Biden Government: Free Thinking Citizens We Don’t Control Are a Terrorist Threat

You know that's not even possible right? Do you have any idea the amount of just storage space you would need to collect and store information on even a fraction of all the electronic data transfers that happen? Not to mention the computing power it would take to parse through that data in order to make it useful? BTW what Dept are you talking about?
You're being naive. Every conversation does not have to be saved. Artificial Intelligence can scan millions of transfers, conversations in a nanosecond.
You're being naive. Every conversation does not have to be saved. Artificial Intelligence can scan millions of transfers, conversations in a nanosecond.
Well I worked in the field my entire adult life so I feel like I have a relatively decent grasp of what is and isn’t possible from a communications collection and analysis capability perspective. But if you want to believe that the Government is listening in on all the calls made go ahead. Let me ask you this though. If what you say is true how do things like Jan 6 happen? How do major international or even interstate crimes happen? If the Government is privy to these things why wouldn’t they stop them?

The other thing I didn’t mention is the requirement of collection sites. The USG would have to have countless collection sites all over the country to collect the cell phone calls and even the landline calls. The number of routers you would have to maintain a presence on is mind boggling to do even a fraction of what you people are suggesting as well. It’s not like all internet and phone traffic go through a central repository.
Well I worked in the field my entire adult life so I feel like I have a relatively decent grasp of what is and isn’t possible from a communications collection and analysis capability perspective. But if you want to believe that the Government is listening in on all the calls made go ahead. Let me ask you this though. If what you say is true how do things like Jan 6 happen? How do major international or even interstate crimes happen? If the Government is privy to these things why wouldn’t they stop them?

The other thing I didn’t mention is the requirement of collection sites. The USG would have to have countless collection sites all over the country to collect the cell phone calls and even the landline calls. The number of routers you would have to maintain a presence on is mind boggling to do even a fraction of what you people are suggesting as well. It’s not like all internet and phone traffic go through a central repository.
January 6 was allowed to happen. Nancy Pelosi and everyone else knew there would be violence. What could have served the far-lefts purpose more than to have a riot at the Capitol with mostly disgruntled Republicans?

If the government did not have the capability to review trillions of bits and pieces, why do they want banks to report all transactions above $600?

Keep following. Not all that long ago, the thought of putting a man on the moon was ludicrous. The entire computing power of that initial flight is probably contained in your smartphone today.
January 6 was allowed to happen. Nancy Pelosi and everyone else knew there would be violence. What could have served the far-lefts purpose more than to have a riot at the Capitol with mostly disgruntled Republicans?

If the government did not have the capability to review trillions of bits and pieces, why do they want banks to report all transactions above $600?

Keep following. Not all that long ago, the thought of putting a man on the moon was ludicrous. The entire computing power of that initial flight is probably contained in your smartphone today.
LMAO. Ok. Why would they need the banks to turn them over if they already have them???
How many violations of the First Amendment are contained in one paragraph?

None. Identifying in writing a possible threat to the country is not a violation of the 1st Amendment rights of anyone.

The Government shutting down a media company that publishes mis-information could be a violation.
I worked in SIGINT for 23 years. I have a pretty good grasp of it.

If you ever really thought about the amount of information that's trans versing the communications networks just in a small town it would make your head hurt. Just the cell phone data alone is a ludicrous amount of information.

Im not saying the Patriot Act wasn't a horrible law. But the idea that the NSA was spying on all Americans is, well silly. There's just too much information going across the "lines" to gobble it all up and digest it. You can believe whatever you want to believe I guess but that doesn't change the reality of the fact that the Government would have to employ half the population to watch the other half if that's what it was doing.
They do gobble it up. You are just under the false assumption that they have to digest it for it to be useful.

They store all that info and then, when you have been identified as a person of interest, they digest only the data that they need to in order to sink you. This is not a new tactic, it was used against MLK quite famously in the past. The difference today is that data is collected right now in real time on everyone. It will sit there collecting dust for the VAST majority of people but be the one that sticks out, the one that says something that the government does not like, then they can pull it all up to destroy you.
Well I worked in the field my entire adult life so I feel like I have a relatively decent grasp of what is and isn’t possible from a communications collection and analysis capability perspective. But if you want to believe that the Government is listening in on all the calls made go ahead. Let me ask you this though. If what you say is true how do things like Jan 6 happen? How do major international or even interstate crimes happen? If the Government is privy to these things why wouldn’t they stop them?

The other thing I didn’t mention is the requirement of collection sites. The USG would have to have countless collection sites all over the country to collect the cell phone calls and even the landline calls. The number of routers you would have to maintain a presence on is mind boggling to do even a fraction of what you people are suggesting as well. It’s not like all internet and phone traffic go through a central repository.
Because they certainly are not interpreting that data in real time. They are not even collecting your calls, just who you call and when.

