Biden demands ban on ‘assault weapons,’ high-capacity magazines in first speech to Congress

Biden was Vice president when the ATF decided to send about 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels under Operation Fast/Furious. Was he cognizant at the time? Did Biden have the power to interfere with the crazy plan? Was he responsible like his boss when one of the illegal weapons surfaced in the murder of a Border Patrol Officer? Is it still possible to indict Obama and Biden for negligent homicide of an American Police Officer?
Yes, state militias were established at that time. But I do know that they never anticipate the firearms we have today. Also there is no need for a militia.

Anticipate is irrelevant. They instituted a way to change the Constitution if things need changed. The Founders never envisioned Twitter either but I do not support the government restricting people's right to speak.
Also there is no need for a militia.

Why not?
A Tyrant has also invaded the Ukraine. Perhaps if the citizens just politely ask Putin to leave that will work.
Perhaps if Trump were president and conservative Christian values were on the rise in America you would welcome anti Trump militias.
Not at all. So why do you need high capacity magazines?

If you know the 2nd isnt about hunting you should be able to answer your own question.
Surely you've heard the story of the women in I believe Alabama that shot an intruder 6 times in the face and neck with a .38 and he was able to get in his car and drive off.
The news is riddled with cases just like this one.
Cops shooting people a dozen times or more and the suspect doesnt go down.
Got anymore stupid questions?
You never know how many government lacky's are going to come for you.
If you know the 2nd isnt about hunting you should be able to answer your own question.
Surely you've heard the story of the women in I believe Alabama that shot an intruder 6 times in the face and neck with a .38 and he was able to get in his car and drive off.
The news is riddled with cases just like this one.
Cops shooting people a dozen times or more and the suspect doesnt go down.
Got anymore stupid questions?
Paranoid much?
Anticipate is irrelevant. They instituted a way to change the Constitution if things need changed. The Founders never envisioned Twitter either but I do not support the government restricting people's right to speak.
Even when they spew lies?
If you know the 2nd isnt about hunting you should be able to answer your own question.
Surely you've heard the story of the women in I believe Alabama that shot an intruder 6 times in the face and neck with a .38 and he was able to get in his car and drive off.
The news is riddled with cases just like this one.
Cops shooting people a dozen times or more and the suspect doesnt go down.
Got anymore stupid questions?
I recall reading a story about someone who fired 15 shots at three home invaders. I've been looking for the story, but I can't find it.

However, that still wouldn't make a different. When you're firing at government storm troopers, you need a big magazine.
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