Biden Blames Republicans in Congress for Soaring Inflation


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
I thought Obama was bad about blaming everyone else for his problems, but this ass takes the cake.
I've never seen a president who must have at least 50 fingers to point in all directions except for his!
What ever happened to "the buck stops here"?

President Biden blamed Congressional Republicans for record-high inflation in a speech in Philadelphia on Tuesday.

Addressing the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, Biden argued that his economic agenda, which relies on massive government spending, would help drive down inflation, and said Republican obstruction of that agenda is to blame for the current economic environment.

Ah, before Covid shut down the whole world...Trump gave the US historically good economic numbers, Super! Did you miss that? Most of the country sure misses that now!
Pooperbadbreather is like most of the left & totally devoid of facts or reason.

What have Republicans done in the past 10yrs?

Nothing I can think of. Zilch, nadda, zip. Which at least means they haven't done anything stupid or bad neither, while democrats have done all kinds of things, and every one of them have turned out disastrous.
Instead of lying, denying and blaming other people for his failures President Potatohead should have been talking about how he was going to stop inflation and get gas prices back to normal.
I thought Obama was bad about blaming everyone else for his problems, but this ass takes the cake.
I've never seen a president who must have at least 50 fingers to point in all directions except for his!
What ever happened to "the buck stops here"?

The buck stop here! (Right between Trump and Putin) - Brandon
No I didn't miss it, those good economic numbers were given to him. Did you miss that?
Of course no one believes that, not even people on the left. Certainly not the moderates. Everyone pretty much universally agrees that Trumps economy was great and that eventually is whats going into the history books in our schools, whether you like it or not. Trumps exceptional numbers are undebatable.
No I didn't miss it, those good economic numbers were given to him. Did you miss that?
Given to him by whom? Barack Obama? Don't make me laugh. Name an Obama economic policy that ever created real jobs? The truth is that the only thing that kept Barry's economic numbers from being historically bad was the Oil and Natural Gas Boom driven by fracking...something that Obama was AGAINST!
I thought Obama was bad about blaming everyone else for his problems, but this ass takes the cake.
I've never seen a president who must have at least 50 fingers to point in all directions except for his!
What ever happened to "the buck stops here"?

It's literally amazing how the left attacked Trump for not taking any responsibility for anything and yet here we are, all of the country's problems are someone else's fault.
It’s amazing when dembots take office amd their policies take hold and the economy is ruined, wars start, and the world goes to chaos…they essentially claim well we are powerless and it’s all the party out of powers fault…

typical of demafasict tyrants
It's literally amazing how the left attacked Trump for not taking any responsibility for anything and yet here we are, all of the country's problems are someone else's fault.
they did the same thing with bush…this is nothing new when it comes to the demafacist
Given to him by whom? Barack Obama? Don't make me laugh. Name an Obama economic policy that ever created real jobs? The truth is that the only thing that kept Barry's economic numbers from being historically bad was the Oil and Natural Gas Boom driven by fracking...something that Obama was AGAINST!
well and the red tide in the midterms. Had the dems also maintained Congress we would of been where we are now a decade ago

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