Biden Effect! HERE WE GO: Saudis to Cut Oil Production by 500,000 Barrels Per Day Until End of 2023

And not one serviceman died. How did Biden do? How many Americans are left in Afghanistan? Biden left 85 million in military equipment and a shitload of ammo.

65 servicemen died in Afghanistan under Trumps watch. 13 servicemen died in Afghanistan under Bidens watch.

Why do the Neo Republicans feel the need to denigrate the American Military abroad with not just lies, but stupid lies. As if our commanders weren't ordered to disable any sensitive equipment so the enemy could not use it as asset. Use to be the parties never resorted to that kind of bull shit against our brothers, but the Neo-Bunch no longer wants that country.
65 servicemen died in Afghanistan under Trumps watch. 13 servicemen died in Afghanistan under Bidens watch.

Why do the Neo Republicans feel the need to denigrate the American Military abroad with not just lies, but stupid lies. As if our commanders weren't ordered to disable any sensitive equipment so the enemy could not use it as asset. Use to be the parties never resorted to that kind of bull shit against our brothers, but the Neo-Bunch no longer wants that country.
After Trump's negotiation with the Taliban not one soldier died. Try the truth you POS.
The evidence has been their all along you moron but you Moon Bat assholes ignore it because of the TDS mental illness.

The Democrat filth used the Pandemic as cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots, counted by dishonest Democrat shitheads, in Democrat controlled swing districts and stole the Electoral College delegates from the American people.

Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

Pull your head out of your Moon Bat ass.

And tRumptard appointed judges laughed at him and your dumbasses. But I know you are used to being laughed at like the MAGAGATARDS that you are!!!!!
The taliban wanted reduced US troop levels and the former 1-term fuckup gave them that. We retreated into our bases just like the taliban wanted.

Then they used our self-created vacuum to crash the Afgan government right under our military's nose.

And you applaud that.
The Taliban was under control, Biden screwed it up.
After Trump's negotiation with the Taliban not one soldier died. Try the truth you POS.
How come Trump didn't make our troop reduction contingent on the Taliban honoring the 6 other commitments Trump negotiated, like he said he would? Why did he let the Taliban get away with not honoring those six conditions before he pulled out all those troops? What did he mean when he blurted out this jewel?

"How about that? Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame. 21 years"

He made it as hard as possible for our military to get out without any casualties didn't he?
Then we aren't drilling enough. Why doesn't Biden open up federal land again?
Why do you allow your propagandists to keep so in the dark!?!

New Data: Biden’s First Year Drilling Permitting Stomps Trump’s By 34%

New federal data shows the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first year, far outpacing the Trump administration’s first-year total of 2,658.

Nearly 2,000 of the drilling permits were approved on public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management’s New Mexico office, followed by 843 in Wyoming, 285 in Montana and North Dakota, and 191 in Utah. In California, the Biden administration approved 187 permits — more than twice the 71 drilling permits Trump approved in that state in his first year.
Federal data show the Biden administration approved 6,430 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first two years, outpacing the Trump administration’s 6,172 drilling-permit approvals in its first two years.

You see, my little parrot friends, it isn't the US driving up the price of oil. It never has been.

In 2021, Saudi Arabia kept its output below its 2020 output (which was during the pandemic!)

So did Venezuela.

Like Russia, Saudi Arabia and Venezeula's economies are entirely dependent on oil. They have no other major industris and have wasted all their petro dollars on mansions and yachts and hookers instead of developing their countries' economies.
65 servicemen died in Afghanistan under Trumps watch. 13 servicemen died in Afghanistan under Bidens watch.
Trump was president for 4 years.
Biden pulled troops out 7 months into his term which equates to 89 in 4 years.
Just an FYI
Trump was president for 4 years.
Biden pulled troops out 7 months into his term which equates to 89 in 4 years.
Just an FYI
He didn't lose a single soldier in combat with the Taliban.

But then again it's awful hard to stop a suicide bomber. We'll never know if Trumps lax position on the Conditions he and his buddies in the Taliban negotiated to put a stop to foriegn Islamic terror groups using Afghanistan territory to attack US forces allowed this attack or not. It just part of the puzzle that the Neo-GOP flock will never even acknowledge because they just don't know about that condition in the Doha Accords, or Trump's dereliction of duty to enforce the Taliban's conditions. Not that the other so called liberal media(s) tell that tale either.

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