Biden Drives Race as Wedge Issue in Primary. Hispanic/Latino Like Bernie


May 23, 2014
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Yet, from your second link-
State Rep. Rafael Anchía, a Dallas Democrat who leads the Mexican American Legislative Caucus, said Sanders does not have a winning message for November when Democrats are trying to win the Texas House for the first time in two decades.
The race baiting "white" Democrats are the lowest form of scum on the earth. If I were a candidate, and my team came to me saying hey you know what ? If you say this or act like that, and if you kiss enough ace as far as race goes, then you could become a powerful person in this country. I would say you know what ? I am the President of all the people in this country, and not just a President kissing some groups ace for favors, endorcement's, perks, and travel around the country from all my favorite good ole boy's. It's over, I'd work for all American's, and not just for some American's instead, because with me it don't work like that otherwise to only work for a few in America.
Hate to tell you Sanders and his voters are worst with their looking down their noses at the Black Community...

Sanders is playing the game wrong and why?

Sanders still believe the Popular Vote will win the election for him or he believe if he win the nomination and loses the National Election while winning the Popular vote he can use the Latino Community to start his revolution...

Biden knows to win you must win key States which has high Black Democratic Populations, so Biden is smart to play the wedge...
Joe Biden and the Democratic establishement have race baited the Democratic Primary campaign in the lowest possible way. Don't ever accuse Republicans of being racist after this bullshit. Biden pitting Black against Hispanic/Latino/Mexican voters who support Sanders. Disgraceful.
Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and the Black Vote | National Review
Desire for drastic change driving Texas Latino voters to embrace ‘Tío Bernie’ Sanders
Black voters power Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday success

You are the one who is playing the race card and it shows you are the racist. Blacks voted for Biden because they believe he is the best choice for beating Trump and Biden has paid attention to the black community. Biden and other candidates participated in a ceremony marking "Bloody Sunday" in Selma. Sanders was too busy to attend. In Virginia, Biden beat Sanders among Latinos by a 13 point margin. Latinos are not monolithic.
Joe Biden and the Democratic establishement have race baited the Democratic Primary campaign in the lowest possible way. Don't ever accuse Republicans of being racist after this bullshit. Biden pitting Black against Hispanic/Latino/Mexican voters who support Sanders. Disgraceful.
Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and the Black Vote | National Review
Desire for drastic change driving Texas Latino voters to embrace ‘Tío Bernie’ Sanders
Black voters power Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday success

You are the one who is playing the race card and it shows you are the racist. Blacks voted for Biden because they believe he is the best choice for beating Trump and Biden has paid attention to the black community. Biden and other candidates participated in a ceremony marking "Bloody Sunday" in Selma. Sanders was too busy to attend. In Virginia, Biden beat Sanders among Latinos by a 13 point margin. Latinos are not monolithic.
Biden attended... Goodgrief... That doesn't mean he supports anything but what he's wanting out if it all. He wants power just so he can give it to his good ole radical buddies while he just sits back thinking oh boy I'm the president, I'm the president, now let me pinch myself to see if it's real, yet meanwhile the nation is being run by the radical deep state while Biden sits in the office trying to remember how to tie his shoes.
Joe Biden and the Democratic establishement have race baited the Democratic Primary campaign in the lowest possible way. Don't ever accuse Republicans of being racist after this bullshit. Biden pitting Black against Hispanic/Latino/Mexican voters who support Sanders. Disgraceful.
Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and the Black Vote | National Review
Desire for drastic change driving Texas Latino voters to embrace ‘Tío Bernie’ Sanders
Black voters power Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday success

You are the one who is playing the race card and it shows you are the racist. Blacks voted for Biden because they believe he is the best choice for beating Trump and Biden has paid attention to the black community. Biden and other candidates participated in a ceremony marking "Bloody Sunday" in Selma. Sanders was too busy to attend. In Virginia, Biden beat Sanders among Latinos by a 13 point margin. Latinos are not monolithic.
Black people voted for Biden because of machine politics and race. He was Obama's VP. No more intelligence needed other than that. I'll bet if you asked 90% of black voters if they knew Senator Biden started the "high-tech lynching" of Clarence Thomas they wouldn't know. I'll bet if you asked 90% of black voters if they knew that Biden voted "yes" to Iraq invasion they wouldn't know. Sanders voters know these things. How can black fundamentalist Baptist in the South vote for a heathen that supports baby murder?
Joe Biden and the Democratic establishement have race baited the Democratic Primary campaign in the lowest possible way. Don't ever accuse Republicans of being racist after this bullshit. Biden pitting Black against Hispanic/Latino/Mexican voters who support Sanders. Disgraceful.
Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and the Black Vote | National Review
Desire for drastic change driving Texas Latino voters to embrace ‘Tío Bernie’ Sanders
Black voters power Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday success
When reading this thread, folks, keep in mind that Bush92 has lived most of his life with absolute hatred against black people.
Hate to tell you Sanders and his voters are worst with their looking down their noses at the Black Community...

