Biden crushes Trump in 2024 election polling

And still the GOP is following him around like nursing puppies following their mother. They are going to be very sorry...but most cults are after they realize the truth...

Mod Edit: Referring to them as GOPQ violates the clean start policy for new threads


Is Biden even going to be able to form complete sentences by the midterms?
It was clear in 2015 Trump couldn’t handle complete sentences and yet you idiots pretend he is smart. He talks like a goddamn moron.
Look at Trump's Organization, add in a customized Boeing 757, and then look at plagiarizer Xiden's pig pen of extortion and kickbacks. Your post is plain wrong & stupid.
Xiden is proving that he is totally inept, since he never ran as much as a "lemonade stand". By 202, if Nancy doesn't 25th his ass by then, Joe will be proven incompetent.
IN a free and fair election, traitor Joe would lose to

Jeffrey dahmer
Frank Nitti
Colin Ferguson
Jerry springer

And still the GOP is following him around like nursing puppies following their mother. They are going to be very sorry...but most cults are after they realize the truth...

Mod Edit: Referring to them as GOPQ violates the clean start policy for new threads


Is Biden even going to be able to form complete sentences by the midterms?
It was clear in 2015 Trump couldn’t handle complete sentences and yet you idiots pretend he is smart. He talks like a goddamn moron.
Yea Biden is a studdering moron, he has shit for brains.

And still the GOP is following him around like nursing puppies following their mother. They are going to be very sorry...but most cults are after they realize the truth...

Mod Edit: Referring to them as GOPQ violates the clean start policy for new threads


Is Biden even going to be able to form complete sentences by the midterms?
It was clear in 2015 Trump couldn’t handle complete sentences and yet you idiots pretend he is smart. He talks like a goddamn moron.
Yea Biden is a studdering moron, he has shit for brains.
View attachment 492647
And he beat the brains out of your King named trump.....embarrassing.....

And still the GOP is following him around like nursing puppies following their mother. They are going to be very sorry...but most cults are after they realize the truth...

Mod Edit: Referring to them as GOPQ violates the clean start policy for new threads


Is Biden even going to be able to form complete sentences by the midterms?
It was clear in 2015 Trump couldn’t handle complete sentences and yet you idiots pretend he is smart. He talks like a goddamn moron.
Yea Biden is a studdering moron, he has shit for brains.
View attachment 492647
And he beat the brains out of your King named trump.....embarrassing.....
Yes, I agree that many stupid fucks voted for studdering Biden.

And still the GOP is following him around like nursing puppies following their mother. They are going to be very sorry...but most cults are after they realize the truth...

Mod Edit: Referring to them as GOPQ violates the clean start policy for new threads


Is Biden even going to be able to form complete sentences by the midterms?
It was clear in 2015 Trump couldn’t handle complete sentences and yet you idiots pretend he is smart. He talks like a goddamn moron.
Yea Biden is a studdering moron, he has shit for brains.
View attachment 492647
And he beat the brains out of your King named trump.....embarrassing.....
Yes, I agree that many stupid fucks voted for studdering Biden.
View attachment 493324
Stupid fuckups voted for an angry orange.
Which is so relevant in May of 2021, aside from the fact that it's likely neither Biden nor Trump will be running in 2024, but anything you need to feed your TDS. Seriously, Jim, go see a doctor, because you're ill.
/—-/ And here we are in May 2024. BWHAHAHAHA BWHAHAHAHA
Trump doesn't need to defend himself from this in court because none of it is illegal
You don’t even know what the evidence looks like. You’re just deciding it’s all false because you blindly defend anything that orange Neanderthal is accused of. It’s pretty preposterous for 91 charges to all be hollow and none of the judges threw them out. You can knee jerk decide they are all liberal judges but obviously Cannon isn’t.
You don’t even know what the evidence looks like. You’re just deciding it’s all false because you blindly defend anything that orange Neanderthal is accused of. It’s pretty preposterous for 91 charges to all be hollow and none of the judges threw them out. You can knee jerk decide they are all liberal judges but obviously Cannon isn’t.
Please list the law Trump broke so we won't all think you're a king sized moron.
You don’t even know what the evidence looks like. You’re just deciding it’s all false because you blindly defend anything that orange Neanderthal is accused of. It’s pretty preposterous for 91 charges to all be hollow and none of the judges threw them out. You can knee jerk decide they are all liberal judges but obviously Cannon isn’t.
I haven't said it's false. I've said it's irrelevant, you fucking moron. The prosecution hasn't even said what Trump did that's against the law. You prog idiots still don't get it.
Please list the law Trump broke so we won't all think you're a king sized moron.
Oh so you’re just going to dodge my point about none of it getting thrown out? Yeah that figures lol. You’re a child. Well obviously 91 charges is more than just one law being broken. Have your kindergarten teacher explain that to you. One of the most clearest examples is that he ignored a subpoena to return the classified documents.

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