Biden bests the president in a hypothetical matchup, 42% to 34%.

Even this moron knows
3 mins
The best way to demoralize Trump supporters is to relentlessly replay clips of prominent Republicans ripping Trump to shreds with accurate insults. YouTube has a library.

About this website


Trump ally Lindsey Graham once said president could be impeached for not complying with congressional oversight
Watch: Trump ally Lindsey Graham once said a president's failure to comply With Congressional oversight was an impeachable offense

Nearly four in 10 voters silently support President Trump, but don't 'fess up to their friends or pollsters, according to a new survey.
Zogby Analytics found that 38 percent admitted that "even though I tell people I do not approve of Donald Trump, I personally agree with him on certain issues."
Poll: 4 of 10 voters are 'silent Trump supporters'!
Meanwhile I wear a “Trump for President” t-shirt with a giant photograph of Trump on it in my blue district and even in my Democrat dominated work environment , and now a “Make America Great Again” do-rag.
Make America Great Again Do-rag Do-rag

Just like a fool. ***** love ***** what can I say.
Come to LA wearing it.
It’s awesome.

You should get one.

I doubt anyone would do anything to a big guy like me, even in LA. Unless they want to get stomped with my foot through their chest.
You wont last. Is like having a nazi walking around in tell Aviv.
You have to realize that you are the scums of this era for siding with racism, bigotry and bullying.
Once we kill the Antifa terrorists who are still incredibly weak it will be open season on you pieces of shit if you try anything.

I work with Antifa wimps every day and they are kissing my ass because I am real man in a generation of fairies.

Nearly four in 10 voters silently support President Trump, but don't 'fess up to their friends or pollsters, according to a new survey.
Zogby Analytics found that 38 percent admitted that "even though I tell people I do not approve of Donald Trump, I personally agree with him on certain issues."
Poll: 4 of 10 voters are 'silent Trump supporters'!
Meanwhile I wear a “Trump for President” t-shirt with a giant photograph of Trump on it in my blue district and even in my Democrat dominated work environment , and now a “Make America Great Again” do-rag.
Make America Great Again Do-rag Do-rag

Just like a fool. ***** love ***** what can I say.
Come to LA wearing it.
It’s awesome.

You should get one.

I doubt anyone would do anything to a big guy like me, even in LA. Unless they want to get stomped with my foot through their chest.
You wont last. Is like having a nazi walking around in tell Aviv.
You have to realize that you are the scums of this era for siding with racism, bigotry and bullying.
Once we kill the Antifa terrorists who are still incredibly weak it will be open season on you pieces of shit if you try anything.

I work with Antifa wimps every day and they are kissing my ass because I am real man in a generation of fairies.

Ok Rambo.
Meanwhile I wear a “Trump for President” t-shirt with a giant photograph of Trump on it in my blue district and even in my Democrat dominated work environment , and now a “Make America Great Again” do-rag.
Make America Great Again Do-rag Do-rag

Just like a fool. ***** love ***** what can I say.
Come to LA wearing it.
It’s awesome.

You should get one.

I doubt anyone would do anything to a big guy like me, even in LA. Unless they want to get stomped with my foot through their chest.
You wont last. Is like having a nazi walking around in tell Aviv.
You have to realize that you are the scums of this era for siding with racism, bigotry and bullying.
Once we kill the Antifa terrorists who are still incredibly weak it will be open season on you pieces of shit if you try anything.

I work with Antifa wimps every day and they are kissing my ass because I am real man in a generation of fairies.

Ok Rambo.

Blame Antifa.

They severely beat people up with absolutely no muscle or intelligence and that just makes smarter and stronger people want to do it to them and their allies
See you exemplify what causes the "silent Trump voters"!
Why should Trump voters identify themselves to violent people like you?
Trump was using his expertise in appealing to voters where his advertising dollars would be most effective, i.e. NOT CA, NY and states that went for Hillary.
That is very smart use of money. Trump spent $957.6 M versus Hillary $1.4 Billion! Less than 70% of what Hillary spent!
And guess where she spent vs Trump?

To me I'd rather have a President who KNOWS how to spend money wisely than like Hillary who wasted billions.
Even this moron knows
3 mins
The best way to demoralize Trump supporters is to relentlessly replay clips of prominent Republicans ripping Trump to shreds with accurate insults. YouTube has a library.

