Biden DOJ Steps In – Issues Guidelines Cautioning States Performing Audits of Election Results


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden DOJ Steps In – Issues Guidelines Cautioning States Performing Audits of Election Results​

28 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Unreal! The Biden DOJ put out a warning to states who choose to audit the fraudulent 2020 election results!
First, they threatened Arizona. Now they’re threatening the rest of the country!

ABC News reported:
The Justice Department on Wednesday released guidance intended to caution states embarking on so-called post-election ‘audits’ of vote counts for the 2020 presidential election that they must not run afoul of federal voting laws.
The guidance, previously previewed last month by Attorney General Merrick Garland in his policy address on voting rights, outlines federal statutes that the department says elections officials must adhere to during such “audits,” such as preserving all federal elections materials and making sure they’re not tampered with.
“This document sets down a marker that says the Justice Department is concerned about this, and we will be following this closely,” a DOJ official told reporters on a media conference call Wednesday.
The guidance echoes a warning sent by the department back in May to the Republican-run audit in Arizona, warning officials there that all election records must be preserved and expressing concern about the state handing over election materials to the private contractor group Cyber Ninjas…
…DOJ officials on Wednesday declined to provide any update on the department’s review of the Arizona “audit.” But the guidance comes as Republicans in several other states have expressed interest or are already moving forward with similarly partisan reviews of the 2020 vote count in certain jurisdictions — despite lacking any evidence of widespread fraud.
Here is the DOJ warning that is clearly unconstitutional. States have the right to control their elections — Not Merrick Garland or Joe Biden.

Obviously Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats in control of D.C. feel that they must control States and their rights of government. PMS/DSA Democrats forget that individual States allow the U.S. government to exist.
State legislatures have absolute authority over that. Either Merrick Garland is as demented as Joey Xi or hasn't yet realized he's gone full Biden. Never go full Biden.
Please Note:
Under the doctrine of statesrights, the federal government is not allowed to interfere with the powers of the states reserved or implied to them by the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
PMS/DSA Democrats Communists have thought things through for themselves. Merrick Garland is already working on legal framework to fight "white terrorism" over January 6.
It means that Communists will instigate martial law over the next display of discontent, there will be a false Flag Operation if necessary and the audit, this little pastime of the peasants will be brought down from midair.
Actually we are not U.S. Citizens, but individual State citizens...
This can also be confirmed in the definitions section of Title 5 USC, Title 26 USC, and Title 1 USC.
"A US citizen is a piece of property. If you read any of those old court cases prior to the civil war where slavery was the issue, the debate was ALWAYS over property rights, therefore a US citizen, is a SLAVE.​
The Fourteenth Amendment defines what a US citizen is;​
“Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States,…..”​
The so-called Fourteenth Amendment criminally converts US citizenship completely upside down from what the founding fathers intended.​
“The rights of the individuals are restricted only to the extent that they have been voluntarily surrendered by the “citizenship” to the agencies of government.”"​
Therefore comes the translation of Garland's blathering edict: - They're scared and afraid that the individual State audits will, I believe, uniformly show widespread and massive election fraud perpetrated by the PMS/DSA Democrat Commie Leftists.
I don't think there's any question that the democrats will use any and every means available to demagogue, denigrate, and otherwise cast doubt on every state audit, and hopefully (for them) discourage further audits and if they can, invalidate existing audits. We are the midst of a political war, and there will be casualties. Not least of which will be freedom of speech.
Democrats say the election was clean and pure while acting like guilty cheaters. Why do they care if a state chooses to audit itself?

Shouldn't Democrats encourage more audits?

Biden DOJ Steps In – Issues Guidelines Cautioning States Performing Audits of Election Results​

28 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Unreal! The Biden DOJ put out a warning to states who choose to audit the fraudulent 2020 election results!
First, they threatened Arizona. Now they’re threatening the rest of the country!

