Biden blatantly lied about Chris Stevens wanting more Security

He didn't say Stevens didn't ask...he said they weren't TOLD.

It's all in the details folks. They're going to hang this on the desk jockeys at the state dept, (Lamb). They're going to say she didn't let them know he wanted more security.

During the congressional hearing she ( Lamb )was asked if she had the decision making power over the security question and she said no. She gave the names of the two people next in the chain, but I can't remember their names. That's where they'll try to hang the blame.
Biden blatantly lied about Chris Stevens wanting more Security
The Fact Checker

“We weren’t told they wanted more security there. We did not know they wanted more security.”

— Biden, speaking of the U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya

Biden’s bold statement was directly contradicted by State Department officials just this week, in testimony before a congressional panel and in unclassified cables released by a congressional committee.

“All of us at post were in sync that we wanted these resources,” said Eric Nordstrom, the top regional security officer in Libya earlier this year. A Utah national guardsman who led a security team, Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, said: “We felt great frustration that those requests were ignored or just never met.”

Maybe Biden was too busy in debate prep to watch?


These people lied to us and went in front of the entire muslim world to drag our first amendment through the mud. Obama/Biden are anti-freedom of speech and outright liars.


Look for Romney to ram Joe's words up Obama's rear end in one or both of the final debates. There's now all sorts of stuff on record that extra security was asked for, repeatedly, and denied by the administration of Barry, Hillary, Biden, et al.

But not only did Biden cause them more angst over the extra security issue last night, he also stepped in it with the intelligence community over the lie about the Benghazi attack was a result of a demonstration about the video that then spun out of control into an attack that killed our ambassador and three others.

Keep in mind that just earlier this week Charlene Lamb, Deputy Assistant Secretary responsible for safety and security at our diplomatic facilities, testified under oath, "Additionally, I was in our Diplomatic Security Command Center monitoring multiple open lines with our agents for much of the attack...From that point on, I could follow what was happening in almost real-time." And she went on to say absolutely nothing about a video demonstration that then escalated. Instead she talked about gunfire and an explosion and dozens of attackers in a full-scale assault on the compound "unprecedented in its size and intensity." Again, her description in almost real-time as she listened in.

But last night Biden insisted the intelligence community initially told them (Barry & Co.) it was all about the video protest. Oh, really, Joe? Well, that should be easy enough to check out. Just let the world know which intelligence agency official passed that on to the administration and what was their source for it. Very simple, and it would prove the administration isn't lying to try to cover their asses.

Don't hold your breath waiting for that information though. Which is why Mitt's gonna ream Barry a new one over it. They've lied their way into a corner and there's no way out. Except the truth, but that's far too damaging less than a month from the election.
Biden blatantly lied about Chris Stevens wanting more Security
The Fact Checker

“We weren’t told they wanted more security there. We did not know they wanted more security.”

— Biden, speaking of the U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya

Biden’s bold statement was directly contradicted by State Department officials just this week, in testimony before a congressional panel and in unclassified cables released by a congressional committee.

“All of us at post were in sync that we wanted these resources,” said Eric Nordstrom, the top regional security officer in Libya earlier this year. A Utah national guardsman who led a security team, Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, said: “We felt great frustration that those requests were ignored or just never met.”

Maybe Biden was too busy in debate prep to watch?


These people lied to us and went in front of the entire muslim world to drag our first amendment through the mud. Obama/Biden are anti-freedom of speech and outright liars.


Look for Romney to ram Joe's words up Obama's rear end in one or both of the final debates. There's now all sorts of stuff on record that extra security was asked for, repeatedly, and denied by the administration of Barry, Hillary, Biden, et al.

But not only did Biden cause them more angst over the extra security issue last night, he also stepped in it with the intelligence community over the lie about the Benghazi attack was a result of a demonstration about the video that then spun out of control into an attack that killed our ambassador and three others.

Keep in mind that just earlier this week Charlene Lamb, Deputy Assistant Secretary responsible for safety and security at our diplomatic facilities, testified under oath, "Additionally, I was in our Diplomatic Security Command Center monitoring multiple open lines with our agents for much of the attack...From that point on, I could follow what was happening in almost real-time." And she went on to say absolutely nothing about a video demonstration that then escalated. Instead she talked about gunfire and an explosion and dozens of attackers in a full-scale assault on the compound "unprecedented in its size and intensity." Again, her description in almost real-time as she listened in.

But last night Biden insisted the intelligence community initially told them (Barry & Co.) it was all about the video protest. Oh, really, Joe? Well, that should be easy enough to check out. Just let the world know which intelligence agency official passed that on to the administration and what was their source for it. Very simple, and it would prove the administration isn't lying to try to cover their asses.

Don't hold your breath waiting for that information though. Which is why Mitt's gonna ream Barry a new one over it. They've lied their way into a corner and there's no way out. Except the truth, but that's far too damaging less than a month from the election.

That is exactly what I want to hear one of these mealy mouthed people in the media ask. They keep saying, "intelligence" gave them bad info. Well how did "intelligence" get it so wrong and whose does "intelligence" answer to?
BIDEN: “Well, we weren’t told they wanted more security there. We did not know they wanted more security again. And by the way, at the time we were told exactly – we said exactly what the intelligence community told us that they knew. That was the assessment. And as the intelligence community changed their view, we made it clear they changed their view.”

RYAN: “There were requests for more security.”