The idea is not to STOP things from happening, it is to be able to go back and track your activates after you have been identified as important.

They do not need much. Just something that can tie you to anything and then that weak link somewhere in your past can be leveraged to do something like gain a warrant or invade your privacy.

All because they found some random connection between you and a terrorist or other some such nonsense. Another reason every single thing is now elevated to a terrorist act these days as well, gives the government a more open hand in surveying and tracking you.
They do gobble it up. You are just under the false assumption that they have to digest it for it to be useful.

They store all that info and then, when you have been identified as a person of interest, they digest only the data that they need to in order to sink you. This is not a new tactic, it was used against MLK quite famously in the past. The difference today is that data is collected right now in real time on everyone. It will sit there collecting dust for the VAST majority of people but be the one that sticks out, the one that says something that the government does not like, then they can pull it all up to destroy you.

It's still baffles me how you all think this data is being stored. And exactly how do you think they are collecting the cell calls? Do you even know how cells work? The number of collection assets you would need to pull that off? The storage capacity? Here's a hint, it doesn't exist, and no amount of your tin foil hat belief will change that.

And the collection on MLK was targeted collection not plucked out of the huge bin of all the calls made in the US ever.

Because they certainly are not interpreting that data in real time. They are not even collecting your calls, just who you call and when.

The idea is not to STOP things from happening, it is to be able to go back and track your activates after you have been identified as important.

They do not need much. Just something that can tie you to anything and then that weak link somewhere in your past can be leveraged to do something like gain a warrant or invade your privacy.

All because they found some random connection between you and a terrorist or other some such nonsense. Another reason every single thing is now elevated to a terrorist act these days as well, gives the government a more open hand in surveying and tracking you.

Again how are they collecting that? I don't think you have a good grasp of how cellular tech works. There isnt a central or even regional place I could establish to collect all the call data. They could just issue a warrant to the cell company and get that data and forego violating a number of Federal laws and USSID's, as well as maintaining collection assets all over the country. But why do it that way? What you are talking about seems far more reasonable.....
Can you imagine if Trump had said anyone "sowing distrust in the government" is a terrorist? Lib CNN heads would have exploded saying they were vindicated that he was a Nazi! But the the Dems do the same? Cricktets.
It's still baffles me how you all think this data is being stored. And exactly how do you think they are collecting the cell calls? Do you even know how cells work? The number of collection assets you would need to pull that off? The storage capacity? Here's a hint, it doesn't exist, and no amount of your tin foil hat belief will change that.

And the collection on MLK was targeted collection not plucked out of the huge bin of all the calls made in the US ever.

Again how are they collecting that? I don't think you have a good grasp of how cellular tech works. There isnt a central or even regional place I could establish to collect all the call data. They could just issue a warrant to the cell company and get that data and forego violating a number of Federal laws and USSID's, as well as maintaining collection assets all over the country. But why do it that way? What you are talking about seems far more reasonable.....
What makes you think they are collecting it directly?

The information is there. The carriers have it. Considering they must turn it over when a warrant is issued, they obviously have the ability to store it as well. The government is not out there hiding under a rock in your yard tracking who you call. they are just getting the info from the actual source itself - the carriers and then storing at a number of MASSIVE data storage facilities.

This is not controversial, the collection of this data is well known.
What makes you think they are collecting it directly?

The information is there. The carriers have it. Considering they must turn it over when a warrant is issued, they obviously have the ability to store it as well. The government is not out there hiding under a rock in your yard tracking who you call. they are just getting the info from the actual source itself - the carriers and then storing at a number of MASSIVE data storage facilities.

This is not controversial, the collection of this data is well known.
Getting a warrant for the CDRs from individual carriers is not the same thing as collecting on every call made in the US. You’re moving the goal posts.
Getting a warrant for the CDRs from individual carriers is not the same thing as collecting on every call made in the US. You’re moving the goal posts.
I said they could get a warrant, not that they are. That requirement ensured that the carriers themselves harbored that capability. In recent times the government has decided it no longer needs a warrant to collect the meta-data and can make the collection of that data mandatory.

And that is what they have done.
They do gobble it up. You are just under the false assumption that they have to digest it for it to be useful.

They store all that info and then, when you have been identified as a person of interest, they digest only the data that they need to in order to sink you. This is not a new tactic, it was used against MLK quite famously in the past. The difference today is that data is collected right now in real time on everyone. It will sit there collecting dust for the VAST majority of people but be the one that sticks out, the one that says something that the government does not like, then they can pull it all up to destroy you.
This is you right?

