Biden DOJ Steps In – Issues Guidelines Cautioning States Performing Audits of Election Results

Garland and his DOJ are absolutely corrupted. Garland investigating voter fraud is like any criminal investigating their own crime. Totally invalid. Garland is acting like Biden's personal attorney.
"Garland and his DOJ are absolutely corrupted. Garland investigating voter fraud is like any criminal investigating their own crime."

Poster 'wamose', I've read several of your recent postings.
They seem to be just common keyboard-enemas.

In this case, for the post above, can you offer the forum any support, vetting, or credible link that validates your assertion?
audit the fraudulent 2020 election results

The co-called audit here in Maricopa County is not, and has never been, intended to determine the result of our county's vote. Why haven't the Ninjas corrected this misconception? For sure the purpose given to them by the Arizona Senate will be reiterated in their final report. Meanwhile this truth would hardly be useful as a sales pitch to entice Trump backers around the country to cough up the funds needed to back this sillinesss.
Until local and state educational institutions are retaken, under the control of local citizens within, the Governments enforcement arm, DOJ, will insure the perpetuation of absolute control by and for the benefit of the elitist sector controlling the bureaucracy. If one wishes to reform the DOJ and government it must first begin with the educational system.
According to the Democrats / Progressives, states have full power to run their elections any way they see fit. this is up to and including changing voting process, additional measures and the like.

their words - but suddenly they want full control?

absolute bullshit.
Translation...Dems stole it and are throwing a conniption fit over the audits.
the left has given great examples of this being acceptable.

hillary still insists she won. go rag on her ass now.

the left has given great examples of this being acceptable.

hillary still insists she won. go rag on her ass now.

Only Dems can contest an election and try to impeach a president for 4 straight years. If Reps dare contest a Dem win they are destroying the fabric of democracy. The double standards have become so blatant I call BS on the entire Dem party. They can go F themselves, to infinity.
Well, it seems they've made no move to get into state's business.

Rather, they are articulating a standard that if you are going to be shuffling completed ballots around the state, around the country, by unqualified, or at any rate, inexperienced actors.......well, then just know that there are specific laws protecting those ballots. So don't do something foolish. Lest you really do trigger a wider interest, a higher authority, to step in to protect the citizens.

But, in the meantime, ......... just be prudent and responsible.

That's the message, it seems to me, that the DOJ was offering.
"You see here, you have a nice little store. It would be a shame if something was to happen to it, wouldn't it? Now, we can make sure nothing bad happens to your little store, so don't rock the boat too much, got it?
What do you mean, threats? This ain't no threat, it's just a, how shall we say, a standard of behavior for you to keep in mind as you conduct your business around here. There are certain lines you don't cross, and certain people never get criticized, got it?".
This thread came to mind when a day or two ago I saw an article about Kevin McCarthy's notice to the telecommunications companies notifying them not to comply with preservation requests for phone records belonging to individuals possibly connected to the January 6.

McCarthy said in a statement complying with the request would put Americans “in the crosshairs of a surveillance state,” claiming the companies would also be “in violation of federal law” and “subject to losing their ability to operate” in the U.S.

McCarthy added that if companies “still choose to violate federal law,” Republicans in Congress “will not forget” if they take the majority in 2022 and will “hold them fully accountable under the law.

I have no problem with any reminders of the law from either side.


Biden DOJ Steps In – Issues Guidelines Cautioning States Performing Audits of Election Results​

28 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Unreal! The Biden DOJ put out a warning to states who choose to audit the fraudulent 2020 election results!
First, they threatened Arizona. Now they’re threatening the rest of the country!

ABC News reported:
The Justice Department on Wednesday released guidance intended to caution states embarking on so-called post-election ‘audits’ of vote counts for the 2020 presidential election that they must not run afoul of federal voting laws.
The guidance, previously previewed last month by Attorney General Merrick Garland in his policy address on voting rights, outlines federal statutes that the department says elections officials must adhere to during such “audits,” such as preserving all federal elections materials and making sure they’re not tampered with.
“This document sets down a marker that says the Justice Department is concerned about this, and we will be following this closely,” a DOJ official told reporters on a media conference call Wednesday.
The guidance echoes a warning sent by the department back in May to the Republican-run audit in Arizona, warning officials there that all election records must be preserved and expressing concern about the state handing over election materials to the private contractor group Cyber Ninjas…
…DOJ officials on Wednesday declined to provide any update on the department’s review of the Arizona “audit.” But the guidance comes as Republicans in several other states have expressed interest or are already moving forward with similarly partisan reviews of the 2020 vote count in certain jurisdictions — despite lacking any evidence of widespread fraud.
Here is the DOJ warning that is clearly unconstitutional. States have the right to control their elections — Not Merrick Garland or Joe Biden.

