Biden exploding MAGA heads by reducing the deficit

When I have time I'll go through the 160 post to this minute to see if these points have been covered, but for now;

1) Hopefully this isn't another version of Clinton-nomics where the Military/Defense and border security, etc. are butchered to provide more 'hand-outs' to the deadwood non-producers whom voted 'Quid-pro-quo/groper-molester Joe' into office (assuming there wasn't vote count fraud in that equation).

2) Follow this website to get some truth and real numbers on what has~is~will happen;

Also note that "time machine' tab in upper right which provides some numbers(data) perspective on the trends of past 40+ years.
The cost doesn’t matter. Whoever made the yacht can sell it for more than $10. Why would they sell it to you? Plus you don’t even have $10 as a certified moron. In fact if it costs $600k to make they’ll sell it for as much as they can.. $1m or $1.5M it doesn’t matter. Hell they’ll sell it for $500k if that’s all they can sell it for since $500k is better than nothing when you owe people $600k for building it. You. Are stoopid. Cost doesn’t matter on price.
Why would someone pay $600k for a $10 yacht?
That has to be stupidest thing you've ever posted. That's truly saying something. Why should anyone answer idiotic questions from a trolling FuckBoi?

What is costs to make something has nothing to do what it sells for.

Car parts are a case in point. If you were to go out and buy all of the individual dealer parts to assemble your own car, it would cost you more than 5 times the cost of buying the fully assembled car from a dealership, even though the costs to manufacture those individual parts is exactly the same as pre-built car. And the pre-built car is still cheaper, even though the costs of assembling those parts is being included in the pre-built car. So something else has to be at play rather than production costs.

Things are priced at "whatever the traffic will bear". If you're selling out - raise the price. Has nothing to do with the costs of the item. You might sell fewer items, but at a higher profit, since the price increase has nothing to do with costs.

I had a friend who couldn't keep up with the demand for her product. I recommended she raise her prices. "But I'll lose customers!" she said. I pointed out it was running her ragged trying to keep up with the customers. If she lost a couple, it might not be a bad thing, and the ones that stayed will be paying her more money, which would make up for the lost income. She didn't lose many customers at all, and she used the extra money she made to hire staff, which better helped her serve existing clients, and to continue to expand her customer base.

There is no reason whatsoever that a charger cord for an iPhone costs $25 from Apple. Yes you can get a generic cord for $14.99, but I'm betting they don't cost $2 to manufacture, regardless of what you pay for them.
STFU you Dumbass KKKanuck.

Go clean up your shithole fascist dictatorship country.
I did review it. It doesn’t say that either.

Hence why I said “Ummm, his graph reflects what you just posted.”
So the data in the graph might be inaccurate and my cite might be to a source that failed to be complete.
So the data in the graph might be inaccurate and my cite might be to a source that failed to be complete.
Ok. So to recap:

- You questioned whether his graph reflects reality.

- You proceeded to call his graph horseshit.

- You posted your own source to counter his “horseshit”, which actually agrees with what the numbers he posted in his graph.

- And finally you now question your own source when this is pointed out to you.

Yeesh. Ok then. Carry on.
Ok. So to recap:

- You questioned whether his graph reflects reality.

- You proceeded to call his graph horseshit.

- You posted your own source to counter his “horseshit”, which actually agrees with what the numbers he posted in his graph.

- And finally you now question your own source when this is pointed out to you.

Yeesh. Ok then. Carry on.
Ok. To recap: the purpose of my link was to demonstrate that the deficit is larger than he claimed (which is not in sync with what his cited chart showed). And the reason that my cite is otherwise suspect is because it may not (and doesn’t seem to) include the newer totals beyond the “projections.”

Is that difficult for you to follow? Let’s try to dumb it down sufficiently to help out even you.

Is it YOUR contention that our national deficit is the same as the one he claimed?

What is our current deficit?

Are you able to explain how a President (in coordination with his own Party’s controlled Congress) can add to our national debt and yet get credited with lowering our national deficit?

Bonus Question, just for you, xpo:

When folks speak of our national debt (not any given year’s “budget deficit”), the number which gets bandied about is now roughly ~30 Trillion+ (with a “T”). Do you believe that number to be fair and accurate? Or, do you agree with me to some extent that this number is extremely misleading and on the very low side?
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Ok. To recap: the purpose of my link was to demonstrate that the deficit is larger than he claimed (which is not in sync with what his cited chart showed). And the reason that my cite is otherwise suspect is because it may not (and doesn’t seem to) include the newer totals beyond the “projections.”

Is that difficult for you to follow? Let’s try to dumb it down sufficiently to help out even you.

Is it YOUR contention that our national deficit is the same as the one he claimed?

What is our current deficit?

Are you able to explain how a President (in coordination with his own Party’s controlled Congress) can add to our national debt and yet get credited with lowering our national deficit?

Bonus Question, just for you, xpo:

When folks speak of our national debt (not any given year’s “budget deficit”), the number which gets bandied about is now roughly ~30 Trillion+ (with a “T”). Do you believe that number to be fair and accurate? Or, do you agree with me to some extent that this number is extremely misleading and on the very low side?
Hey XPO. Care to address any of this?
Biden’s first budget is on trend to be the lowest deficit in years continuing the fiscal responsibility of democratic administrations. Thanks Biden!

The federal budget deficit was $475 billion in the first five months of fiscal year 2022, CBO estimates. That amount is less than deficits recorded during the same period in the three prior fiscal years: It is less than half the shortfall recorded for the same months in fiscal year 2021 ($1,047 billion) and three-quarters of the deficit recorded in 2020 ($624 billion), just before the start of the coronavirus pandemic. It is slightly below 2019.

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It has nothing to do with Biden, he got the vaccine from Trump REMEMBER.

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