ABC News reported:
The Justice Department on Wednesday released guidance intended to caution states embarking on so-called post-election ‘audits’ of vote counts for the 2020 presidential election that they must not run afoul of federal voting laws.
The guidance, previously previewed last month by Attorney General Merrick Garland in his policy address on voting rights, outlines federal statutes that the department says elections officials must adhere to during such “audits,” such as preserving all federal elections materials and making sure they’re not tampered with.
“This document sets down a marker that says the Justice Department is concerned about this, and we will be following this closely,” a DOJ official told reporters on a media conference call Wednesday.
The guidance echoes a warning sent by the department back in May to the Republican-run audit in Arizona, warning officials there that all election records must be preserved and expressing concern about the state handing over election materials to the private contractor group Cyber Ninjas…
…DOJ officials on Wednesday declined to provide any update on the department’s review of the Arizona “audit.” But the guidance comes as Republicans in several other states have expressed interest or are already moving forward with similarly partisan reviews of the 2020 vote count in certain jurisdictions — despite lacking any evidence of widespread fraud.
Here is the DOJ warning that is clearly unconstitutional. States have the right to control their elections — Not Merrick Garland or Joe Biden.

Obviously Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats in control of D.C. feel that they must control States and their rights of government. PMS/DSA Democrats forget that individual States allow the U.S. government to exist.
State legislatures have absolute authority over that. Either Merrick Garland is as demented as Joey Xi or hasn't yet realized he's gone full Biden. Never go full Biden.
Please Note:
Under the doctrine of statesrights, the federal government is not allowed to interfere with the powers of the states reserved or implied to them by the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
PMS/DSA Democrats Communists have thought things through for themselves. Merrick Garland is already working on legal framework to fight "white terrorism" over January 6.
It means that Communists will instigate martial law over the next display of discontent, there will be a false Flag Operation if necessary and the audit, this little pastime of the peasants will be brought down from midair.
Actually we are not U.S. Citizens, but individual State citizens...
This can also be confirmed in the definitions section of Title 5 USC, Title 26 USC, and Title 1 USC.
"A US citizen is a piece of property. If you read any of those old court cases prior to the civil war where slavery was the issue, the debate was ALWAYS over property rights, therefore a US citizen, is a SLAVE.​
The Fourteenth Amendment defines what a US citizen is;​
“Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States,…..”​
The so-called Fourteenth Amendment criminally converts US citizenship completely upside down from what the founding fathers intended.​
“The rights of the individuals are restricted only to the extent that they have been voluntarily surrendered by the “citizenship” to the agencies of government.”"​
Therefore comes the translation of Garland's blathering edict: - They're scared and afraid that the individual State audits will, I believe, uniformly show widespread and massive election fraud perpetrated by the PMS/DSA Democrat Commie Leftists.

Fraudits are more like it. Fucking piss poor fucking ConJob Losers. Our duly eiected President did the right thing.

Fuck the Traitor.

Fuck the Supporters of the Traitor.
An admonition to not find any wrongdoing. Along the lines of the dont protest against us 1/6 hooey.
The Department of Justice Fires Warning Shot Against "Unusual" Post-Election Ballot Reviews.

The Justice Department on Wednesday issued another warning aimed at states conducting or considering audits of ballots tallied in last year’s election, reminding election authorities that allowing ballots to be mishandled can violate federal law.

While the Biden administration “guidance” document carries no formal legal weight and may not strike fear into local officials, the Justice Department used the release of the legal analysis to press their campaign of saber-rattling against Republican-led audits of the 2020 vote in Arizona and other states, as well as voting changes many GOP-controlled states are pursuing as part of purported anti-fraud efforts.

The Arizona Fraudit was suppose to have only lasted a few weeks, and it has stretched for out months and months mainly because NO FUCKING FRAUD WAS FUCKING FOUND!!!!!

To support a charge of Election Fraud/Election Fraud there must evidence of fraud and those Cyber NumbNuts have not found any.

Fuck the Traitor.

