Biden Continues to Win the Hearts and Minds of Voters

Don’t get upset at Uncle Joe for his attacks on voters, he’s under a lot of scrutiny right now. Calling voters a dog face pony soldier is what every candidate should do. Suspicions that the impeachment sham was a DNC scheme to prevent a fatally flawed Biden nomination look increasingly plausible.

And yes, we are going to learn a lot about what the DNC did. Trump 2020 Gold.

Biden gave her quite a compliment. In case you didn't look very closely, She's dressed in OD Green and wears an Army Cap. Here is the real meaning to his statement.

And I sure do wish that Rudy would release all the Sooper Secrit information so that Biden can take him for every dime he has in court. Rump is still playing the "Just announce will be enough". That only works for so long and it's just about run it's course. Okay, Rudy, put up or shut up.

  • Trump says many illegals bring crime and disease. Shame on the racist and xenophobe!
  • Trump says he likes a winner, unlike MaCain. Trump attacks all vets everywhere!
  • Joe Biden calls a fat, dumpy girl a DOG FACE, and he was really paying her a COMPLIMENT. o_O

I called the Dem hotline, they told me do as we say not as we do. Offered me a Biden 'you're a dog faced pony soldier" hat if I donated $50.
Where are the liberal cries for civility???

Civility, heh.

Morality inspired civility, gave people hope. It did so through persecution of evil and degeneracy. There was time when evil and degeneracy were clearly defined, but we live in different times now, where not good, but evil people are defining and redefining the meaning of words.

And those evils... the Democrats, are trying to redefine degeneracy as racism, nationalism, and climate skepticism. Back then, they hated Negroes, and now they hate hicks. But the morality remains, relentless in its persecution of degeneracy, knowing not the difference.

If you want to restore the order, you must restore the definition of degeneracy to what it once was. Morality will never die, but it has been misdirected. What was once family values, religious values, social values has become a persecution of order itself.

They don't want you to bring your community together, or raise a family, or serve your country. They will try to stop you, but you are smarter than them, more numerous. And most importantly, arm yourself, defend your values, and if you are cornered, use overwhelming force. That's the one thing they will always understand.
Don’t get upset at Uncle Joe for his attacks on voters, he’s under a lot of scrutiny right now. Calling voters a dog face pony soldier is what every candidate should do. Suspicions that the impeachment sham was a DNC scheme to prevent a fatally flawed Biden nomination look increasingly plausible.

And yes, we are going to learn a lot about what the DNC did. Trump 2020 Gold.

Biden gave her quite a compliment. In case you didn't look very closely, She's dressed in OD Green and wears an Army Cap. Here is the real meaning to his statement.

And I sure do wish that Rudy would release all the Sooper Secrit information so that Biden can take him for every dime he has in court. Rump is still playing the "Just announce will be enough". That only works for so long and it's just about run it's course. Okay, Rudy, put up or shut up.

Lying dog faced pony soldier is a compliment?

To those that served, yes. To you, no He recognized her as an Army Vet and payed her a compliment.
Gawd, can you imagine the CNN coverage if President Trump snapped like that on a random woman?
“You lying dog-faced pony soldier!”
They would be triggered for a week straight.
Gawd, can you imagine the CNN coverage if President Trump snapped like that on a random woman?
“You lying dog-faced pony soldier!”
They would be triggered for a week straight.

Because Rump would not know what it means to an Army Veteran which She is. He paid her a compliment in camaraderie. While Joe never served, his deceased Son did with honors in the US Army. It's surprising he would be familiar with that phrase of the 3rd Battalion. That tells me the logo that was on her service cap.
Gawd, can you imagine the CNN coverage if President Trump snapped like that on a random woman?
“You lying dog-faced pony soldier!”
They would be triggered for a week straight.

Because Rump would not know what it means to an Army Veteran which She is. He paid her a compliment in camaraderie. While Joe never served, his deceased Son did with honors in the US Army. It's surprising he would be familiar with that phrase of the 3rd Battalion. That tells me the logo that was on her service cap.

