biden donating 25 million vaccines around the world.


Gold Member
Jun 4, 2014
  • Why the hell are we paying for other countries to get the vaccine! If anyone should be paying it should be China.
  • Time we handed China the bill for their "accident" or consider it an act of war!
  • Why the hell are we paying for other countries to get the vaccine! If anyone should be paying it should be China.
  • Time we handed China the bill for their "accident" or consider it an act of war!

Because too many Real Mericans are refusing to take them for free so we are giving them to them damn ferners for free.
  • Why the hell are we paying for other countries to get the vaccine! If anyone should be paying it should be China.
  • Time we handed China the bill for their "accident" or consider it an act of war!
It's because Biden is not an American. He is a GLOBALIST. Globalists owe no allegiance to any particular country (other than those providing cash payoffs to them)

It's just like when Obama made a speech in Germany, and said "I am a citizen of the world" To which he was schooled by his fellow 2012 presidential, conservative candidate Virgil Goode (whom I voted for), who said >> "You're not supposed to be a citizen of the world. You're supposed to be an AMERICAN citizen, and President of the United States, representing the AMERICAN people, not the world."
Republicans dont need them

Give them away
The UK is doing the same but it's one of these lefty-type ideas that I actually think is a good one. They have to have a good one every so often in amongst all the brain farts.

Provided every one of our own respective citizens have been offered their two doses then there's a surplus then it's right to give these doses to these countries.

It's in everyone's interest that the whole world get's vaccinated. Think about it, If these folk in these little shit holes aren't vaccinated then the virus will continue to spread, mutate and recycle with new variants that pop up.

This is a global pandemic, we're all in it together and we all need fixed out or else we'll progress a little and then regress again.

I do agree China should be paying for it, though.

The lack of accountability from these Chinese cuunts is unbelievable. They haven't even as much as apologised let alone made an effort to put things right.
Gaza and the West bank are at the top of the list.

Some of the top scientists who have worked tirelessly to create these Vaccines are Jewish and now Joe's handlers have him sending them to the worst genocidal antisemitic filth on the planet.

On May 2 Biden said that "this month" they would be sending vaccines to other countries.

May has come and gone and now another promise after NR did an article a day earlier excoriating the dipshit for his failed May 2 promise.

Had Trump said on May 2 what Biden did the MSM would have turned it into another crazy story 24/7.
  • Why the hell are we paying for other countries to get the vaccine! If anyone should be paying it should be China.
  • Time we handed China the bill for their "accident" or consider it an act of war!
That's part of Trump's Operation Warp Speed plan. We are supposed to have a lot more vaccine than we will possibly need.

The rest can go to other countries.
  • Why the hell are we paying for other countries to get the vaccine! If anyone should be paying it should be China.
  • Time we handed China the bill for their "accident" or consider it an act of war!
Sounds pretty damn smart to me.
  • Why the hell are we paying for other countries to get the vaccine! If anyone should be paying it should be China.
  • Time we handed China the bill for their "accident" or consider it an act of war!
It is a silly gambit to want to bill China.

It is a bewildering proposition to be sending vaccines overseas to inoculate their populations....high risk people? Yes. First responders...yes. Jacques Q. Publique? No.
  • Why the hell are we paying for other countries to get the vaccine! If anyone should be paying it should be China.
  • Time we handed China the bill for their "accident" or consider it an act of war!
Attaboy! Restoring the soul of America. Go Biden!
It's in everyone's interest that the whole world get's vaccinated. Think about it, If these folk in these little shit holes aren't vaccinated then the virus will continue to spread, mutate and recycle with new variants that pop up.

This is a global pandemic, we're all in it together and we all need fixed out or else we'll progress a little and then regress again.
I agree. It makes sense to get the vaccine out all across the planet.

The lack of accountability from these Chinese cuunts is unbelievable. They haven't even as much as apologised let alone made an effort to put things right.

It's not unbelievable at all. Money still talks at the end of the day and there are billions to be made in China.
It's in everyone's interest that the whole world get's vaccinated. Think about it, If these folk in these little shit holes aren't vaccinated then the virus will continue to spread, mutate and recycle with new variants that pop up.

This is a global pandemic, we're all in it together and we all need fixed out or else we'll progress a little and then regress again.
I agree. It makes sense to get the vaccine out all across the planet.

The lack of accountability from these Chinese cuunts is unbelievable. They haven't even as much as apologised let alone made an effort to put things right.

It's not unbelievable at all. Money still talks at the end of the day and there are billions to be made in China.
I was being a little rhetorical. I agree with the reason/s why China is never held to account on anything - genocide, animal abuse, human rights and now Covid - it's because we are too reliant on them. This has to stop. It won't be easy and it won't happen overnight but the wheels should (I repeat should) be in motion.
The tax payers are donating these vaccines not the drug companies. We buy them from the drug companies and give them away. It is a huge windfall for the drug companies and there should be strings attached.

Perhaps they should be required to make their research public domain.
So we're paying for people in shit hole countries to get the vaccine?
Most Trumpeters don't want to take those vaccines cause their leader Maestro Trump told them not to.
So the orchestra must go on.
What are we going to do with 80 million doses of vaccines?
Flush them in the toilets?
And unless you are a native american, what do you mean by we?
They are relatives poor and in need of vaccines.
Covid-19 is a human problem and not just american.

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