Sanders is playing the game wrong and why?

Sanders still believe the Popular Vote will win the election for him or he believe if he win the nomination and loses the National Election while winning the Popular vote he can use the Latino Community to start his revolution...

Biden knows to win you must win key States which has high Black Democratic Populations, so Biden is smart to play the wedge...
all those southern states Biden won, he will lose in November. Let him court the black vote in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Michigan like Hillary did. Let him offend hard working middle-class whites again...just like Hillary did. Let him play the race card and get chummy with Black Lives Matter so police can be massacred (Dallas) like Hillary did. Fuck Biden. He calls black kids "cockroaches" and wants them to rub his hairy sweaty legs and sit on his lap.
Joe Biden and the Democratic establishement have race baited the Democratic Primary campaign in the lowest possible way. Don't ever accuse Republicans of being racist after this bullshit. Biden pitting Black against Hispanic/Latino/Mexican voters who support Sanders. Disgraceful.
Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and the Black Vote | National Review
Desire for drastic change driving Texas Latino voters to embrace ‘Tío Bernie’ Sanders
Black voters power Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday success

You are the one who is playing the race card and it shows you are the racist. Blacks voted for Biden because they believe he is the best choice for beating Trump and Biden has paid attention to the black community. Biden and other candidates participated in a ceremony marking "Bloody Sunday" in Selma. Sanders was too busy to attend. In Virginia, Biden beat Sanders among Latinos by a 13 point margin. Latinos are not monolithic.
EVERYONE voted for Biden because he is the only one in the race that "appears sane"
At the end of the day it matters not because barring some catastrophic event Trump is going to clean the clock of ANYONE the dems put up.
Ultimately biden is as much a buffoon as all the others.
Were the dems an honest party Tulsi would be on the stages and Webb would have been your previous nominee. I might have even voted for him. But at this point your party is wack and a total joke. Your only hope is to fool the poorest and dumbest in the nation and pray they show up to vote.
Joe Biden and the Democratic establishement have race baited the Democratic Primary campaign in the lowest possible way. Don't ever accuse Republicans of being racist after this bullshit. Biden pitting Black against Hispanic/Latino/Mexican voters who support Sanders. Disgraceful.
Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and the Black Vote | National Review
Desire for drastic change driving Texas Latino voters to embrace ‘Tío Bernie’ Sanders
Black voters power Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday success
When reading this thread, folks, keep in mind that Bush92 has lived most of his life with absolute hatred against black people.
Really? The fact that you think you can discern that from my post makes you a candidate for the mental ward. Don't confuse the fact that just because I'm not a pussified, fuzzy headed liberal, that somehow I'm racist. Biden's zeal in getting the black vote has lost him Hispanic voters...and they are the largest growing demographic. People who are generationally established in the Hispanic and Latino communities don't want illegal's coming into the country and stealing everything they worked so hard for. Trump will win those voters. Do you think when Biden loses he's going to move to Cabrini Green because he loves black people so much? Fuck no. He will live in one of his four mansions that he owns.
Joe Biden and the Democratic establishement have race baited the Democratic Primary campaign in the lowest possible way. Don't ever accuse Republicans of being racist after this bullshit. Biden pitting Black against Hispanic/Latino/Mexican voters who support Sanders. Disgraceful.
Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and the Black Vote | National Review
Desire for drastic change driving Texas Latino voters to embrace ‘Tío Bernie’ Sanders
Black voters power Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday success

You are the one who is playing the race card and it shows you are the racist. Blacks voted for Biden because they believe he is the best choice for beating Trump and Biden has paid attention to the black community. Biden and other candidates participated in a ceremony marking "Bloody Sunday" in Selma. Sanders was too busy to attend. In Virginia, Biden beat Sanders among Latinos by a 13 point margin. Latinos are not monolithic.
EVERYONE voted for Biden because he is the only one in the race that "appears sane"
At the end of the day it matters not because barring some catastrophic event Trump is going to clean the clock of ANYONE the dems put up.
Ultimately biden is as much a buffoon as all the others.
Were the dems an honest party Tulsi would be on the stages and Webb would have been your previous nominee. I might have even voted for him. But at this point your party is wack and a total joke. Your only hope is to fool the poorest and dumbest in the nation and pray they show up to vote.
Voters can see that Biden is a phony and his campaign full of gimmicks to get votes. At least Trump is honest. He told everyone that he was rich because he knew "how the game is played" and that he can be an asshole to people when he needs to be.
Joe Biden and the Democratic establishement have race baited the Democratic Primary campaign in the lowest possible way. Don't ever accuse Republicans of being racist after this bullshit. Biden pitting Black against Hispanic/Latino/Mexican voters who support Sanders. Disgraceful.
Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and the Black Vote | National Review
Desire for drastic change driving Texas Latino voters to embrace ‘Tío Bernie’ Sanders
Black voters power Joe Biden’s Super Tuesday success
Because a high percentage of latinos are fucking commies.

That's why American commies are encouraging/funding illegal immigration.


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