I would really like to know, and none of our batshitcrazy friends on the left have been able to explain how the US can simultaneously have open borders and universal healthcare at the same time?

Warren says we'll just raise taxes trillions of dollars. Hey maybe we can tax Europe, China, and India to pay for it. #extremesarcasm

Too late. Trump is already taxing them. Warren can only tax us, Americans, and no sane person would agree to that.

Remember Trump saying how Mexico will pay for the wall?

With NAFTA gone, and USMCA in its place, and the way it's set up, it seems Trump was telling the truth.
Gawd, can you imagine the CNN coverage if President Trump snapped like that on a random woman?
“You lying dog-faced pony soldier!”
They would be triggered for a week straight.

Because Rump would not know what it means to an Army Veteran which She is. He paid her a compliment in camaraderie. While Joe never served, his deceased Son did with honors in the US Army. It's surprising he would be familiar with that phrase of the 3rd Battalion. That tells me the logo that was on her service cap.

So calling her a “dog faced liar” is a complement? You’re nuts, he was furious with her for brining up his big loss.
Gawd, can you imagine the CNN coverage if President Trump snapped like that on a random woman?
“You lying dog-faced pony soldier!”
They would be triggered for a week straight.

Because Rump would not know what it means to an Army Veteran which She is. He paid her a compliment in camaraderie. While Joe never served, his deceased Son did with honors in the US Army. It's surprising he would be familiar with that phrase of the 3rd Battalion. That tells me the logo that was on her service cap.

Biden complimented her by calling her a liar for asking about his 4th place finished and questioning his odds of winning the general election? This is where you say, but but but and scamper away and hide.
Speaking of Democrat Failure Candidates.....

Michael Douglas backs Bloomberg, ‘one of the greatest candidates’ in U.S. history

Are these celebrities.......

1). Sick ?
2). Grossly Out of Touch with Mainstream America ?
3). Globalists looking to kiss up to power ?
4). Far more stupid than was ever apparent ?
5). All of the above ?

I would really like to know, and none of our batshitcrazy friends on the left have been able to explain how the US can simultaneously have open borders and universal healthcare at the same time?

Warren says we'll just raise taxes trillions of dollars. Hey maybe we can tax Europe, China, and India to pay for it. #extremesarcasm

Too late. Trump is already taxing them. Warren can only tax us, Americans, and no sane person would agree to that.

Remember Trump saying how Mexico will pay for the wall?

With NAFTA gone, and USMCA in its place, and the way it's set up, it seems Trump was telling the truth.

Trump is crushing it as president the Dems are in disarray. Remember when Obama was telling us our jobs were gone for good and to just get used to a shit economy. Probably why that retard has kept his mouth shut lately.
Gawd, can you imagine the CNN coverage if President Trump snapped like that on a random woman?
“You lying dog-faced pony soldier!”
They would be triggered for a week straight.

Because Rump would not know what it means to an Army Veteran which She is. He paid her a compliment in camaraderie. While Joe never served, his deceased Son did with honors in the US Army. It's surprising he would be familiar with that phrase of the 3rd Battalion. That tells me the logo that was on her service cap.

So calling her a “dog faced liar” is a complement? You’re nuts, he was furious with her for brining up his big loss.

So you edit out the rest of it to mean something else. The whole statement is, "You are a lying dog-faced pony soldier". In the 3rd Battalion, they say that to each other frequently. She was wearing a Army OD T-Shirt and her OD Cap had a logo on it. Biden must have recognized it and responded to her in a way the only SHE understood. That tells me that Biden is a hell of a lot brighter than you are. And they are going to allow you to vote?
Gawd, can you imagine the CNN coverage if President Trump snapped like that on a random woman?
“You lying dog-faced pony soldier!”
They would be triggered for a week straight.

Because Rump would not know what it means to an Army Veteran which She is. He paid her a compliment in camaraderie. While Joe never served, his deceased Son did with honors in the US Army. It's surprising he would be familiar with that phrase of the 3rd Battalion. That tells me the logo that was on her service cap.

So calling her a “dog faced liar” is a complement? You’re nuts, he was furious with her for brining up his big loss.