I said they could get a warrant, not that they are. That requirement ensured that the carriers themselves harbored that capability. In recent times the government has decided it no longer needs a warrant to collect the meta-data and can make the collection of that data mandatory.

And that is what they have done.

stop moving the goal posts.
I said they could get a warrant, not that they are. That requirement ensured that the carriers themselves harbored that capability. In recent times the government has decided it no longer needs a warrant to collect the meta-data and can make the collection of that data mandatory.

And that is what they have done.
And CDRs are not the same thing as metadata. Carriers keep CDRs not the metadata for calls.
This is you right?

stop moving the goal posts.
I am not moving the goalposts. I clarified what I meant.

That you read it the other way is not relevant. If I misspoke in the first instance I HAVE ALREADY CORRECTED IT.

Now, address the point.

CDRs are a type of meta data.
I know what a CDRs and metadata are. CDRs dont include IMEIs IMSIs any info about the device making the call, etc. it’s just a transactional receipt.

And you are moving them. We’ve gone from the USG recording and listening to every phone call made to well they can get a warrant for the CDRs and you’re acting like it’s the same thing or even remotely similar. It isn’t and they aren’t. You didn’t misspeak you said some shit you couldn’t back up and are now trying to back track.

So my initial point stands. The USG isn’t and never has collected on all calls made in the US. They never have even requested all the CDRs from the carriers. And no they aren’t clandestinely collecting the CDRs either before you say some dumb ass shit like that.
I know what a CDRs and metadata are. CDRs dont include IMEIs IMSIs any info about the device making the call, etc. it’s just a transactional receipt.

And you are moving them. We’ve gone from the USG recording and listening to every phone call made to well they can get a warrant for the CDRs and you’re acting like it’s the same thing or even remotely similar. It isn’t and they aren’t. You didn’t misspeak you said some shit you couldn’t back up and are now trying to back track.
I have never stated, not one time, that they listen to every phone call.

And no, I did not backtrack. Sorry but you do not get to make a strawman and then bitch about it.

And you are correct, I did not mispeak. YOU challeneged the idea that such collection was possible because no one had that information. I simply pointed out that if you realize the data can be obtained via a warrant then it MUST BE THE CASE that the data exists.

Then I pointed out that the govenrment is collecting that data on mass without a warrant. That you cannot seem to get that is not my problem, it is OYOUR straw man to deal with.

It matters not what you think I said anyway, I GAVE YOU THE POINT and said that the data collection is happening on mass.
So my initial point stands. The USG isn’t and never has collected on all calls made in the US. They never have even requested all the CDRs from the carriers. And no they aren’t clandestinely collecting the CDRs either before you say some dumb ass shit like that.
"The National Security Agency is currently collecting the telephone records of millions of US customers of Verizon, one of America's largest telecoms providers, under a top secret court order issued in April.

The order, a copy of which has been obtained by the Guardian, requires Verizon on an "ongoing, daily basis" to give the NSA information on all telephone calls in its systems, both within the US and between the US and other countries."

"WE now know that every day, U.S. phone companies quietly send the government a list of who called whom and when -- “telephony metadata” -- for every call made on their networks, because of a secret order by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. It turns out that this has been going on for seven years (and was even reported by USA Today then); the difference now is that the government -- uncharacteristically for such a secret intelligence operation -- quickly acknowledged the authenticity of the leaked order and the existence of the metadata collection program."

Dumb ass shit?

Care to try again with your 'dumb ass shit' comment.
The Stasi (aka Homeland Security) on freethinking citizens they can’t control:

“The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors. These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence.”

I’m so old I remember when dissent was the highest form of patriotism.

Something just jumped out at me, about this bulletin

The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors. These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence. Mass casualty attacks and other acts of targeted violence conducted by lone offenders and small groups acting in furtherance of ideological beliefs and/or personal grievances pose an ongoing threat to the nation. While the conditions underlying the heightened threat landscape have not significantly changed over the last year, the convergence of the following factors has increased the volatility, unpredictability, and complexity of the threat environment: (1) the proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions; (2) continued calls for violence directed at U.S. critical infrastructure; soft targets and mass gatherings; faith-based institutions, such as churches, synagogues, and mosques; institutions of higher education; racial and religious minorities; government facilities and personnel, including law enforcement and the military; the media; and perceived ideological opponents; and (3) calls by foreign terrorist organizations for attacks on the United States based on recent events.

Anyone else see the irony here?

Can anyone credibly deny that the government, itself, is doing exactly what it is expressing concern that the people might be doing? In fact, that this bulletin itself is contributing to the public distrust of government?

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