ago.
haha, you better learn the death of the USSR. Most of it is oil price related, and finally how Reagan used Saudi to put USSR into the big trouble?

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