About this website


Trump ally Lindsey Graham once said president could be impeached for not complying with congressional oversight
Watch: Trump ally Lindsey Graham once said a president's failure to comply With Congressional oversight was an impeachable offense

Nearly four in 10 voters silently support President Trump, but don't 'fess up to their friends or pollsters, according to a new survey.
Zogby Analytics found that 38 percent admitted that "even though I tell people I do not approve of Donald Trump, I personally agree with him on certain issues."
Poll: 4 of 10 voters are 'silent Trump supporters'!
Meanwhile I wear a “Trump for President” t-shirt with a giant photograph of Trump on it in my blue district and even in my Democrat dominated work environment , and now a “Make America Great Again” do-rag.
Make America Great Again Do-rag Do-rag

Just like a fool. ***** love ***** what can I say.
Come to LA wearing it.
It’s awesome.

You should get one.

I doubt anyone would do anything to a big guy like me, even in LA. Unless they want to get stomped with my foot through their chest.
trumps a big guy too and he's a bullying cowardly chickenshit,,,,,,,,the bigger you are the harder you'll fall
So once again the MSM takes a story and FAILS to honestly present the FACTS that more Democrats were polled than GOP!
Once you go to the pollster's facts as to who makes up the poll you come away with a false impression...again
just what the biased MSM wants!
  • Strong Republican 365 18%
  • Not Very Strong Republican 235 12%
  • Strong Democrat 466 23%
  • Not Very Strong Democrat 276 14%
  • N2012 Vote: Didn't vote 528 27%
Total Number in poll: 1,990
Percent GOP 44% Democrats: 55%!
Also remember 27% didn't Vote the last time!
PLUS with the MSM and other idiots criticizing people like me that like what Trump is doing they did in this poll what millions did at the voting booth ... pulled the lever for TRUMP!
In the privacy of the voting booth, millions of Americans are tired of status quo politicians like Biden, Romney,!
These millions of silent Americans will MAKE their wishes known and they want Trump!

Yes, but Hillary still leads Trump by over 40 points.
From 11/8/2016

To be fair, a 9% chance of winning means the other side can lose. 91% is not a sure win.
CA? Like illegals don't vote there, dumbass! Take a look at my state flag, Chumpley! There's your answer!
Bullshit. Mickey mouse can get more votes than the orange pig. He even was surprised he won.

See you exemplify what causes the "silent Trump voters"!
Why should Trump voters identify themselves to violent people like you?
Trump was using his expertise in appealing to voters where his advertising dollars would be most effective, i.e. NOT CA, NY and states that went for Hillary.
That is very smart use of money. Trump spent $957.6 M versus Hillary $1.4 Billion! Less than 70% of what Hillary spent!
And guess where she spent vs Trump?

To me I'd rather have a President who KNOWS how to spend money wisely than like Hillary who wasted billions.
Even this moron knows
3 mins
The best way to demoralize Trump supporters is to relentlessly replay clips of prominent Republicans ripping Trump to shreds with accurate insults. YouTube has a library.

About this website


Trump ally Lindsey Graham once said president could be impeached for not complying with congressional oversight
Watch: Trump ally Lindsey Graham once said a president's failure to comply With Congressional oversight was an impeachable offense

Nearly four in 10 voters silently support President Trump, but don't 'fess up to their friends or pollsters, according to a new survey.
Zogby Analytics found that 38 percent admitted that "even though I tell people I do not approve of Donald Trump, I personally agree with him on certain issues."
Poll: 4 of 10 voters are 'silent Trump supporters'!
Meanwhile I wear a “Trump for President” t-shirt with a giant photograph of Trump on it in my blue district and even in my Democrat dominated work environment , and now a “Make America Great Again” do-rag.
Make America Great Again Do-rag Do-rag


I don't dare do that. I really don't want to have to kill anyone.