Fuck the Supporters of The Traitor....HE FUCKING LOST THE FUCKING ELECTION!!!
The responses from the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies continues to show they fear independent, transparent audits and the exposure of their criminal and fraudulent 2020 election.
The responses from the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Commies continues to show they fear independent, transparent audits and the exposure of their criminal and fraudulent 2020 election.

Don't mean shit to me whether you disagree or not. There is zero evidence of fraud.


Biden DOJ Steps In – Issues Guidelines Cautioning States Performing Audits of Election Results​

28 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Unreal! The Biden DOJ put out a warning to states who choose to audit the fraudulent 2020 election results!
First, they threatened Arizona. Now they’re threatening the rest of the country!

ABC News reported:
The Justice Department on Wednesday released guidance intended to caution states embarking on so-called post-election ‘audits’ of vote counts for the 2020 presidential election that they must not run afoul of federal voting laws.
The guidance, previously previewed last month by Attorney General Merrick Garland in his policy address on voting rights, outlines federal statutes that the department says elections officials must adhere to during such “audits,” such as preserving all federal elections materials and making sure they’re not tampered with.
“This document sets down a marker that says the Justice Department is concerned about this, and we will be following this closely,” a DOJ official told reporters on a media conference call Wednesday.
The guidance echoes a warning sent by the department back in May to the Republican-run audit in Arizona, warning officials there that all election records must be preserved and expressing concern about the state handing over election materials to the private contractor group Cyber Ninjas…
…DOJ officials on Wednesday declined to provide any update on the department’s review of the Arizona “audit.” But the guidance comes as Republicans in several other states have expressed interest or are already moving forward with similarly partisan reviews of the 2020 vote count in certain jurisdictions — despite lacking any evidence of widespread fraud.
Here is the DOJ warning that is clearly unconstitutional. States have the right to control their elections — Not Merrick Garland or Joe Biden.

Obviously Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats in control of D.C. feel that they must control States and their rights of government. PMS/DSA Democrats forget that individual States allow the U.S. government to exist.
State legislatures have absolute authority over that. Either Merrick Garland is as demented as Joey Xi or hasn't yet realized he's gone full Biden. Never go full Biden.
Please Note:
Under the doctrine of statesrights, the federal government is not allowed to interfere with the powers of the states reserved or implied to them by the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
PMS/DSA Democrats Communists have thought things through for themselves. Merrick Garland is already working on legal framework to fight "white terrorism" over January 6.
It means that Communists will instigate martial law over the next display of discontent, there will be a false Flag Operation if necessary and the audit, this little pastime of the peasants will be brought down from midair.
Actually we are not U.S. Citizens, but individual State citizens...
This can also be confirmed in the definitions section of Title 5 USC, Title 26 USC, and Title 1 USC.
"A US citizen is a piece of property. If you read any of those old court cases prior to the civil war where slavery was the issue, the debate was ALWAYS over property rights, therefore a US citizen, is a SLAVE.​
The Fourteenth Amendment defines what a US citizen is;​
“Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States,…..”​
The so-called Fourteenth Amendment criminally converts US citizenship completely upside down from what the founding fathers intended.​
“The rights of the individuals are restricted only to the extent that they have been voluntarily surrendered by the “citizenship” to the agencies of government.”"​
Therefore comes the translation of Garland's blathering edict: - They're scared and afraid that the individual State audits will, I believe, uniformly show widespread and massive election fraud perpetrated by the PMS/DSA Democrat Commie Leftists.

That's not "cautioning", that's intimidation and bullying.

Color me unimpressed.
The Department of Justice Fires Warning Shot Against "Unusual" Post-Election Ballot Reviews.

The Justice Department on Wednesday issued another warning aimed at states conducting or considering audits of ballots tallied in last year’s election, reminding election authorities that allowing ballots to be mishandled can violate federal law.