Obviously Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats in control of D.C. feel that they must control States and their rights of government. PMS/DSA Democrats forget that individual States allow the U.S. government to exist.
State legislatures have absolute authority over that. Either Merrick Garland is as demented as Joey Xi or hasn't yet realized he's gone full Biden. Never go full Biden.
Please Note:
Under the doctrine of statesrights, the federal government is not allowed to interfere with the powers of the states reserved or implied to them by the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
PMS/DSA Democrats Communists have thought things through for themselves. Merrick Garland is already working on legal framework to fight "white terrorism" over January 6.
It means that Communists will instigate martial law over the next display of discontent, there will be a false Flag Operation if necessary and the audit, this little pastime of the peasants will be brought down from midair.
Actually we are not U.S. Citizens, but individual State citizens...
This can also be confirmed in the definitions section of Title 5 USC, Title 26 USC, and Title 1 USC.
"A US citizen is a piece of property. If you read any of those old court cases prior to the civil war where slavery was the issue, the debate was ALWAYS over property rights, therefore a US citizen, is a SLAVE.​
The Fourteenth Amendment defines what a US citizen is;​
“Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States,…..”​
The so-called Fourteenth Amendment criminally converts US citizenship completely upside down from what the founding fathers intended.​
“The rights of the individuals are restricted only to the extent that they have been voluntarily surrendered by the “citizenship” to the agencies of government.”"​
Therefore comes the translation of Garland's blathering edict: - They're scared and afraid that the individual State audits will, I believe, uniformly show widespread and massive election fraud perpetrated by the PMS/DSA Democrat Commie Leftists.

The Department of Joe has no athority but these last 30 years it has never stopped them before, Generations before us would have never let this stand but we allow these crazed idiots get by with treason and overthrow of a leget government while we do nothing Democrats are evil or stupid and stupid should no longer be an excuse for treason. God gave us strong limb trees for a reason AND ONES AS PELOSI and SHIFFT NEED SOME SHORT PIECES OF HEMP ROPE AND TIME TO BEG AT THE GALLOWS.
"...we allow these crazed idiots get by with treason and overthrow of a leget (sic) government .......Democrats are evil or stupid ....... God gave us strong limb trees for a reason ...... SOME SHORT PIECES OF HEMP ROPE AND TIME TO BEG AT THE GALLOWS.


The timeline for "badbob" indicates about quarter to 5 in the morning. Awfully early for such histrionics.

Free advice badbob, and worth every penny --- do this: Go back to de-caf.

This hyper-screech you having going early in the morning makes the pro-Trump, pro-Conservative, pro-lynching faction look a tad shrill, a tad unstable. "Over caffeinated" the kind ones here might say.
Democrats say the election was clean and pure while acting like guilty cheaters. Why do they care if a state chooses to audit itself?

Shouldn't Democrats encourage more audits?
The audits have already been completed, and the votes counted. Enough already! Tump supporting repubs are trying to appease the grifter tump who was a loser who will not accept his loss. Instead, he is usurping our democracy with his Jan 6 insurrection and now bogus fraudit claims.
Garland is following the Democrat tradition of influencing outcomes to favor the party line. Holder and Lynch made that policy SOP. Garland is doing his best to cover up the election fraud that resulted in him having the AG job. That in itself is probably a conflict of interest.
Except, of course, there was no election fraud, as the highly partisan ninja group discovered.
This thread came to mind when a day or two ago I saw an article about Kevin McCarthy's notice to the telecommunications companies notifying them not to comply with preservation requests for phone records belonging to individuals possibly connected to the January 6.

McCarthy said in a statement complying with the request would put Americans “in the crosshairs of a surveillance state,” claiming the companies would also be “in violation of federal law” and “subject to losing their ability to operate” in the U.S.

McCarthy added that if companies “still choose to violate federal law,” Republicans in Congress “will not forget” if they take the majority in 2022 and will “hold them fully accountable under the law.

I have no problem with any reminders of the law from either side.

That is not a 'reminder.'

It is a threat. No better or worse than the one in the OP. You cannot support the one and be against the other without doublethink.
You cannot support the one and be against the other without doublethink.

If more folks would think like that instead of being two-faced this country would be far better off.

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