Biden Effect! HERE WE GO: Saudis to Cut Oil Production by 500,000 Barrels Per Day Until End of 2023

It makes sense for the Saudis to build a relationship with China, given China's level of oil consumption.

I agree that the Saudis have always hated being a second rate kingdom, dependent on the West for it's survival, BIT they have to know that China is not about to protect them from Iran. China can't even project significant military power across the Strait of Taiwan.

The Chinese couldn't care less who controls Saudi oil - just as long as they sell it to China. The Chinese would probably even prefer Iran to control Saudi's oil since that would put the West in a tough situation economically.

China doesn't need to protect them from Iran.
Like Saudi Arabia doesn't need protecting from Israel, of vice versa, because the US will say "you can't do that".
China's not going to accept Iran and Saudi Arabia fighting each other if they're both under China's wing.
China doesn't need to protect them from Iran.
Like Saudi Arabia doesn't need protecting from Israel, of vice versa, because the US will say "you can't do that".
China's not going to accept Iran and Saudi Arabia fighting each other if they're both under China's wing.

Iran isn't 'under China's wing'. But if Iran conquered Saudi Arabia, China would be Iran's bitch.

Saudi Arabia needs someone to protect them - which is why we invaded Iraq.

Every Arab nation would love to control Mecca and Saudi oil.
Yes he did beg Saudi Arabia for oil. Biden has drained our strategic oil supply. Now we are vulnerable. I miss those mean tweets.
Trumpyberra begged for both an increase in production and begged for a cut in production. It simply can't be denied that he did it too.
You think gas prices at the pump were higher before? You haven't seen nothing yet! Thanks, Joe!

Expect higher gas and grocery prices.

Half a million barrels is a drop in the bucket. The US alone produces almost 20 million barrels a day. Total world production is about 90 million barrels a day.

Sorry, your BDS got away from you. How much an oil company or a country produces has fuck-all to do with Biden.

It would be very easy for someone else to take up the slack, but profit always comes first.
They're doing this to fuck with us and you don't fuck with an empire! Time to make them pay! Fuck these sand monkeys.
Looks like we gonna have to do it ourselves. Looks like Biden has pissed the other countries off. Even looking to stop using the dollar as currency to buy oil. Then we are really screwed, thanks Biden.
Looks like we gonna have to do it ourselves. Looks like Biden has pissed the other countries off. Even looking to stop using the dollar as currency to buy oil. Then we are really screwed, thanks Biden.
How so?
Yeah we are more energy independent in 6 decades, but the price of energy is the highest it's ever been.
Contrary to known reality. Oil has been much higher than the current 80 a barrel average.

Also consider that in 2005 our net oil imports was over 11 mbd and last week we recorded .7 mbd in net oil imports. That's down 10.3 million barrels a day since the peak of our oil dependence.
Vulnerable to what?
Well Biden left billions of our military equipment in Afghanistan. Have given billions more to Ukraine. He has drained our strategic oil reserves to lowest levels ever, without refilling it. He let China fly a spy balloon over our military bases, until they got all the Intel they needed. The military is finding it hard to get new recruits, because Biden turned our military woke. That enough for you?
Contrary to known reality. Oil has been much higher than the current 80 a barrel average.

Also consider that in 2005 our net oil imports was over 11 mbd and last week we recorded .7 mbd in net oil imports. That's down 10.3 million barrels a day since the peak of our oil dependence.
Oil was $2.84 th3 other day. Today it's $3.29.
6 Major countries are going to start a new currency. That will be backed by gold and other rare earth elements and do away with the dollar in purchasing oil. Wonder how much Biden got paid to assist on their efforts. Oh and Russia is one of the countries.
Half a million barrels is a drop in the bucket. The US alone produces almost 20 million barrels a day. Total world production is about 90 million barrels a day.

Sorry, your BDS got away from you. How much an oil company or a country produces has fuck-all to do with Biden.

It would be very easy for someone else to take up the slack, but profit always comes first.
nd yet you Bidenista Cultist Clowns were singing his praises for creating a drop in gas prices when he announced releasing 50 million barrels OVER SEVERAL MONTHS.


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