While the Biden administration “guidance” document carries no formal legal weight and may not strike fear into local officials, the Justice Department used the release of the legal analysis to press their campaign of saber-rattling against Republican-led audits of the 2020 vote in Arizona and other states, as well as voting changes many GOP-controlled states are pursuing as part of purported anti-fraud efforts.

The Arizona Fraudit was suppose to have only lasted a few weeks, and it has stretched for out months and months mainly because NO FUCKING FRAUD WAS FUCKING FOUND!!!!!

To support a charge of Election Fraud/Election Fraud there must evidence of fraud and those Cyber NumbNuts have not found any.

Fuck the Traitor.

Fuck the Supporters of The Traitor....HE FUCKING LOST THE FUCKING ELECTION!!!
Don't mean shit to me whether you disagree or not. There is zero evidence of fraud.

The guidance, previously previewed last month by Attorney General Merrick Garland in his policy address on voting rights, outlines federal statutes that the department says elections officials must adhere to during such “audits,” such as preserving all federal elections materials and making sure they’re not tampered with.
Actually, it seems to make a lot of sense to me. It is merely a reminder...a 'guidance'.....that counted ballots are important documents. There safety and integrity must be maintained by anyone who is responsible for them. It's a good move by the DOJ to alert folks that this is important stuff and needs be handled with gravity and due care.

Merrick Garland is already working on legal framework to fight "white terrorism" over January 6.
Who cannot be pleased with that?
Some of these 'white terrorism' groups...Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, Bugaloo Bois. Neo-Nazis....have a national presence, any rate, are present in multiple states and have shown a desire and ability to cross multiple state lines in order to assemble at one flash point or another. So having the Feds establish a 'legal framework' to address such activities...where heretofore it had been inadequate.....seems prudent to me.

Why do they care if a state chooses to audit itself?

Well, the problem with, say, just Arizona right now is the quality and character of the managers and counters. There seems little doubt that the chosen 'auditors' are a bit sketchy. The Senate leader who hired them told a reporter she "doesn't recall how she became aware of them". The GOP officials in Florida...where the outfit is from....have said they never heard of 'em. The owner/CEO is on film stating his support for Trump's allegations of a fraudulent election, and then they've floated some really really goofy stuff about the ballots. They even sent some of them out of state to be a supposed 'lab' that turned out to be a cabin in Montana.

In short, all citizens should want 'auditors' of the utmost integrity, experience. and track record to undertake a job this important. the problem with fly-by-nigh auditors and their work product.
Garland is following the Democrat tradition of influencing outcomes to favor the party line. Holder and Lynch made that policy SOP. Garland is doing his best to cover up the election fraud that resulted in him having the AG job. That in itself is probably a conflict of interest.
Maricopa County Refuses Arizona ReThugliKlan Fraudit Demand.

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors rejected the latest subpoena by the Republican-controlled Arizona state Senate.

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors rejected the latest subpoena by the Republican-controlled Arizona state Senate.

Jack Sellers, the chair of the board, wrote a letter addressed to senators shortly before the deadline to respond to the subpoena.

"It is now August of 2021. The election of November 2020 is over," Sellers wrote. "If you haven't figured out that the election in Maricopa County was free, fair, and accurate yet, I'm not sure you ever will."

Endless demands for ballots and servers. Because there is nothing to be found. Nothing. There is no evidence of Election Fraid/Election Fraud because there was no fraud.
That audits have been a complete joke thus far, its over. Trump clearly lost.

With that said, the DOJ should have nothing to really say here, elections are a STATE issue, not a federal one. They should stay the fuck out of states business.
"They should stay the fuck out of states business."

Well, it seems they've made no move to get into state's business.

Rather, they are articulating a standard that if you are going to be shuffling completed ballots around the state, around the country, by unqualified, or at any rate, inexperienced actors.......well, then just know that there are specific laws protecting those ballots. So don't do something foolish. Lest you really do trigger a wider interest, a higher authority, to step in to protect the citizens.

But, in the meantime, ......... just be prudent and responsible.

That's the message, it seems to me, that the DOJ was offering.

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