THE FACTS: Ryan is right, judging by testimony from Obama administration officials at the hearing a day earlier.

Charlene R. Lamb, a deputy assistant secretary for diplomatic security, told lawmakers she refused requests for more security in Benghazi, saying the department wanted to train Libyans to protect the consulate. “Yes, sir, I said personally I would not support it,” she said.
The Obama's admins lies helped spark the fires even more in the middle east. Bowing the people that want to take our freedoms away.
A major cover up....It was fun to watch the media question Carney a few days ago about it....


O'boy, that fucker spinned at 2000 rpm!
Biden is not in charge of security at the embassy.Clinton is not in charge of security at the Embassy.
There is a chain of command in the system and the guy in charge of security stated that the threat level did not warrant more security.
It is a sad occassion but pointing fingers at everyone will not bring back a dead Ambassador

If the President and the Vice President are not "in charge" then who is? Harry Truman had a sign on his desk in the Oval Office that said "The buck stops here"...Barack Obama should have a sign that says "The buck stops anywhere else BUT here." This is a man who NEVER takes responsibility for anything that goes wrong on his watch but LOVES to take full responsibility for the few things that go right. Seals kill Bin Laden? Barry is THE MAN!!! Our ambassador is assassinated? It's someone else's fault!!!

If this is how this Administration protects it's ambassadors then I don't feel very secure knowing that they are the ones "in charge" of protecting me.
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And who told them there was a demonstration over the youtube video? Because that's what they said..that there was a "demonstration" that got out of hand.

There was zero demonstration. So who lied to them and told them that?

Nobody, of course. They made up that story to hide their failures and complete disregard for the lives of the people there.
"Just taking Biden at his word, we’d have to believe that (a) the State Department had no special concern over personnel in eastern Libya, where the weak central government can’t even deploy a police force, (b) the White House was unaware that al-Qaeda had expanded its operations in the region, and (c) no one remembered that the anniversary of 9/11 was approaching. That’s a shocking level of incompetence to confess on national TV. Small wonder that CNN’s tracking group considered this Joe Biden’s lowest point of the debate."

Biden: Hey, none of us knew that the Benghazi consulate wanted more security! Update: CBS News: Biden’s got some clean-up to do on Libya; Update: White House: No, really, we had no idea « Hot Air
Fuck 24 hours later the bastards chased us out of the Congo. Obama lied his ass off and put our first amendment on the line.

This son of a bitch would burn our constitution.
"The State Department said flatly this week they never thought it related to the video, they always thought it was terrorism. The State Department said they asked for the security. The Ambassador’s own diary says that he had asked for the security. You want to talk about trust? Having an American ambassodor and three other Americans killed while the President lies to you is a pretty big question."

Gingrich: Biden’s Benghazi response will “haunt” Obama « Hot Air
BIDEN: “Well, we weren’t told they wanted more security there. We did not know they wanted more security again. And by the way, at the time we were told exactly – we said exactly what the intelligence community told us that they knew. That was the assessment. And as the intelligence community changed their view, we made it clear they changed their view.”

RYAN: “There were requests for more security.”

THE FACTS: Ryan is right, judging by testimony from Obama administration officials at the hearing a day earlier.

Charlene R. Lamb, a deputy assistant secretary for diplomatic security, told lawmakers she refused requests for more security in Benghazi, saying the department wanted to train Libyans to protect the consulate. “Yes, sir, I said personally I would not support it,” she said.

since Biden was sequestered, guess he didn't hear the hearing. :eusa_whistle:
This son of a bitch went in front of the UN saying how we shouldn't criticize islam. Part of the ass storm came from this lie that made us look weak.
Biden is not in charge of security at the embassy.Clinton is not in charge of security at the Embassy.
There is a chain of command in the system and the guy in charge of security stated that the threat level did not warrant more security.
It is a sad occassion but pointing fingers at everyone will not bring back a dead Ambassador

Are you high? It's one of the duties of Sec of State, dumb ass...

Duties of the Secretary of State of the United States
  • Ensures the protection of the U.S. Government to American citizens, property, and interests in foreign countries
  • Administers the Department of State
  • Supervises the Foreign Service of the United States

negged for being a complete dumb ass.
Biden is not in charge of security at the embassy.Clinton is not in charge of security at the Embassy.
There is a chain of command in the system and the guy in charge of security stated that the threat level did not warrant more security.
It is a sad occassion but pointing fingers at everyone will not bring back a dead Ambassador

So, when fingers are pointed at Democrats, that doesn't help... but screaming BBBBUUUUSSSSHHHH! for 4 years, that helped... right?

Dumb ass
This explains it pretty fucking good!
[ame=]Obama Administration Can Stop Claiming A Video For 9-11-2012! Now It's Terrorist A Attack... - YouTube[/ame]

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Biden is not in charge of security at the embassy.Clinton is not in charge of security at the Embassy.
There is a chain of command in the system and the guy in charge of security stated that the threat level did not warrant more security.
It is a sad occassion but pointing fingers at everyone will not bring back a dead Ambassador

Lying sack of shit...

ABC's Fact Check Team Assesses the Debate Between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan - ABC News
State dept officials were aware security officials on the ground had concerns. Two officials dramatically testified on Capitol Hill Wednesday that they had made their reservations about the security situation in Libya known within the State Department.
You can't spin this

[ame=]Carney maintains Libya attack was not preplanned - YouTube[/ame]

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