Biden calls for "rule of law in war" even as Israel commits massive ongoing war crimes in Gaza

The world press is just going on a statement made by an IDF representative. They didn't ask her to prove what she claimed and the Israeli's have not provided any proof that is what happened. And I for one, have no intention of taking their word for anything! The Israeli's are one of the biggest liars on the planet. If this story is true, then Hamas should be condemned and be held accountable.

Now, lets talk about all the babies the Israeli's deliberately killed, which are far more than Hamas...
Now you're just playing dumb.

What IDF says is meaningless. I mean the massive numbers of broadcasters and journalists who were let INTO Kfar Aza and Be'eri, to see the proof in their own eyes because of useful idiots like yourself kept saying it's a lie. You're welcome to do some 5-minute self checking and come back to actually have a sophisticated discussion about this.

And no, I'm not going to be bringing anything here. I lost 3 people I knew in Nir Oz and the rave party, was hospitalized and the last thing I need is to look for pictures of beheaded babies. I'd leave that to you, as you're so much into truth seeking.

If you keep saying israel targets babies I have nothing to say to you as you keep lying. Many babies and children have died, that nobody denies. Was it Israel's fault and responsibility? Sure, for some cases of course.

But there is no context, absolutely none, in which Saturday's events could be explained, excused, or be brushed off. Those where not acts of freedom fighting, or of anti-colonializafion. If that's what you consider anti-colonializafion, you're basically saying it's ok if thousands of native Americans came fo your cities and started butchering you.

Wake up.
No, Israel should just end the occupation and allow the Palestinian's the have their inalienable right to self determination.
Let ms ask you a question, if possibly with you answering it honestly:

Say tomorrow Israel withdraws from Judeah and Samaria and lifts the blockade.

IYP, would the event of Saturday repeated themselves or would things happen differently?
WATCH LIVE: White House holds news briefing after Biden statement on Israel-Hamas fighting

President Joe Biden to give remarks on Israel Hamas war as fighting continues: Watch live

While decrying action by HAMAS militants, Biden made no mention of the long history of war crimes committed by Israel against the people of Palestine.

Why is this?

Israel Responds to Hamas Crimes by Ordering Mass War Crimes in Gaza

Does the United States stand for the rule of law in war, or only for the rule of law in war when the victims are our alleged allies?

Allegations of war crimes against Israel - Wikipedia

Estimates of Palestinian civilians - including numerous women and children - murdered by Israel range into the thousands upon thousands.

When has a US president condemned these horrendous crimes?

Will the murder of more innocent Palestinians by Israel somehow miraculously solve anything?

Will a US president ever condemn Israel's war crimes past and present?
No. No American president will ever condemn war crimes we are aiding and abetting.
Now you're just playing dumb.

What IDF says is meaningless. I mean the massive numbers of broadcasters and journalists who were let INTO Kfar Aza and Be'eri, to see the proof in their own eyes because of useful idiots like yourself kept saying it's a lie. You're welcome to do some 5-minute self checking and come back to actually have a sophisticated discussion about this.

And no, I'm not going to be bringing anything here. I lost 3 people I knew in Nir Oz and the rave party, was hospitalized and the last thing I need is to look for pictures of beheaded babies. I'd leave that to you, as you're so much into truth seeking.

If you keep saying israel targets babies I have nothing to say to you as you keep lying. Many babies and children have died, that nobody denies. Was it Israel's fault and responsibility? Sure, for some cases of course.

But there is no context, absolutely none, in which Saturday's events could be explained, excused, or be brushed off. Those where not acts of freedom fighting, or of anti-colonializafion. If that's what you consider anti-colonializafion, you're basically saying it's ok if thousands of native Americans came fo your cities and started butchering you.

Wake up.
I'm not playing dumb. I'm just not taking the word of the IDF. And I haven't seen any member of the press that has independently verified this is true. I want proof. Not your word for it.

As far as the IDF targeting babies, haven't you seen the destruction IDF missiles are inflicting on Gaza? The IDF has a policy that there are no innocents in Gaza. Everyone is a terrorist. That includes women and children.
Let ms ask you a question, if possibly with you answering it honestly:

Say tomorrow Israel withdraws from Judeah and Samaria and lifts the blockade.

IYP, would the event of Saturday repeated themselves or would things happen differently?
I can't predict the future. My position is the occupation is illegal and the source of all the violence in the area. I will say this, if Israel ended the occupation, withdrew their troops and settlers from the OPT and then did suffer another attack, I would be completely on Israel's side and support any retaliation by Israel.

Because once there is no longer an occupation, then Israel has every right in the world to defend itself from outside aggression.
WATCH LIVE: White House holds news briefing after Biden statement on Israel-Hamas fighting

President Joe Biden to give remarks on Israel Hamas war as fighting continues: Watch live

While decrying action by HAMAS militants, Biden made no mention of the long history of war crimes committed by Israel against the people of Palestine.

Why is this?

