Biden calls for "rule of law in war" even as Israel commits massive ongoing war crimes in Gaza

Your knowledge of IHL is wrong. You cannot target civilian infrastructure. If you have a 12-story building and 1 Hamas accountant happens to live in that building, you cannot target it legally. All targets must be of military necessity.

And you can't target hospitals under any condition. They are off limits. Period.
Again, you demonstrate your ignorance of international law. You can target apartment buildings or even schools and hospitals if high enough enemy targets are present. The rule is that the value of the enemy target must be proportionate to the amount of collateral damage. So while it would not be legal to target a 12 story building to get to one Hamas accountant it would be legal to target that building or a school or a hospital if Hamas were using part of that building to plan or implement serious enough attacks on Israel, including attacks of the IDF.

While there is often room for debate about whether the principle of proportionality has justified the attack, there is no question that Hamas using civilians as human shields is a war crime every time.

The rule of proportionality requires that the anticipated incidental loss of human life and damage to civilian objects should not be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage expected from the destruction of a military objective. The balance is composed of, on the one hand, the military advantage expected from the destruction of a military objective, and on the other hand, the incidental damage caused by the military intervention, i.e., the harm to civilians and civilian property.

The limited circumstances to which the rule of proportionality applies demonstrate its specific scope. The rule applies only when a military objective (legitimate target) is the object of an attack and incidental damage is foreseeable. Moreover, the rule applies only to an attack. Not every military operation in an armed conflict constitutes an attack.

Again, you demonstrate your ignorance of international law. You can target apartment buildings or even schools and hospitals if high enough enemy targets are present. The rule is that the value of the enemy target must be proportionate to the amount of collateral damage. So while it would not be legal to target a 12 story building to get to one Hamas accountant it would be legal to target that building or a school or a hospital if Hamas were using part of that building to plan or implement serious enough attacks on Israel, including attacks of the IDF.

While there is often room for debate about whether the principle of proportionality has justified the attack, there is no question that Hamas using civilians as human shields is a war crime every time.

The rule of proportionality requires that the anticipated incidental loss of human life and damage to civilian objects should not be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage expected from the destruction of a military objective. The balance is composed of, on the one hand, the military advantage expected from the destruction of a military objective, and on the other hand, the incidental damage caused by the military intervention, i.e., the harm to civilians and civilian property.

The limited circumstances to which the rule of proportionality applies demonstrate its specific scope. The rule applies only when a military objective (legitimate target) is the object of an attack and incidental damage is foreseeable. Moreover, the rule applies only to an attack. Not every military operation in an armed conflict constitutes an attack.

There are 320,000 homeless because of IDF attacks. Do you call that proportional?

BTW, Bravo on your research! I wish more posters followed your lead!
There are 320,000 homeless because of IDF attacks. Do you call that proportional?

BTW, Bravo on your research! I wish more posters followed your lead!
You wish more posters would prove you a liar? I do too.

Under the law, the principle of proportionality can only be applied to individual attacks that target civilian infrastructure, so it can't be applied here, but if you want to broaden the definition to include the whole campaign, then since the only way to protect Israelis from Hamas attacks is to destroy Hamas, if this is necessary to destroy Hamas, then yes, it is not only proportionate but absolutely necessary.
You say on the one hand, Hamas apartments are not off limits, but then say on the other hand, you don't "imply" destroying buildings? Well, which is it?

IHL says targets must be of military necessity. Members of Hamas that are not part of their militant group, are not legal targets.

Do you realize, there are over 320,000 people left homeless due to these Israeli attacks? IHL talks about proportion. Does 320,000 victims sound proportional to you? 2.2 million Gazans are not members of Hamas.

Let me direct you to this part-

Article 65 - Cessation of protection​

1. The protection to which civilian civil defence organizations, their personnel, buildings, shelters and ' matériel ' are entitled shall not cease unless they commit or are used to commit, outside their proper tasks, acts harmful to the enemy. Protection may, however, cease only after a warning has been given setting, whenever appropriate, a reasonable time-limit, and after such warning has remained unheeded.
2. The following shall not lie considered as acts harmful to the enemy:
(a) that civil defence tasks are carried out under the direction or control of military authorities;
(b) that civilian civil defence personnel co-operate with military personnel in the performance of civil defence tasks, or that some military personnel are attached to civilian civil defence organizations;
(c) that the performance of civil defence tasks may incidentally benefit military victims, particularly those who are 'hors de combat '.

I think in this case, my opinion doesn't matter much.
There are 320,000 homeless because of IDF attacks. Do you call that proportional?

BTW, Bravo on your research! I wish more posters followed your lead!
Wrong. All people matter. Including Israeli's.
The only way that people who do this matter is the time it takes to dispatch them to their 72 virgins. The quicker the better.


Burning hostage alive

Beheading seven hostages with prima cord.

Do all people matter? Nah, vile cretins who do this do not matter and should be dispatched quickly. I'm sure you agree.
Israel is committing crimes against humanity by cutting off supplies to 2.2 million people (half of them children), who have committed no crime! That is collective punishment. That is a war crime. That is disgusting that fucked up human beings such as yourself would support this fucking bullshit. You fuckers are sick in the head!
STFU already you friggin retard. Israel needs to wipe Hamas and the Palestinians of the map, by any means possible.
The only way that people who do this matter is the time it takes to dispatch them to their 72 virgins. The quicker the better.


Burning hostage alive

Beheading seven hostages with prima cord.

Do all people matter? Nah, vile cretins who do this do not matter and should be dispatched quickly. I'm sure you agree.
Thank you for showing just how inhuman the Israeli's are!
STFU already you friggin retard. Israel needs to wipe Hamas and the Palestinians of the map, by any means possible.
So the Palestiniand have no right to exist? You disgusting piece of human trash! Fuck you! Fuck you and anyone who looks like you!

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