Biden-controlled FBI refuses to turn over subpoena that might incriminate President Joe Biden

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
President Biden’s executive branch (which includes the FBI) is refusing to comply with congress for seemingly no reason other than.. “because we don’t wanna”

9 Biden family members raked in around 10 million dollars from foreign sources while Joe was VP.. from Romania, Ukraine, China.. Biden family members just taking in millions of dollars, all not reported and hidden until now.

Talk about corruption. This is unprecedented.

And when congress asks the FBI to reveal the information? Biden’s FBI won’t allow it. They say they suddenly don’t want to release unverified information…

Mind you, this is the same FBI that pushed the STEELE DOSSIER into the public, which then flowed into our government and then to the press… the same Steele Dossier which was exactly what they suddenly are concerned about: unverified information.

So when Trump has damaging “unverified” information, the FBI accepts it and leaks it to the press. When Biden has “unverified” information, the FBI refuses to release it.

Release the information FBI! What do you have to hide?

And where is the reporting on this story???
The US is becoming a dictatorship run by the "Deep State". Presidents are dupes and figureheads.
President Biden’s executive branch (which includes the FBI) is refusing to comply with congress for seemingly no reason other than.. “because we don’t wanna”

9 Biden family members raked in around 10 million dollars from foreign sources while Joe was VP.. from Romania, Ukraine, China.. Biden family members just taking in millions of dollars, all not reported and hidden until now.

Talk about corruption. This is unprecedented.

And when congress asks the FBI to reveal the information? Biden’s FBI won’t allow it. They say they suddenly don’t want to release unverified information…

Mind you, this is the same FBI that pushed the STEELE DOSSIER into the public, which then flowed into our government and then to the press… the same Steele Dossier which was exactly what they suddenly are concerned about: unverified information.

So when Trump has damaging “unverified” information, the FBI accepts it and leaks it to the press. When Biden has “unverified” information, the FBI refuses to release it.

Release the information FBI! What do you have to hide?

And where is the reporting on this story???
To help unravel the pathologies of the current administration, POSPOTUS is also a CIA puppet, so involvement in European espionage will link to Vicky Nuland's CIA operations in Ukraine, automatically linking to Obama-Lugar biolab connections in Georgia.

For other connections to the FBI, one must go back to 1937:

'Pretending to be a relative of Stroem....he embarked on an investigation in depth. After a few months he decided that Riquier was definitely innocent. His conclusion was important, for it cleared the French Communist Party of harboring an informer.

But Trepper did even better than that: he unmasked the real traitor, who turned out to be a Dutch Jew, former head of a Soviet spy ring in the United States. The man had been picked up by the F.B.I. and had agreed to switch loyalties, continuing to feed the Americans with information even after Moscow had transferred him to France.

The denunciation of Fantomas's network had to come to the Surete from the F.B.I. Trepper returned to Moscow to make his report, this time using a Luxembourg passport bearing the name Majeris. He informed his superiors that documentary evidence was being assembled in Paris which would establish the truth beyond all doubt.

Five months later he went back to France to collect a thick bundle of papers - photostats of the letters which had passed between the Dutch-born traitor and the American military attache' in Paris.'
(Perrault, The Red Orchestra, p. 21)

The Steele dossier linking to the FBI (above) is really a CIA-leaked dossier, the CIA linking, as with the Biden crime family, to the Clinton crime family.

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