Biden calls for "rule of law in war" even as Israel commits massive ongoing war crimes in Gaza

Just more lies from you. We know Hamas uses civilians as human shields to discourage the IDF from returning fire and that greatly increases the civilian death toll in Gaza, but Israel goes to great lengths to warn civilians to evacuate buildings about to be bombed. In fact, Israel is sending out warnings now to advise Palestinian civilians to move south so they don't get caught in the crossfire and the UN is inexplicably advising them to stay in the target zone.

Israel deliberately targets civilian infrastructure. It targets refugee camps, hospitals, power stations, buildings with foreign journalists, residential high rise towers, etc. And those are war crimes. It is illegal to target civilian infrastructure. I don't care how many leaflets they drop, you can't murder civilians!
At least you're not trying to take me for a fool by saying those events will not repeat theselves.

Let me ask you another question, and this time, it's a simple yes or no one. Since w're in this mind-game already. Say, God forbid, but let's assume you're a single father with a little boy, and that boy is with special needs. You live in poverty and you have no way to both feed him AND by medicine for him. You're unable ro work full time because that will leave him alone without supervision. There is no family and the system is cruel if it takes him.
Would you have snatched a loaf of bread or a pack of pills if it meant saving his life?
I'm not asking you to take the words of the IDF. Hell, I'm not taking the word of the IDF half the times nowdays.

I'm telling you these are no longer the words of the IDF. Do you have friends in Britian? Ask them what appears today on the third page of the daily telegraph. You'd be shocked.

I do find it kind of hypocrite that you take the word of Hamas, though. A day ago they said they never harmed women and children at all (their PR guy working overtime). You're going to start spewing this nonsense, too, like Mr. P.F Tinnie does?

If the IDF had the policy of "no innocent people in Gaza", there would be absolutely no "Roof Tappings" (you're welcome to go look into that too) and no calling to people to find a safe place in Unwra shelters. Even The PALESTINIANS will tell you those things exist and they'd rather stay at home.

Only this morning civilians followed the IDF instructions and started moving south. There are RECORDING of IDF warning people go evacuate their himes before bombing.

Are you THAT unaware of a wide-known fact such as this?
I'm sorry, it doesn't matter how many warnings you give them, it is against international law to target civilian infrastructure. This holds true for Israel AND Hamas. Both are guilty of this. Both are wrong!

No, I do not take Hamas at their word. I just quote what they say that is relevant, which is the same for what I do with Israeli comments. In fact, the one about "there are no innocents in Gaza", is a statement from a former IDF soldier who was part of Operation Cast Lead.

I am completely against the occupation. Once that has ended, everything Israel would do after that, would definitely be considered self defense and I would be 100% in support of them. Even the Israeli right. Because everyone in the world, has a right to defend themselves. Including Israel. Including Hamas. But the occupation must end. It is the single cause of all the violence in the that area.
That wasn't my point. My point was that the current Israeli Likud Party is a fascist, apartheid regime, that started as the terrorist group Irgun.
And? They killed Americans. End them as a people.

Nuke northern Lebanon, wipe out thd leadership, nuke Iran.
Israel deliberately targets civilian infrastructure. It targets refugee camps, hospitals, power stations, buildings with foreign journalists, residential high rise towers, etc. And those are war crimes. It is illegal to target civilian infrastructure. I don't care how many leaflets they drop, you can't murder civilians!
Israel - Get out we are going to bomb your house.

Palestinians - Why thank you you're so courteous.
What you don't see is Hamas or people like you telling Palestinian civilians to evacuate areas to be bombed because Hamas wants to use them for human shields and you want them to die so you can use them for anti Israel propaganda.
I'm sorry, it doesn't matter how many warnings you give them, it is against international law to target civilian infrastructure. This holds true for Israel AND Hamas. Both are guilty of this. Both are wrong!