Sad but true and reality.
After we run 24/7 ads of Biden fondling young women for a month then conduct a poll. :itsok:
He cant be worse than the pussy grabber, who married a whore and still went out and fucked a porn star.
cheated on all 3 of his wives a real good man a republican through and through

After Bill Clinton you have jack shit to say about ANY GOP politicians :auiqs.jpg: Did they have to replace the carpet in the oval office after the Lewinski scandal broke? You know, to remove his DNA. Whatever happened to that nasty cigar? My friend don't even go there :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Even this moron knows
3 mins
The best way to demoralize Trump supporters is to relentlessly replay clips of prominent Republicans ripping Trump to shreds with accurate insults. YouTube has a library.

About this website


Trump ally Lindsey Graham once said president could be impeached for not complying with congressional oversight
Watch: Trump ally Lindsey Graham once said a president's failure to comply With Congressional oversight was an impeachable offense

Nearly four in 10 voters silently support President Trump, but don't 'fess up to their friends or pollsters, according to a new survey.
Zogby Analytics found that 38 percent admitted that "even though I tell people I do not approve of Donald Trump, I personally agree with him on certain issues."
Poll: 4 of 10 voters are 'silent Trump supporters'!
Meanwhile I wear a “Trump for President” t-shirt with a giant photograph of Trump on it in my blue district and even in my Democrat dominated work environment , and now a “Make America Great Again” do-rag.
Make America Great Again Do-rag Do-rag

Just like a fool. ***** love ***** what can I say.
Come to LA wearing it.
It’s awesome.

You should get one.

I doubt anyone would do anything to a big guy like me, even in LA. Unless they want to get stomped with my foot through their chest.
trumps a big guy too and he's a bullying cowardly chickenshit,,,,,,,,the bigger you are the harder you'll fall
I am a bigger guy than Trump and I am in much much better shape.

I also wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth, so I grew up fighting kids from all over my city and state in public schools, especially kids much bigger and stronger than I was at the time.

Democrats created this dystopia and now they are going to pay for it.
After we run 24/7 ads of Biden fondling young women for a month then conduct a poll. :itsok:
He cant be worse than the pussy grabber, who married a whore and still went out and fucked a porn star.
cheated on all 3 of his wives a real good man a republican through and through

After Bill Clinton you have jack shit to say about ANY GOP politicians :auiqs.jpg: Did they have to replace the carpet in the oval office after the Lewinski scandal broke? You know, to remove his DNA. Whatever happened to that nasty cigar? My friend don't even go there :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Married 3 times cheating on them all Never mind the other things the scumbag was involved in That is what you accept as your leader???? You might be no better than him..........You pay off ladies you're not married to??
After we run 24/7 ads of Biden fondling young women for a month then conduct a poll. :itsok:
He cant be worse than the pussy grabber, who married a whore and still went out and fucked a porn star.
cheated on all 3 of his wives a real good man a republican through and through

After Bill Clinton you have jack shit to say about ANY GOP politicians :auiqs.jpg: Did they have to replace the carpet in the oval office after the Lewinski scandal broke? You know, to remove his DNA. Whatever happened to that nasty cigar? My friend don't even go there :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Married 3 times cheating on them all Never mind the other things the scumbag was involved in That is what you accept as your leader???? You might be no better than him..........You pay off ladies you're not married to??
PTBW Trumps brains might be in his dick ,,,,sure not in his head
After we run 24/7 ads of Biden fondling young women for a month then conduct a poll. :itsok:
He cant be worse than the pussy grabber, who married a whore and still went out and fucked a porn star.
cheated on all 3 of his wives a real good man a republican through and through

After Bill Clinton you have jack shit to say about ANY GOP politicians :auiqs.jpg: Did they have to replace the carpet in the oval office after the Lewinski scandal broke? You know, to remove his DNA. Whatever happened to that nasty cigar? My friend don't even go there :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
They both adulterer at the Democrats dont preach the gospel and morality 24/ guys do....trump can jump your life and you will find him an excuse. I said impeach Clinton and called for his resignation.
You in the other hand your head is deep inside trumps ass.
After we run 24/7 ads of Biden fondling young women for a month then conduct a poll. :itsok:
He cant be worse than the pussy grabber, who married a whore and still went out and fucked a porn star.

LOL we have 100 photos of Biden pawing women. You have zero photos of Trump. :itsok:
We have checks, audio and witnesses....fuck even his lawyer :p

Good luck with making a campaign ad out of that. Here's how easy it will be for us to attack creepy Joe Biden, man SO creepy.


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