Biden & congressmen-Israel was justified in the Turkey terrorists propoganda stunt


Zionist, proud to be
Oct 25, 2009
Turkey which is guilty of genoicde of the kurds should be one of the last states to point it's fingers against anyone.


Biden: Israel right to stop Gaza flotilla from breaking blockade - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

In an interview with Charlie Rose, Biden pointed out that Israel had given pro-Palestinian activists the option of unloading their cargo at the Ashdod port, and offered to bring it to the Gaza Strip on their behalf.

"They've said, 'Here you go. You're in the Mediterranean. This ship -- if you divert slightly north you can unload it and we'll get the stuff into Gaza,'", he said. "So what's the big deal here? What's the big deal of insisting it go straight to Gaza? Well, it's legitimate for Israel to say, 'I don't know what's on that ship. These guys are dropping… 3,000 rockets on my people.

"Look, you can argue whether Israel should have dropped people onto that ship or not -- but the truth of the matter is, Israel has a right to know -- they're at war with Hamas -- has a right to know whether or not arms are being smuggled.

...House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer said Israel "rightfully invoked its right to self defense."

"Hamas could end the blockade at any time by recognizing Israel’s right to exist, renouncing violence, and releasing Gilad Shalit," Hoyer continued.

Other members spoke about why there is a need for the blockade of Gaza in the first place.

The blockade exists "to deny Hamas the weaponry and raw materials it needs to continue its rocket attacks in Israel, killing innocent people," Republican whip Eric Cantor said.
it's american politics. jewish ass much be kissed. nothing more, nothing less.

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