No, I do not take Hamas at their word. I just quote what they say that is relevant, which is the same for what I do with Israeli comments. In fact, the one about "there are no innocents in Gaza", is a statement from a former IDF soldier who was part of Operation Cast Lead.

I am completely against the occupation. Once that has ended, everything Israel would do after that, would definitely be considered self defense and I would be 100% in support of them. Even the Israeli right. Because everyone in the world, has a right to defend themselves. Including Israel. Including Hamas. But the occupation must end. It is the single cause of all the violence in the that area.

If you say what IDF says is irrelevant, then why you take the words of an officer from 2009 as somehing to go by?

And civilian infrastractures stop being civilian infrastructures once those are being used as missiles warehouses. We all know very well what's underneath the Shifa hospital. Israel never dared to attack it even wifh the entire world knowing it's the Hamas' HQ.

Hamas' people's apartments are not civilian. Hamas bases' are not civilian either.

Iarael could end the "occupation" (flase term) on Gaza once Hamas is completely destroyed. Nobody has the right to ask us to take the risk of saturday's events occuring again.
Israel deliberately targets civilian infrastructure. It targets refugee camps, hospitals, power stations, buildings with foreign journalists, residential high rise towers, etc. And those are war crimes. It is illegal to target civilian infrastructure. I don't care how many leaflets they drop, you can't murder civilians!
Of course none of this is true.
If you say what IDF says is irrelevant, then why you take the words of an officer from 2009 as somehing to go by?

And civilian infrastractures stop being civilian infrastructures once those are being used as missiles warehouses. We all know very well what's underneath the Shifa hospital. Israel never dared to attack it even wifh the entire world knowing it's the Hamas' HQ.

Hamas' people's apartments are not civilian. Hamas bases' are not civilian either.

Iarael could end the "occupation" (flase term) on Gaza once Hamas is completely destroyed. Nobody has the right to ask us to take the risk of saturday's events occuring again.
Your knowledge of IHL is wrong. You cannot target civilian infrastructure. If you have a 12-story building and 1 Hamas accountant happens to live in that building, you cannot target it legally. All targets must be of military necessity.

And you can't target hospitals under any condition. They are off limits. Period.
Your knowledge of IHL is wrong. You cannot target civilian infrastructure. If you have a 12-story building and 1 Hamas accountant happens to live in that building, you cannot target it legally. All targets must be of military necessity.

And you can't target hospitals under any condition. They are off limits. Period.

You're not ccommenting to what I said. I said Hamas' apartments are not off limits. In nowhere did I imply I think it's ok to take out entire buildings in case more civilians are there than terrorists. That is why "Roof Tapping" is in place.

International law talks about "relations". If the target you're willing to take is among 50 or 100 or 1000 innocents, you must reconsider. Depends on how important is the target and how high is the damage it can cost you if you don't take it out. Say Bin Laden was in a room with 10 other civilians, relatavely (sp) you could take him out risking those civilians if doing so saved you thousands of American children. Even if the place was in its core, "civilian".
You're not ccommenting to what I said. I said Hamas' apartments are not off limits. In nowhere did I imply I think it's ok to take out entire buildings in case more civilians are there than terrorists. That is why "Roof Tapping" is in place.

International law talks about "relations". If the target you're willing to take is among 50 or 100 or 1000 innocents, you must reconsider. Depends on how important is the target and how high is the damage it can cost you if you don't take it out. Say Bin Laden was in a room with 10 other civilians, relatavely (sp) you could take him out risking those civilians if doing so saved you thousands of American children. Even if the place was in its core, "civilian".
You say on the one hand, Hamas apartments are not off limits, but then say on the other hand, you don't "imply" destroying buildings? Well, which is it?

IHL says targets must be of military necessity. Members of Hamas that are not part of their militant group, are not legal targets.

Do you realize, there are over 320,000 people left homeless due to these Israeli attacks? IHL talks about proportion. Does 320,000 victims sound proportional to you? 2.2 million Gazans are not members of Hamas.

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