Biden calls for "rule of law in war" even as Israel commits massive ongoing war crimes in Gaza

Targeting civilians is a war crime.
Which is what Hamas always does. It launches unguided bombardment rockets at Israeli cities rather than even attempting to target military bases. The only reason there aren’t thousands of Israeli civilian casualties every year is the extraordinary measures Israel takes to protect its citizens.
You really are a paranoid wanker. Palestinians have the chance every day to kill some Jews. Why do they pass it up?
They wont unless the hamas dictatorship tells them to
You really are a paranoid wanker. Palestinians have the chance every day to kill some Jews. Why do they pass it up?

It's in their damned charter. Based on recent actions you would have to be a complete retard to ignore what they say they desire.
So why isn't every Palestinian killing Jews at every opportunity they have?

Because they usually get killed when they try. There's this thing called the internet.

You should explore it. Amazing what you will find.
Which is what Hamas always does. It launches unguided bombardment rockets at Israeli cities rather than even attempting to target military bases. The only reason there aren’t thousands of Israeli civilian casualties every year is the extraordinary measures Israel takes to protect its citizens.
Yes, the rocket attacks by Hamas are considered war crimes because they are indiscriminate weapons. Israel, on the other hand, has more sophisticated weapons and the IDF deliberately targets civilians way more than Hamas does.

If Hamas could somehow control and guide these rockets and target only Israeli military sites and Israeli settlements, then they would be perfectly legal, according to international law.
The Hamas charter.
That's a 40 year old document that they don't follow anymore. It was amended in 2017 to accept a two-state solution.

You want to know how fucked up Zionists really are?

From a famous Zionist humanist Ahad Ha’am...

“A land without people for a people without land”
ignoring the fact that the Palestinians themselves, well over half a million at the turn of the century, lived in Palestine, that it was their home.

"...that the settlers must under no circumstances arouse the wrath of the natives … ‘Yet what do our brethren do in Palestine? Just the very opposite! Serfs they were in the lands of the Diaspora and suddenly they find themselves in unrestricted freedom and this change has awakened in them an inclination to despotism. They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination …’

[the Zionists] wax angry towards those who remind them that there is still another people in Eretz Yisrael that has been living there and does not intend at all to leave its place.

Translation: Zionists imported all the violence and racism into the area with their migration to Palestine.
Yes, the rocket attacks by Hamas are considered war crimes because they are indiscriminate weapons. Israel, on the other hand, has more sophisticated weapons and the IDF deliberately targets civilians way more than Hamas does.

If Hamas could somehow control and guide these rockets and target only Israeli military sites and Israeli settlements, then they would be perfectly legal, according to international law.
Good ! So over 3,000 Rockets we’re shot into Israel and they are now paying for it 👍
Yes, the rocket attacks by Hamas are considered war crimes because they are indiscriminate weapons. Israel, on the other hand, has more sophisticated weapons and the IDF deliberately targets civilians way more than Hamas does.

If Hamas could somehow control and guide these rockets and target only Israeli military sites and Israeli settlements, then they would be perfectly legal, according to international law.
There are no cases in which Israel has targeted Palestinian civilians. There are three reasons Gaza death tolls are higher than Israeli death tolls.

First, despite the fact Hamas knows their actions will provoke and Israeli air attack, they build no bomb shelters to protect Palestinian civilians from being caught in the cross fire.

Second, the Gaza terrorists routinely use Palestinian civilians as human shields, often firing mortars and rockets from civilian areas to discourage the IDF from returning fire.

Third, the most powerful weapon in the Hamas arsenal is the high numbers of Palestinian civilians caught in the crossfire because of the two actions listed above.
There are no cases in which Israel has targeted Palestinian civilians. There are three reasons Gaza death tolls are higher than Israeli death tolls.

First, despite the fact Hamas knows their actions will provoke and Israeli air attack, they build no bomb shelters to protect Palestinian civilians from being caught in the cross fire.

Second, the Gaza terrorists routinely use Palestinian civilians as human shields, often firing mortars and rockets from civilian areas to discourage the IDF from returning fire.

Third, the most powerful weapon in the Hamas arsenal is the high numbers of Palestinian civilians caught in the crossfire because of the two actions listed above.
They shut off electricity to all of Gaza! They won't let any food or medical supplies go into the area. HOW THE FUCK IS THAT NOT TARGETING THE CIVILIAN POPULATION, YOU FUCKING INHUMAN PIECE OF SHIT!!!!

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