Biden Government: Free Thinking Citizens We Don’t Control Are a Terrorist Threat

You're wrong, they are doing it. Scooping up everything.

Utah Data Center​

Biggest US Gov Sites​

Don't bother.

He has been given all the information but cannot see reality in this particular case.
Don't bother.

He has been given all the information but cannot see reality in this particular case.

He doesn't want to see. I can't really fault him for it, when you finally realize that your Gov, your Country is not what you were taught it is it destroys your paradigm and suddenly you feel violated.
Our entire govt is filled with misinfo, lies, propaganda. They are the threat to the country.

Pretty funny really that the very SOURCE of lies, propaganda and misinformation for YEARS to the point that folks are fed up are now worried about misinformation coming from people telling the truth!

The real problem here is that the US Gov has been serving people a SHIT SANDWICH for years. Folks are dissatisfied with what the Fed is selling. The problem isn't us, it is YOU.

So now they want to oppress the dissatisfied calling them domestic threats rather than actually SATISFY the people who pay every dime they run on!

Sounds like something the Soviets would do.

That really surprises me when I thought it was CHINA now calling the shots! :whip:
You're wrong and you need to deal withit.

About the Domestic Surveillance Directorate​

About the Domestic Surveillance Directorate​

The men and women of the Domestic Surveillance Directorate, together and individually, act for one thing and one thing alone ... WE ACT FOR THE GOOD OF THE NATION. Each employee takes a solemn oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Our Vision​

Domestic Information Dominance through Responsive Presence and Network Advantage.

Our Values​

For us, collaboration is built into the very fabric of who we are. A component of both the U.S. Defense Department and the U.S. Intelligence Community, we also partner with other Federal Agencies to safeguard our national security. Domestic Surveillance is a team sport. No one organization has the resources to do the job alone.

These are our commitments to you, our fellow citizens:​

  • We will act with vigor to advance the rights, goals, and values of the Nation.
  • We will adhere to the general spirit of the Constitution.
  • We will provide our policymakers, law enforcement community, and military the vital citizen information they need to protect and defend the Nation.
  • We will be a trusted steward of personal information and place expediency over transparency.
  • We will monitor all networks that are vital to the Security of the Nation.

General Janet Alexander - Head of the Domestic Surveillance Directorate: "We are often asked, "What's more important - civil liberties or National Security?" It's a false question; it's a false choice. At the end of the day, there are no civil liberties without National Security.

Not only are we entrusted to protect and defend the Nation, but as the Domestic Surveillance Directorate and as citizens, we must do our part to 'Secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity'. This is our commitment."


About this website​

This parody website has no connection whatsoever to the National Security Agency.

The "Domestic Surveillance Directorate" is a fictitious entity I created in October 2012 to raise awareness of important privacy issues. I'm not an expert in this subject matter nor am I associated with any privacy group."

wow just wow..

If this werent so sad it would be funny
He doesn't want to see. I can't really fault him for it, when you finally realize that your Gov, your Country is not what you were taught it is it destroys your paradigm and suddenly you feel violated.
I dont want to see that you're linking to a parody site to as your proof? LMAO....
He doesn't want to see. I can't really fault him for it, when you finally realize that your Gov, your Country is not what you were taught it is it destroys your paradigm and suddenly you feel violated.

This is the picture of the Commander of the Domestic Surveillance Directorate. From their website.... Ok it's too funny Im over that sad part. LOL
Pretty funny really that the very SOURCE of lies, propaganda and misinformation for YEARS to the point that folks are fed up are now worried about misinformation coming from people telling the truth!

The real problem here is that the US Gov has been serving people a SHIT SANDWICH for years. Folks are dissatisfied with what the Fed is selling. The problem isn't us, it is YOU.

So now they want to oppress the dissatisfied calling them domestic threats rather than actually SATISFY the people who pay every dime they run on!

Sounds like something the Soviets would do.

That really surprises me when I thought it was CHINA now calling the shots! :whip:
I more laugh at the compliant demofks in here to promote that misinformation and lies. I surely am curious their pay for that compliance
You're wrong, they are doing it. Scooping up everything.

Utah Data Center​

Biggest US Gov Sites​

Thank you for reposting this. I didnt look at the whole website before, just saw the and knew it wasnt a real .gov website but that thing is comedy gold. Im falling out of my chair laughing reading some of the shit on there. Nice work...
Don't bother.

He has been given all the information but cannot see reality in this particular case.
Did you think that site was legit too?? LMAO Priceless Let me guess you misspoke or didnt really mean it right??
No I meant it, it is pointless. None of my links were spoofs, they were all legit. And you ignored them. And continue to ignore them.
I acknowledged your links. They talk about the warrants issued by the FISA court for the CDR's thats it. I didnt say that NSA couldnt or wasnt doing that, in fact I said thats what they were doing before you did. Will you acknowledge that they arent collecting and recording all phone and data traversing all the networks across the US and never were? Because that was your original premise and the premise, I had an issue with when this thread started.
I acknowledged your links. They talk about the warrants issued by the FISA court for the CDR's thats it. I didnt say that NSA couldnt or wasnt doing that, in fact I said thats what they were doing before you did. Will you acknowledge that they arent collecting and recording all phone and data traversing all the networks across the US and never were? Because that was your original premise and the premise, I had an issue with when this thread started.
Except my links showed they were collecting IT ALL. ALL OF IT.

But you still refuse to acknowledge it.


About this website​

This parody website has no connection whatsoever to the National Security Agency.

The "Domestic Surveillance Directorate" is a fictitious entity I created in October 2012 to raise awareness of important privacy issues. I'm not an expert in this subject matter nor am I associated with any privacy group."

wow just wow..

If this werent so sad it would be funny

You're a fool kid.
Thank you for reposting this. I didnt look at the whole website before, just saw the and knew it wasnt a real .gov website but that thing is comedy gold. Im falling out of my chair laughing reading some of the shit on there. Nice work...

You're a fool kid.

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