Israel Responds to Hamas Crimes by Ordering Mass War Crimes in Gaza

Does the United States stand for the rule of law in war, or only for the rule of law in war when the victims are our alleged allies?

Allegations of war crimes against Israel - Wikipedia

Estimates of Palestinian civilians - including numerous women and children - murdered by Israel range into the thousands upon thousands.

When has a US president condemned these horrendous crimes?

Will the murder of more innocent Palestinians by Israel somehow miraculously solve anything?

Will a US president ever condemn Israel's war crimes past and present?
Hamas said they are going to show the execution of their hostages. So pardon me but go fuck yourself with your pro terrorist bullshit. If they were in charge they would happily throw you off a roof just for existing.
I can't predict the future. My position is the occupation is illegal and the source of all the violence in the area. I will say this, if Israel ended the occupation, withdrew their troops and settlers from the OPT and then did suffer another attack, I would be completely on Israel's side and support any retaliation by Israel.

Because once there is no longer an occupation, then Israel has every right in the world to defend itself from outside aggression.
Terrorism was occurring when Gaza was still Egypt and the West Bank was Jordan.
Indications are that Hamas monsters went house to house in a border village and murdered every Jew including 40 babies and the left focuses on what, Israel massive ongoing war crimes? WTF?
Israel kills Palestinians by the thousands.

So what's the beef?
The conventional rules of war do not apply. Hamas has no "army," in any conventional sense. They immediately and conspicuously targeted non-combatants.

We should be familiar with the definition of "total war." Israel is justified in doing everything possible to quash this uprising.
I'm not playing dumb. I'm just not taking the word of the IDF. And I haven't seen any member of the press that has independently verified this is true. I want proof. Not your word for it.

As far as the IDF targeting babies, haven't you seen the destruction IDF missiles are inflicting on Gaza? The IDF has a policy that there are no innocents in Gaza. Everyone is a terrorist. That includes women and children.
One of the very few things you have posted which is not a lie.

Biden calls for "rule of law in war" even as Israel commits massive ongoing war crimes in Gaza​

Tell the Old Fossil that the only rules in war is that there are no rules in war. Israel is going to do whatever the hell they want to do now and the rest of the world is going to sit back and watch one royal ass-kicking and they have no say in any of it.
I'm not playing dumb. I'm just not taking the word of the IDF. And I haven't seen any member of the press that has independently verified this is true. I want proof. Not your word for it.

As far as the IDF targeting babies, haven't you seen the destruction IDF missiles are inflicting on Gaza? The IDF has a policy that there are no innocents in Gaza. Everyone is a terrorist. That includes women and children.
Just more lies from you. We know Hamas uses civilians as human shields to discourage the IDF from returning fire and that greatly increases the civilian death toll in Gaza, but Israel goes to great lengths to warn civilians to evacuate buildings about to be bombed. In fact, Israel is sending out warnings now to advise Palestinian civilians to move south so they don't get caught in the crossfire and the UN is inexplicably advising them to stay in the target zone.

I can't predict the future. My position is the occupation is illegal and the source of all the violence in the area. I will say this, if Israel ended the occupation, withdrew their troops and settlers from the OPT and then did suffer another attack, I would be completely on Israel's side and support any retaliation by Israel.

Because once there is no longer an occupation, then Israel has every right in the world to defend itself from outside aggression.

At least you're not trying to take me for a fool by saying those events will not repeat theselves.

Let me ask you another question, and this time, it's a simple yes or no one. Since w're in this mind-game already. Say, God forbid, but let's assume you're a single father with a little boy, and that boy is with special needs. You live in poverty and you have no way to both feed him AND by medicine for him. You're unable ro work full time because that will leave him alone without supervision. There is no family and the system is cruel if it takes him.
Would you have snatched a loaf of bread or a pack of pills if it meant saving his life?
I'm not playing dumb. I'm just not taking the word of the IDF. And I haven't seen any member of the press that has independently verified this is true. I want proof. Not your word for it.

As far as the IDF targeting babies, haven't you seen the destruction IDF missiles are inflicting on Gaza? The IDF has a policy that there are no innocents in Gaza. Everyone is a terrorist. That includes women and children.

I'm not asking you to take the words of the IDF. Hell, I'm not taking the word of the IDF half the times nowdays.

I'm telling you these are no longer the words of the IDF. Do you have friends in Britian? Ask them what appears today on the third page of the daily telegraph. You'd be shocked.

I do find it kind of hypocrite that you take the word of Hamas, though. A day ago they said they never harmed women and children at all (their PR guy working overtime). You're going to start spewing this nonsense, too, like Mr. P.F Tinnie does?

If the IDF had the policy of "no innocent people in Gaza", there would be absolutely no "Roof Tappings" (you're welcome to go look into that too) and no calling to people to find a safe place in Unwra shelters. Even The PALESTINIANS will tell you those things exist and they'd rather stay at home.

Only this morning civilians followed the IDF instructions and started moving south. There are RECORDING of IDF warning people go evacuate their himes before bombing.

Are you THAT unaware of a wide-known fact such as this?

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