So you edit out the rest of it to mean something else. The whole statement is, "You are a lying dog-faced pony soldier". In the 3rd Battalion, they say that to each other frequently. She was wearing a Army OD T-Shirt and her OD Cap had a logo on it. Biden must have recognized it and responded to her in a way the only SHE understood. That tells me that Biden is a hell of a lot brighter than you are. And they are going to allow you to vote?

Gawd, can you imagine the CNN coverage if President Trump snapped like that on a random woman?
“You lying dog-faced pony soldier!”
They would be triggered for a week straight.

Because Rump would not know what it means to an Army Veteran which She is. He paid her a compliment in camaraderie. While Joe never served, his deceased Son did with honors in the US Army. It's surprising he would be familiar with that phrase of the 3rd Battalion. That tells me the logo that was on her service cap.

Biden complimented her by calling her a liar for asking about his 4th place finished and questioning his odds of winning the general election? This is where you say, but but but and scamper away and hide.

You edited out the meaning. You are a lying dog-faced pony soldier is used in the Army as a way of saying,, Yah, Right in a joking manner. She was dressed in OD Green T-shirt with a Unit OD Cap and he picked up that. Personally, I missed that myself. And you don't have a friggin clue.
Gawd, can you imagine the CNN coverage if President Trump snapped like that on a random woman?
“You lying dog-faced pony soldier!”
They would be triggered for a week straight.

Because Rump would not know what it means to an Army Veteran which She is. He paid her a compliment in camaraderie. While Joe never served, his deceased Son did with honors in the US Army. It's surprising he would be familiar with that phrase of the 3rd Battalion. That tells me the logo that was on her service cap.

Biden complimented her by calling her a liar for asking about his 4th place finished and questioning his odds of winning the general election? This is where you say, but but but and scamper away and hide.

You edited out the meaning. You are a lying dog-faced pony soldier is used in the Army as a way of saying,, Yah, Right in a joking manner. She was dressed in OD Green T-shirt with a Unit OD Cap and he picked up that. Personally, I missed that myself. And you don't have a friggin clue.

You're still spinning, her question about Biden's piss poor 4th place finish in Iowa is what YOU edited out. I think we all know why. :itsok:
Gawd, can you imagine the CNN coverage if President Trump snapped like that on a random woman?
“You lying dog-faced pony soldier!”
They would be triggered for a week straight.

Because Rump would not know what it means to an Army Veteran which She is. He paid her a compliment in camaraderie. While Joe never served, his deceased Son did with honors in the US Army. It's surprising he would be familiar with that phrase of the 3rd Battalion. That tells me the logo that was on her service cap.

Biden complimented her by calling her a liar for asking about his 4th place finished and questioning his odds of winning the general election? This is where you say, but but but and scamper away and hide.

You edited out the meaning. You are a lying dog-faced pony soldier is used in the Army as a way of saying,, Yah, Right in a joking manner. She was dressed in OD Green T-shirt with a Unit OD Cap and he picked up that. Personally, I missed that myself. And you don't have a friggin clue.


Hunt, you're an insufferable lump of white progressive fetid flesh. You must be related to Jerry Nadler.

Stick to 'Russia, Russia, Russia'.
You're much better at that!
Don’t get upset at Uncle Joe for his attacks on voters, he’s under a lot of scrutiny right now. Calling voters a dog face pony soldier is what every candidate should do. Suspicions that the impeachment sham was a DNC scheme to prevent a fatally flawed Biden nomination look increasingly plausible.

WTF is wrong with Slo-Joe Biden? Who thinks or says such things? HTF did he convince Dems to not just send him to the U.S. Senate for 36 yrs but to elect the IDIOT to within a heartbeat of the Oval Office?
Considering the multiple threads, and all the other slime the right has thrown at him, I'd say he's got folks pretty worried.


You and Joe got the same Alzheimer's doc?
Hmmm....that all you got, some ad homs for his supporters?
He's in better brain shape than the asshole at 1600 Pennsylvania right now.

Ummmmm no

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